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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Patrick opened his ears. "Oh," he said.
((:P Sorry. Careless reading.))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat covered her ears just in time to hear a faint screeching noise. Cat also told her Pokemon to cover their ears but they got the idea and already had. Cat felt hot and sweat was poaring down her face. She hoped cooler weather was next.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((EeveeSkitty: I'm guessing you're from Australia or New Zealand?))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((There's a city called Christchurch? I wanna live there! XD))
"Steel Wing! Someone down here is telling us to cover our ears when he says! Use your eyesight, and when I cover mine, cover yours!" "Gotcha!" her Charizard called back.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"I'm a girl!" Aria called. The Garchomp were getting closer, until they were practically on top of Deadcloud.
"Now!" Aria yelled, then closed her ears and told Deadcloud, "Perish Song!"
Deadcloud began to sing a beautifully melancholy melody. All of the Garchomp seemed to be weakening.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Cat heard the most beautiful melody and wanted to take her hands off her ears and listen but saw the Garchomp weakening and some of the nearer ones to colapse and didn't. Her Pokemon seemed to think the same but Cat told her Pokemon, who weren't as good as controlling themselves to cover their ears until it was over.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ohayou covered his ears after recalling all his pokemon.
"Ooohh! Even with my ears covered, this song is pretty! Wait... no one can hear me. Oh well~!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti covered her ears. Steel Wing saw her, and he covered his ears too.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Patrick covered his ears. Then he shouted at Aero, "AERO! TRY TO BLOCK OUT THE SOUND SOMEHOW! RETURN LATER!" Aero flew extremely high up, so that he couldn't hear anything down below.
((Southern California. More specifically, Orange County. Just saw that you posted at about 3:00 PM Australia/New Zealand time, so guessed that you were from there.))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((o_O, you live where my cousin and half-cousin live. o_O))
Deadcloud stopped singing, and Aria sighed. "Return, Deadcloud."
She then cried, "Go, Moonshadow!"
A black dog-like Pokemon with glowing yellow rings appeared in front of her.
"Moonshadow, Faint Attack on the Garchomp in the front!"
The Umbreon phased out, and reappeared in front of the Garchomp, clawing it.
"Good job," Aria praised. She turned to the others. "I just had him remember it, so he's still getting used to it."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((:D Even more specifically, I live in Irvine, CA. But hell no, I'n not going to tell you my address or anything. That's weird o_O.))
All of a sudden, Aero swooped down from up above, using a Luster Purge on a few Garchomp in the back.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((I never said that you had to tell me your address. In fact, I don't want to know, no offense. I just said that you lived near my cousin and half-cousin.))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti removed her hands from her ears, and Steel Wing came down, too.((I hope this isn't character control or anything...)) "We just missed the mountains. They are directly to your left." "Thanks, Steel WIng!" she said as she returned her Charizard. "Steel Wing says to go left. We just missed the mountains!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric was out cold on the ground. He obviously didn't hear the warning to cover his ears. Pikachu sweatdrop as she poked him. "Pika..."


Meanwhile, the Lake Pokemon smirked and grabbed a Milotic, devouring the serpent quickly. All that could be heard was a shriek that sent shudders down the spines of anybody near the mountains...
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