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Closed [FINISHED] The Pokemon of the Lake

Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Hey, last time you guys made my Pokemon get hurt too D=<))
As Patrick saw the devastation he had done, he was also being ripped apart, being beaten, and having no chance of countering back at Eric, who was sad at the death of Pikachu so much that he was gouging Patrick everywhere. He had no control of his limbs anymore, dying ever so brutally and slowly. He sent out the other Pokemon in his Pokeballs. "Go.... Go with the other Rockets," said Patrick, smiling ever so slightly. "Go... Just go. Don't mind me." Swampy, Squish, Aero, and Haps, were crying, but knew that he had to die, as they walked over the Giovanni, Mysti and Skye. As blood splattered everywhere, Patrick laid on the ground, not moving or breathing. "Take care of them... Please," he uttered as his last word. As his Pokemon cried, he wasn't doing anything anymore: his body had no function. Aero glowed, about to use Teleport, offering to take anyone who held on to him somewhere, anywhere. His Entei pokeball fell out of his pocket, and rolled over to the Rockets.
((Twist ending..... I feel like a part of me just died D: Anyways, Mysti and Skye can have my Pokemon. Take good care of them, or else! Still joining sequel, FYI.))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Skye looked at the dead bodies. She picked up Entei's Pokeball. Tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Trainer...." she sobbed, "You murderer."

She picked up her cell phone and began to dial.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

[I'm going to open the sequel right after posting this. People can still post in here a bit as wrap up, but I think the rp is pretty much over]

Eric growled, but then sighed, his anger gone now. He closed Patrick's eyes. "You may have belonged to an evil team, but I know that you could have turned out good..." he sighed softly as he said this. He ran over to Pikachu and picked up her body. He cried and hugged her. "If those men at Cinnabar can bring you back... I would give anything..." he whispered in her ear. He looked up at Mysti. "You are a good person. I just... I can just feel it. Please, take care."

He then went back to Ohayou, picking up his Pokeballs and calling back Ribbon. "Looks like you won't have to take care of my Pokemon after all..." Eric smirked at him. "Now, we better get out of here. It will take Team Rocket a good while to clean up!"

He started running out, holding his late rodent close
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((This turned kinda PG-13 towards the end... But it was fun XD))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

As if he was somehow connected, which he was, the psychic energy faded from Onestar's eyes. His eyes closed, and he toppled over.
"Onestar..." Aria cried. She sat by his body, holding it close to her for the last time. "Goodbye..."
Flamefoot stopped his attack and wandered over; same with Deadcloud, who floated down. Stonefrost, Moonshadow, and Windfeather came out of their PokéBalls too. They all sat around the lifeless Kadabra, mourning.
"Mismaagiusss..." Deadcloud hummed. Aria understood. "I'll make sure his spirit is well taken care of..."
Aria knew that when Deadcloud was in her PokéBall, she visited the underworld and looked after the spirits.
"Thank you, Deadcloud," Aria said. She let her tears land on Onestar, as if they would revive him. No medicine could now, but their friendship would always stay, no matter what.
She turned her head to the one with the phone and growled, "Look, he would have died anyway. Besides, I warned you." She touched Deadcloud, and they all phased out.
Maybe she's right... Aria thought. Maybe I don't belong here...
((I was planning on making Onestar die anyway, so I'm not hurt too bad. And "Oooohface," you can still stay by playing your Pokémon. :D ))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti ran to catch up to Eric. "Even though I'm Giovanni's daughter, it doesn't mean I want to be a Rocket!" she whispered in his ear before hesitating and going back to the Rockets.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Can we all automatically be entered into the next RP? Well, besides me. I died :D))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Skye hung up the phone after the first ring. She picked up the dead body of Patrick and started to drag it to a forest, where she would bury him.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Yay :D Thanks For burying me!))
Patrick's Pokemon followed her, and helped with the burial.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Mysti followed Skye and Patricks Pokemon into the forest. She has recalled all Pokemon and called out Suicune, who glowing all blue. She shook the glow off into sparkles. Now, it was really obvious she liked contests! Suicune trodded behind them, purifying the ground where she walked. Even the Pokemon seemed to stop their fighting as the group went by.

((EDIT: I posted right before I saw yours! *after Skye's post*))

Suicune helped bury the body and then stepped on it with a single paw. Flowerd grew where her paw once was. Mysti turned, hopped on Suicune, and ran deeper into the forest, running away once more.

((Now end!))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Aria thought, I'm sorry I had to finish your comrade off. When she was sure it was safe, she returned to view, and continued down the hall. All her Pokémon were recalled now. She was shaking as she entered Giovanni's room.
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

((Okay then.))
Aria looked around the room. It was completely empty.
"Hey, Boss Rocket! I challenge you!"
No answer.
She shrugged, and left, wandering down all the stairs and exiting the building. Finally, she flew off on Windfeather. She didn't know where she would go or why, but she knew one thing.
That she had given up.
((I'll describe Onestar's technique. It's a psychic version of Destiny Bond, called "Psych Bond." It's when he connects his mind to the foe's, and then blasts psychic energy at maximum power. Since the result is both Onestar and the foe dying, Aria has been saving it for an emergency.))
Re: The Pokemon of the Lake

Eric sighed as he fled to Cinnabar Island and withdrew his Gengar. Over a few months, he hunted for his Pikachu's spirit, and soon found it. Bringing it and a hair from her body to a scientist, he trembled

"Can... Can you bring her back?" Eric asked nervously

"Perhaps..." The scientist replied, as he pulled the lever


Two years later...

It is a bleak future, where Team Rocket rules

A lone trainer looked around as he entered a bar, very nervous. He sat down on a stool. A cloak covering him, he called over the keep. "Barkeep! I need a beer!" He shouted out, throwing a few Poke on the counter. He then turned to the trainer next to him. "I have heard of a rare Pokemon in these parts... One made of pure flame. Is that true?"

"Could be, my memory is a little foggy. Maybe a few hundred Poke would clear it up?" The trainer smirked as he said this. The first trained grimaced and tossed him a few hundred. "Ah... That's the stuff. Yes, there are tales of a beast of extraordinary power. It is said to be quite violent, and will only calm down for a worthy trainer. What's it to ya?"

The first trainer smirked. "I have a score to settle, and I plan to use the Pokemon to settle it..." He grabbed his beer and gulped it down. He then threw the glass to the ground. The keep, angry, growled at him

"You better pay for that!"
"I will be making the threats around here, bub. Pikachu, Thunder. Burn the building down."

Pokemon started appearing all over as they were let out, this criminal's identity now revealed. He smirked as his small rodent zoomed around, knocking out even the ground types quickly. The shocked trainers, not able to believe that a Pikachu just beat them, could only evacuate as the criminal lit the place on fire and ran out, his body a silhouette against the flames

The next day, a lone detective came to investigate, and growled as they couldn't believe the trainer got away again. They read the calling card out loud

"Better luck next time!
Eric, the Burning Trainer"


Yeah go to other thread now. And yes, EVERYBODY here can sign up in the other one
(((My last post in this rp (even though I'm late))))
Ohayou, completely confused, at the rush of the last actions, walked away, finding a way to get to Sinnoh for reasons unknown until I post my sheet for the next rp!
"Bananas!" he cried into the sunset.
Patrick laid in his grave, with nothing else.
Jason walked by a patch of flowers while delivering a message to the HQ. "Hmm. What is this?" he asked. He slowly dug up the dirt, and it revealed a body. A very familiar one. "Pa-Patrick? ARE YOU DEAD? NOOOOOOO!" he shouted, crying and bawling. He quickly carried the body to the HQ, giving it to some scientists inside. "Please.... Help him!"
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