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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

"Oh... I never thought about that. What have we done? Hurting the harmless people all over... Well, Skye, lemme have that cell phone. I'm reporting ourselves to authorities. That-That speech. It has changed me. I HAVE DECIDED THAT THIS IS THE START OF A NEW ME!" *Plays A Whole New World in Background*
((Nah, we're not going to give up like that >=D))
"SO? YOU MADE US AFRAID! Aero, LUSTER PURGE! THEN DRAGON PULSE! Swampy, use Fling on the Rotoms a few more times, then Muddy Water that damn Garchomp!"
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ribbon quickly used Protect, blocking the Luster Purge expertly. She then used Flamethrower to evaporate the Muddy Water. With the steam as cover, she snuck up to Patrick and grabbed him, her right claw up to his throat. She growled, as if saying, "Call off your Pokemon, or they won't have a trainer for much longer..."

Her legs squeezed Patrick to her so her couldn't run, and she was leaning back, with her left claw jabbing against Patrick's back, so any attack from the front or side would lead to a sliced neck, and any attack from the back would lead to a claw sticking right through his vital organs. Her legs were also positioned so that an attack from below would cause them to push Patrick up and into the left claw. Her head was facing upwards, so she could launch a surprise Dragon Rage if anybody dared to try an aerial strike to save Patrick

In short, unless he called off his Pokemon, he was royally screwed

(It's like a puzzle :D Except the only solution is obvious :D Oh, and good night! :D)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(^ *lol*)

"I really don't want to fight," Aria sighed, "But if it's what it takes to convince you, then I'll battle to the very end!"

"Blizzard!" Aria commanded. Suddenly, a breeze that could give people frostbite blew in on the Pokémon (not the humans, luckily). The mechas, hopefully, were frozen enough not to respond.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT I thought I was like inside the secret room place though... But I like pressure situations like these.))
Swampy, noticing the danger, used Growl. ((Yeah, Growl!)) She then went over to Eric, and grabbed him in the same way. Aero came hovering down, claws next to Eric's head, and was in position to attack any trainer fatally. "Don't move, or every one of you will die," Patrick said carefully.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Ribbon growled to Frost

"Phase out so they can't see you, and use that weird zappy move that makes them stop moving, or I will rip you apart. Swampy can't stab Eric, so he will just be knocked out when that FISH realizes what is going on" she said in Pokemon, only loud enough for Frost to hear

(Ok. NOW night ^^)
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Do you mean Stonefrost? The Regice? Or who?))
Swampy said to Ribbon, "Let Patrick go or your trainer will die!" Aero added, "We will kill everyone here if we have to..."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

I want to join in the battle, thught Mysti. But what if I embarrass myself? Then all the other rockets will make fun of me again... she decided to take the chance. She went to where the battle was going on and called out Charizard.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((It's enough, I get the idea.))
Stonefrost recognized his nickname, and did as he was told. He began charging a lot of electricity, and fired it straight at Patrick's team. He hummed in laughter. "Reegiiiii.... bom-bom..." In Pokemon, he said, "You're all doomed."
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Ummm.... Won't Eric die then? Cause y'know, I said if you attacked I would rip Eric's brains out...))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

(((Dark does set damage, so if its super effective nothing interesting happens.)))
(((I'm super hyper at the moment, which may have influenced this post.)))

Ohayou watched Eric and Patrick's odd fighting style, confused out of his mind with all the circular solutions.

And then it hit him...
He pulled Wash off of the washing machine, and launched him at the speakers, which he possessed.

"Wash, do it!" Ohayou yelled.
Caramelldansen began play, and Ohayou began dancing.

"...Wait... that's not it." he said, stopping. "Oh! Frost, light screen around me and our allies!"
When the barrier of light formed, he looked up at the orange speakers.
"Ok Wash, the other it!" he called up.

And everywhere, inside the Rocket base and out, the brown note resounded, with Ohayou literally rolling on the ground laughing his ass off as the grunts began to shit themselves.

(((And yes, I know the brown note dosen't work, but it's pokemon :3)))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((^ XDDD Also, Swamperts aren't affected by Electric attacks....))
After everyone took a crap, Aero flew out of the way of the Zap Cannon, and Swampy just held on to Eric, using him as a human shield, and letting the Zap Cannon burn him. Then. Swampy went to the Regice, using Hammer Arm, while grabbing Eric in the other arm, using him as a human shield. Next, he, unleashed more and more Hammer Arms, with Aero swooping down and using Steel Wing, making the Regice basically faint. After, Swampy grabbed Eric as a human shield again, squishing him almost until he couldn't breath, with Aero going back to his position above Eric's head, claws in position to screw is brains off. Next, Aero used a Psychic, and lifted the Garchomp away from Patrick, but first mentally made his body be able to fatally hurt Patrick. He left the Garchomp hanging in midair, spinning in circles, but finally let him down. Patrick ran way, to where Eric was, full of scratches and bleeding heavily, and said, "You and others will die unless you guys leave. RIGHT NOW. And don't ever come back!"
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Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((HEY! Don't do so much in one post! I need time to react! >:( plus, it's basically character control because you said the results of the attacks before I said what Stonefrost did.))
Stonefrost used Reflect, deflecting the physical attacks. He then put up a Light Screen. Aria switched him out to Flamefoot, who used Surf with fresh water to help soothe Eric's burn. Before Stonefrost was withdrawn, he hummed, "Regii..."
"He apologized," Aria explained, almost in tears. She turned to Patrick, and began crying out of anger. "No. No! I won't leave! I won't leave, for the sake of justice! I won't leave, for the sake of Pokémon!
"Do you realize what you're doing? You're trying to kill others! If you keep this killing up, there won't be any Pokémon left for you to do your work! It's better to stop this madness now before someone is hurt!"
She sighed. "I have no choice," she said, and looked at Flamefoot with a serious expression. Suddenly, she cried out, "Flamefoot, Close Combat, now!"
Flamefoot growled, moving his hands rapidly. He leaped, straight at Patrick.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

sed itCharizard instinctively jumped in front of Patrick and Gusted the Pokemon away. Mysti then called out Moonlight and told her to use Faint Attack on the Regice. Moonlight used the attack to phase out then appear in different places multiple times before attacking. Anyone could tell Mysti was fond of contests.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

[I meant the Rotom... >.<]

Pikachu began to wake up slowly, her vision blurred from being weak. She looked at Eric, and saw him dying. She gasped and trembled violently. Ribbon was out cold, Aljrlieguh was fainted in her Pokeball, Eric was dying, and Pikachu herself was extremely weak, as any Pokemon would be after waking up from fainting without the help of a revive

She snapped

"Pi... Ka... CHU!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, letting out a ton of electricity. The bolts began to rip through the ground, and even jolted Ribbon into the air, singeing her flesh when it shouldn't even have a scratch from the electricity. The place was being torn up as she let loose everything she had. The bolts entered the electrical system and began to overload the system, shutting down operations in some places and causing explosions in others. She then collapsed, not breathing. The damage was devastating

In her head, a light was approaching. She whimpered, but couldn't resist the pull. She ran to it. Her brain activity then ceased, and all psychics in the area could sense it. Ghost types were able to see her spirit rise from her body, like the spirit of the Marowak that, long ago, died in Lavender Tower at the hands of Team Rocket

Eric woke up, and groaned. He saw Pikachu had died, and began to cry. He had to take out his grief, his anger, somehow. Twitching violently, he turned to Ohayou. "Get out of here... If your Rotom see Pikachu's spirit, make sure they grab her. Also, make sure to take her body and spirit to the Cinnabar Research Center... Also," he paused as he removed his three Pokeballs, tossing them to Ohayou. "Take care of Ribbon and Aljrlieguh..." He then turned to Patrick and, in a fit of rage, charged right at him. He dived at the Rocket, mouth open, ready to bite, claw, and tear him apart until either Patrick died, or he did

[I think we can give this rp to Team Rocket. Consider my Pikachu and me going off the wall as a deus-ex-machina distraction, as I bet other Rockets wouldn't be as kind as Patrick]
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Maybe there's a kind Rocket! Mysti is pretty kind, and is still sick of Team Rocket, even though she shows no signs!))

Mysti felt like crying over the dead Pikachu. But if she did, the rockets would start teasing her again and she'd never get into contests! But she couldn't help it. She hated the sight of blood and hated death even more.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

[Hey, maybe the Lake Pokemon can bring Pikachu back and heal the injured? And no, that wouldn't be godmodding, seeing as how Lakinay is, well, a Goddess]
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((I withdrew Regice, so I'll just say you attacked Flamefoot twice.))
Flamefoot was thrown back, but his bulky body cushioned most of the impact. He attacked again, this time with Vital Throw, aimed at the Umbreon.
Meanwhile, Aria ran over to Pikachu. She sent out Onestar. He analyzed her with his psychic powers, but shook his head.
Suddenly, Aria began to bawl like it was the end of the world. "POKÉMON SHOULDN'T BE KILLED IN BATTLE! IT JUST ISN'T RIGHT!"
She looked at Onestar, and nodded. "Do what I taught you. There's no other way. I'm sorry it has to end like this."
Onestar nodded back, and said, "Anything for you, Aria. If it is your wish, then I will."
Both were in tears now. "Goodbye, Onestar...
"Farewell, Aria," he replied.
He turned towards Patrick and Mysti, and began furiously releasing psychic energy into Patrick's mind. "Now.... you will die." The blast grew steadily stronger, which surely caused an immense headache, at least. Aria released Deadcloud to defend Onestar from all attacks. Aria still had tears pouring out of her eyes, but she was determined to stop Team Rocket at all costs. After this, she would heal her Pokémon, and challenge Giovanni, or whatever else it took to defeat the Rockets once and for all.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti was still crying over the Pikachu. She seemed to cry over spilled milk((which is a problem I have in real life)). She went over to the Pikachu and petted it. "I'm sorry it hed to end like this, trying to beat my father and all his filthy, bloodthirsty grunts," she whispered softly.
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