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Fire and Ice Mafia

don't want to do something so decisive in the last hour of the vote
nvm you know we have half an hour

in that case what does “won’t vote on it quite yet“ mean. like you would wait until the next day phase to vote?
22 minutes remain until the end of Day 1.

Vote Count:
(1): M&F, #51
M&F (1): mewtini, #55
I won't vote on it quite yet, but I also lean ever so slightly towards M&F being mafia. It's hard to say whether spurring us to vote is a mafia thing to do, or if saying to abstain would be, but suggesting a massclaim and then going back on it so quick feels wrong
That said, the day IS almost over, so if we're gonna vote someone out we've gotta do it now. I'm just not sure at this point, and don't want to do something so decisive in the last hour of the vote
like either way someone is dying. there is no abstention that is going to happen toDay, so hedging doesn’t accomplish much unless you literally have equal feelings about both me and mf

i would ideally like to not die because i know i’m town but </3
I meant that I was hoping to get more info before committing
But it's true that I'd rather it not go random, and the time to vote is now
Well, I may regret this, but I guess I'll get off the fence and commit to M&F
I meant that I was hoping to get more info before committing
haha sorry if i was too aggro. you can always change your vote last minute!! it feels like a commitment but if you get cold feet and decide to axe me instead at t-minus 1 you can always do that :P
Vote Count:
(1): M&F, #51
M&F (2): mewtini, #55, Dodge, #65

Day ends in 16 minutes.
4v/2w > d1 3v/2w > d2 2v/2w (L)
5v/1w > d1 4v/1w > d2 3v/1w

ok well if mf isn’t mafia and there are indeed two wolves then we lose on the spot here.. you hate to see it
Oh, you didn't sound too aggro, I was just clarifying what I said before. It didn't make much sense, this close to the vote lol
But yeah, if there's 2 mafia and we vote wrong we're screwed. But we'd be almost just as screwed if we abstained, too
just had a nightmare thought that it’s bfree but fuck it we ball
They had narrowed it down to two - mewtini and M&F. Arguments were getting the duo nowhere, and the sun had begun to set. The Firekeeper and the mayor had joined the guardians in the town square, with the rest of the citizens watching on in what could have been awe or horror. The guardians couldn’t decide which was more suspicious, and so one produced a coin. Heads for mewtini, tails for M&F. But as the coin was flung into the air, Dodge succumbed to the pressure and suddenly pushed M&F into the heart of the bonfire. The blaze burned both fire and soul, crackling with a radiant light. And yet, M&F simply burned as a human does. No telltale melting of a Frostkin’s facade.

M&F is dead. They were a Resident.

The remaining guardians looked at each other. This was, obviously, not the ideal outcome. The mayor once more began the sisyphean task of attempting to calm the citizens.

The snow came down heavy. The wind whistled. The ice shone in the light of the bonfire.

The residents returned to their homes. The spire of ice loomed over all, a grim portent of the coming night.

And then, the stillness of night came.

Night 1 has begun. 48 hours for night actions.

But the sun never rose.

mewtini dreamt, that night. Of the warmth of the hearth, of safety, of restoration. A figure stood over her bed - Dodge, reading from a large tome, once-warm eyes now dull and pained. He left a crackling flame in the fireplace, before disappearing into the night.

Another figure soon took his place. It was Stryke - but not as mewtini knew him. The once-great warrior, protector of the innocent, now looked emaciated and gaunt. His skin began to crack and split, revealing scarlet lines of frozen blood and sinew, as he reached a hand towards mewtini.

mewtini’s eyes snapped open as she jumped to her feet and drove her fist into the face of that which was once Stryke. A chunk of red ice was flung from his cheek as the blow connected - but he did not flinch.

Dodge stumbled through the streets, the blizzard unyielding. The frozen corpses of citizens lay around him as he neared the town square.

What he saw would lead him to utter despair.

The mayor had been frozen into a statue of ice, displayed prominently in the center of town. The ever-present glowing sigil seemed to glow even brighter. As Dodge’s eyes adjusted to the light, the last of the hope drained from his soul as he saw the flayed corpse of the Firekeeper at the center of the rune.

The wind whipped around Dodge as he fell to his knees. It seemed to be laughing at him.

…No. It was.

The thing that was once Butterfree appeared behind Dodge. The scholar’s glasses fell from her face as she laughed uproariously. The wind joined in her celebration, singing its song of mirth as Dodge slowly turned to face the Frostkin. In a gust of wind, Butterfree’s flesh crumbled away as tiny red snowflakes, revealing her true Frostkin form - a cyan imp with long white hair that seemed to flow in the wind, surrounded by a cloud of frigid snow.

The flakes began to surround Dodge, swirling around as he accepted his fate, closing his eyes. He didn’t even scream as the razor-sharp snow pierced his skin.

Dodge has died. He was a Resident.

mewtini backpedaled as a swipe from Stryke tore into her left arm. Ice crystals formed on the surface of the slash as the arm hung uselessly at her side. She frantically scrambled for the vials of oil in her satchel, muttering an incantation as they lit with a radiant light. The Flamemage flung the vials into Stryke’s face.

The light died out as the oil flasks, frozen solid, bounced harmlessly off of Stryke’s frozen skin. He lunged forward, grabbing mewtini by the throat, extinguishing the last hope of the town’s survival as ice spread from his hand, freezing mewtini solid.

The Frostkin (Butterfree and Stryke) have won.

The siblings retired to a nearby cliff overlooking the frozen remains of Arctos. All life in the city, extinguished. All that once moved, still.

Butterfree listened to the sweet songs of the wind and snow, free from the cacophony of flame at last. Stryke - having fully shed his human guise, to reveal a blue-skinned, hairless, skeletal form - sat cross-legged in peace, the stillness of winter a comfort once more.

They had taken their home back from the mortals.

how it felt watching the gameflow

Well, I did say the game wouldn't be balanced, but I didn't really expect it to be this fast. A bit of hubris on my part, perhaps, but there's always next time.

I think a big issue with this game was overthinking - playing a short game like a long game, I suppose. Massclaims on Day 1 are usually extremely iffy, but a massclaim at what was sorta LYLO would probably have helped town more than hurting it.

I predicted the whole "Flavor is pretty relevant" thing would lead to people sharing the flavor of their roles and trying to decipher who was lying, but I think people were playing this game a bit too cautious to be comfortable doing so.

I'd definitely tweak things for a repeat of a 6 player game, but I'm hoping that the next one will draw more of a crowd so I don't have to think about game balance like that.

Not to mention, town got supremely unlucky with night actions. Mafia lucked into finding the cop, said cop was roleblocked by a blocker who was killed by the other mafia and couldn't back up said roleblock claim... yeesh. I'm genuinely sorry about that one.

Well, whatever. Notes for next time.


Such beautiful music. The tundra is alive with song and sound, the snow singing such sweet serenades. Others of your kind can see the beauty of winter, but only you can hear the true majesty at the core of the frigid nights.

You are the Frostkin of Wind and Snow. The mortals, stubborn as they are, refuse to acknowledge the winter as it is. Creatures of warmth, burning, melting. The roar of their fire drowns out the wind and snow.

You and your sibling, the Frostkin of Ice and Squall - known to others as Stryke - have agreed on a solution. You may only claim to have won when all residents are dead.

Once per night, you may choose a player to kill. Only one kill may be sent in per night - and each player may only act once each night.

The wind whispers to you the truths of the mortals’ being. Once per night, when you are not carrying out the factional kill, you may listen to the windwhispers and ascertain the abilities of a player, learning their role.


Good luck. May the frigid night last eternal.
To slow. To freeze. To cease. To stop entirely. This is the ultimate fate of all - to reach an equilibrium. You are merely a harbinger of the inevitable - the Frostkin of Ice and Squall.

Your sibling is the Frostkin of Wind and Snow, known to others as Butterfree. You have agreed - you may only claim to have won when all residents are dead. You shall bring forth a grand stillness, the likes of which shan’t be seen again until the end of all things.

Once per night, you may choose a player to kill. Only one kill may be sent in per night, and each player may only act once each night.

Once per night, while you are not carrying out the factional kill, you may Freeze another player, preventing their action from occurring. A mere taste of the stillness you seek.

(You are a MAFIA-ALIGNED ROLEBLOCKER. You WIN when ALL NON-MAFIA are dead. You may ROLEBLOCK ONE PLAYER PER NIGHT. You may only ROLEBLOCK when you are NOT CARRYING OUT THE FACTIONAL KILL. Your co-conspirator is Butterfree.)

Good luck. May the frigid night last eternal.
As the town’s sole remaining Blacksmith, you have practiced plenty with the flame of the forge. Though you mainly craft fine tools and ornamental weaponry, you have not forgotten the art of enchantment. Though the long winter has brought your supplies to a dwindle, you still have enough metal in your stock and flame in your furnace to forge a Binding Chain, your specialty.

Once per night you may chain up a player’s house. This prevents them from leaving their home, rendering them unable to perform any actions. With your limited time and resources, however, the enchantment is fragile; the chains will break with sunrise. You may re-apply the enchantment once per night, so do not fret.

You are aligned with the rest of the town’s Residents. The town will only be safe, and victory assured, when all Frostkin are dead. This town is all you have ever known - you will protect it with everything you have.

(You are a TOWN-ALIGNED ROLEBLOCKER. You WIN when ALL MAFIA are dead. You may ROLEBLOCK one player per night, preventing them from performing any night actions.)

Good luck. The town’s counting on you.
You’ve studied Frostkin extensively in your time; creatures of ice and snow with a bevy of magical talents, chief among them the ability to hide in plain sight with a human guise. They’re even able to raise the temperature of their skin, to appear human to the touch. But they cannot do this always; at night, they must return to their natural temperature or risk melting. This is the perfect time to catch them in the act.

You are aligned with the rest of the town’s Residents. The town will only be safe, and victory assured, when all Frostkin are dead. This town is all you have ever known - you will protect it with everything you have.

As one of the town’s guardians, the Agent, you have access to thermal goggles. Once per night, you may investigate a player to see whether they are a Resident or a Frostkin, observing them throughout the night to catch any temperature fluctuations. If their temperature drops significantly, you will know the truth.

(You are a TOWN-ALIGNED ALIGNMENT COP. You WIN when ALL MAFIA are dead. You may INVESTIGATE one player per night, learning their ALIGNMENT.)

Good luck. The town’s counting on you.
The rest of the town would rather follow ordinary procedures to try and find the Frostkin. Don’t they know this is life and death? Can’t they see all that’s happening? You’ve decided to take matters into your own hands.

Your family has hunted the Frostkin for generations, each taking the title of Flamemage. You’ve learned the rites and runes necessary to form a Blessed Blaze from ordinary fire - the primary tool in properly exorcizing Frostkin. You’re well aware that this does not make the fire any less deadly to humans, but desperate times call for decisive action.

Once per night, you may firebomb a player’s house with Blessed Blaze, killing them. It is recommended that you use extreme caution in doing so, lest you strike an innocent target.

You are aligned with the rest of the town’s Residents. The town will only be safe, and victory assured, when all Frostkin are dead. This town is all you have ever known - you will protect it with everything you have.

(You are a TOWN-ALIGNED VIGILANTE. You WIN when ALL MAFIA are dead. You may KILL one player per night.)

Good luck. The town’s counting on you.
The welcoming heat of the hearth forestalls the frigidity of winter. The life-giving warmth of food and drink can protect from even the most brutal blizzard. You are the Hearthmaster, caring for those infirmed and frostbitten.

You are aligned with the rest of the town’s Residents. The town will only be safe, and victory assured, when all Frostkin are dead. This town is all you have ever known - you will protect it with everything you have.

One per night, you may care for a player, including yourself. This will save their life if they are attacked, nursing them back to health with a special blend of restorative tea and a small assortment of protective spells.

(You are a TOWN-ALIGNED DOCTOR. You WIN when ALL MAFIA are dead. You may HEAL one player per night, saving their life.)

Good luck. The town’s counting on you.

Flora blocks M&F.
Dodge self-heals.
M&F investigates Flora (Blocked)
mewtini abstains from shooting.
Stryke kills Flora.
Butterfree rolecops M&F.
M&F is voted out.
Stryke blocks mewtini.
Dodge heals mewtini.
Butterfree kills Dodge.
It is now impossible for town to win. Mafia wins.
At least my gut trusted the right person and mewtini wasn't mafia
When the game didn't end after the vote, I figured there was just one mafia and they wouldn't target me (multiple people saying they got slight mafia vibes from me, then I go and cast a last minute vote that kills a townie, I'd be an easy lynch), so I healed the one who felt least suspect
Though we were kinda screwed at that point regardless, blocking either of us and killing the other would have done the job
gonna start us off by probing Stryke, who's been posting quite a bit but only once for real analysis. let's see if that starts something
I can finally share that not even 15 minutes before MF posted this I sent in the scumchat that I was trying not to get targeted for being inactive again lmfao
GG all, sorry for being evil. Even though this was a shorter game it felt like a really nice return to TCoD mafia form after so long, hopefully this is just the start of a big grand mafia revival on here. And of course big props to RNP for putting this together and making it work as best he could even with a low player count!
Thanks for putting the game together! Wish we'd gotten a bit of a bigger/longer game going, but hopefully the next one can be!
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