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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Purification used rain Dance even harder, making the clouds a dark grey, almost turning into a light storm.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Aria heard a cry for help. Turning her head, she saw the others not so far away, in the middle of a colony of Sandshrew. She sent out Flamefoot. "Whirlwind, Flamefoot!"
The Hariyama began moving his hands rapidly and stomping the ground, causing a gust. He then directed it towards the Sandshrew and Sandslash, blowing some away and scaring others back into their nests. Only half the Sandshrew remained, plus the Sandslash, who stood strong and used Poison Sting. Flamefoot stepped back, but was still hit. Luckily he wasn't poisoned, and countered with Arm Thrust. "The practice paid off," he said. But to the others, it sounded like, "Hrrrrrr."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Swampy! A Mudslap on the sand! Now!" Patrick ordered. Swampy kicked up some sand into the rest of the group, and making them stunned from a few seconds with sand in their eyes. "NOW! SOMEONE ATTACK!" Patrick said.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Purification, return!" yelled Mysti. 'Now Steel Wing, come on out and use Gust!" she called as her Charizard emerged from the Pokeball. His wings started flapping. "I know you know who I am, Patrick." said Mysti. "But I'm not going back. You and all the other grunts will just point and make fun of me. That's not going to happen!" she said. "Now, Steel Wing, use Seismic Toss!' she ordered the extra-strong Charizard to do. He picked up the Swampert((It's a swampert, right?)) and flew into the air.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"ALJRLIEGUH! PIKACHU! SURF!" Eric cried out. A huge wave slammed into the group, but it was still weaker than even one surf under normal Sunny Dau conditions. The weather was just too hot

Suddenly, there was a rumbling. A Steelix rose up, pissed about getting wet from the water that did get in the sand. Eric sighed. "Fuckity fuck fuck fuckertons fuck!" Eric cursed loudly, but then stopped. Hmm... This Steelix looked strong... He could use it against the Lake Pokemon... But then he would be short an Ultra Ball or two...

(X3 I actually WILL curse like that in real life. Also, question, should the Ultra Balls work like in the games, where if they fail, they break, or should they work like in the Anime, where they CAN be reused, unless something like the Pokemon breaking them afterwards happens?)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Skye finally called out a Pokemon. A form of an Ivysaur ran out.

"Ok, Tress, use Vine whip!" Skye yelled.

Two dark green vines popped out of the flower and started to slap some sandshrew.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Break, I think. Fairer that way.))
All of a sudden, Patrick was in awe. What was Giovanni's daughter doing? And what was with the grunts teasing her? He had never even talked to her before!
"What's your problem?!?" Patrick shouted to Mysti."I've only seen you before! Never even talked to you! But if its a battle you want.... SWAMPY! MUDDY WATER ON THE CHARIZARD!" he ordered.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((My post said everyone knew her except newbies))

Steel Wing had been through things like this before, so while up high, he dropped Swampert untill Mudy Water was done, then he grabbem him again and shot toward the ground.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Well yeah but Patrick has only seen her and got the mission to try and capture her, but never talked to her before the island. And he's only 12.))
"Swampy! Slide out of it by pushing a Hydro Cannon on the Charizard's stomach!" Patrick said. He did so, and escaped from the Charizard's grasp. However, Swampy fell with a bang, and lost a bit of health.
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Patrick was on the ground! And Patrick's not a pokemon, either!))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Hehe..... Sorry. Wrong wording!)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

'Elegant and Delicate, use Psychic and Ice Beam' Cat shouted to her Pokemon. Elegant and Delicate obeyed right away and using Psychic and Ice Beam fainted the rest of the Sandshrew and Sandslash.
'That was real close' Cat said to the others. 'One nearly slashed my face. Are anyone's Pokemon hurt in the battle because I still have some Oran Berries from the Rainforest and if you want you could feed some to your Pokemon.' As Cat said that she took her bag off her shoulders and took out some blue berries and fed Elegant, Delicate, Goldenflame and Seasurfer some healing them to full health again.

From EeveeSkitty

From EeveeSkitty
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Yeah Mysti! Times have changed!" Patrick said, agreeing with the other Rocket.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti loosened her tense. She still didn't fully trust the other Rockets, but she called Steel Wing back. "I set out for the lake Pokemon because everyone around me thought I was a failure. I wanted to show them I could be more than that." she said, breaking into tears.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"It's alright, Mysti. You have nothing to prove. Just come back, and we'll take you in again. You're dad's yearned to see you for years!" Patrick said. "But first, let's get to the lake Pokemon. And let's all not say ANYTHING about this. We can't blow our cover. Say that we were.... practicing for a situation for when there really was a Rocket," Patrick whispered to the Skye and Mysti.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"A grunt? I have only heard that term applied to Team Magma and Team Aqua..."

Eric started to get suspicious. Fuck, don't tell me an AQUA wants the Lake Pokemon... Crazy arseholes...

(X3 I am SO close to guessing it)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Gotcha!" Mysti whispered back in a voice so low she herself could barely hear.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"So, ummm.... Now that the Sandshrews and Sandslashes are gone, should we head on now?" Patrick asked.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

'Of course' Cat answered to Patrick. They carried on walking along the dessert that never seemed to end. Cat's black long hair attracted the sunlight and her head was boiling but she knew that she had no choice but to keep on going.

From EeveeSkitty
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