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Firefox Persona Sharing~


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
I've got a few Personas. You guys can use them, if you downloaded the Firefox Personas add-on.

Here's the footer of a Persona (I call it TimeSea) made from the background image of the Roar of Time style.

Link to footer.

And the header.

Link to header.

And here's a not-so-good one made from scratch via GIMP's gradients, called CottonCandy. Footer~

Link to footer.


Link to header.

Hopefully you know how to use these; if not, scroll down to the link to Altered Origin's guide to it in this post.

I'd appreciate it if I got some screenshots of these two Personas in Vista and Windows 7, if you will. Thanks~

You guys can share some too here! :D

(By the way, you can request if you want, but this is more of a sharing thread than a request thread.)

If you don't have Personas/don't know what to do, here's a guide from Altered Origin. Scroll down to "Firefox Personas" and there are instructions there.

Hopefully this thread'll be useful, at least for stylizing someone's Firefox browser! :D

(Also, if you plan on submitting a Persona to the official gallery, we could share screenshots of that Persona on different OS's!)

Happy Persona-ing~!
For the record, TimeSea is currently waiting for approval in the Personas Gallery, and once it's approved I'll post the link here. Then everyone can bask in the swirly time-iness. That's a word. Yes.

EDIT: According to the automated e-mail, once it gets approved it will be at this link here. So.
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