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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"I see. I was forced to join as a kid.... My parents couldn't take care of me... But my dad gave me this." Patrick showed Skye the Entei Pokeball. "It's an Entei," he said.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(o.O What about the plains? And I thought we would be wandering around here for a week at least...)

"Hello," shouted Lucidia, approaching them as it started to rain. She heard something one of the others said. "Um, yeah. I think Joy here could use Sunny Day."
Joy was grimacing at how her feathers were getting wet.
Then she heard what Eric said. "Alright. I guess I'll just recall her." She returned Joy to her Poke Ball.
Mist popped out. "Ah," he sighed. "Nice and cool. I think I'll take a nap."
This earned him a smack on the head from Flower. "Idiot. What if someone attacks?"
"Oh yeah. Maybe I could have some coffee or something?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Hi~!" Ohayou cried, running towards Lucidia with his army of appliances.
"What's your name? Are you here to compete with us? If you are, I'll support you 100% unless you're a Rocket! I'm Ohayou and this is Eric, Patrick, and Will. Either everyone else just got here as we reached the desert, so I haven't figured out their names yet!" He said with renewed hyperactive energy.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(o.O What about the plains? And I thought we would be wandering around here for a week at least...)

[We went through them relatively quickly. After all, when the storm stops, it is quite easy going, as long as you don't piss off a wild Pokemon]

Eric looked around. "We should be at the mountain by now... Unless we turned off to the side a bit..." He said worriedly, then blinked. "Crap, did we take a wrong turn?"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Bye!" Aria called, running off with Flamefoot. "Gosh, if we don't hurry, we'll never make it!" she said.
"Windfeather, give us a hand!" She called, withdrawing Flamefoot and calling her shiny Staraptor out.
"Kyeeeeeee!" She called, swooping down to Aria, who jumped on.
"Can you handle this small sandstorm?"
"Kuu." Windfeather chirped. "Yup," was what Aria heard.
"If we stay high, we might be able to avoid the worst of it," she said to her Pokemon as a gust of wind blew into her face.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(You didn't answer my question about the plains.

Are they, like, a centimeter long or something?)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Didn't he just say that we went through them quickly?))
"Swampy return! Aero! Come on out!" Patrick yelled. Swampy went back into his Pokeball, and Aero the Latios came out. "Aero. I want you to try and find if we took a wrong turn, and come back to report to us in a bit!" Patrick said. Aero flew up high, enough to escape the storms.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

'I'm Cat' Cat said to Lucidia. 'Welcome to the group of friendly people hoping to find and capture the Lake Pokemon. If you are a rocket you have been warned...' Cat said seriously. 'But anyways...' Cat said in a more friendly voice. 'Welcome'

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti twirled around and threw a Pokeball. "Go...Steel Wing!" she announced as if she were in a contest, which she had many passions for. "Steel Wing, fly high and see if we took a wrong turn!" "Where are we headed?" "The mountains!" "Yes, Ma'am!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Really?" she asked in awe, "All I got now is a Weezing and an Ivysaur."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Well... I guess I can give it to you later on in our Rocket adventures. I've never been able to do anything with him. Sent out Entei 5 times, and all 5 times I almost died." Patrick put the ball back in his pocket.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric sighed. Crap, they were lost. But with such a big group, there shouldn't be a problem, right?

He thought that right up until he saw a pack of about 20, high levelled Garchomp that seemed to scare even his Pikachu. "Um, guys? We've got a problem..."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Whee!!! Can anyone use hail?" the somehow still cheerful Ohayou asked.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"In THIS heat? I think it would melt before it even had a chance to fall a single foot!" Eric yelled, extremely panicked
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"I won't matter... Freeze will be able to use the split second ice crystals to make his blizzard un-dodgeable!"
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"...Unless the Blizzard melts within seconds as well..."

[Honestly, I never got things such as Blizzard in a Volcano or Desert. After all, it would have a tendency to, erm, melt...]
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(((It's just cool that way! :3)))

"Then it will just become a wet wind, which is still effective because Flying and Water are both good against ground... Wait... Isn't Dragon resistant to Water...?" He trailed off staring into space.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Windfeather looked down, and almost fell out of the air. "Garchomp!" She warned.
"Let's go down," Aria said. "They'll catch us anyway." With that, the two landed in the sand.
Who should battle...? Aria thought. Deadcloud is immune to the heat... and she has Perish Song!
"Guys!" Aria yelled to them. "When I tell you, cover your ears!" She then sent out Deadcloud, who let out a creepy shriek.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Patrick covered his ears, and all he could hear was a faint creepy sound.
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