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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

People are siding with Mawile and Herbe because they trust Herbe. Good luck to the hypothetical cop who finds out they are mafia to try and convince people they are indeed mafia.
they don’t have to convince anyone if they claim cop and no one else does
and if another scum member counter claimed and the original claimant was lynched and flipped town that would be like three scum nailed immediately
Ah well. Just thought I'd let you know what you guys are getting into by lynching me. My chances of surviving to D3 are basically null at this point, so c'est la vie
If it's actually Mawile why would he claim no information when that's the easiest claim to randomly disprove

I don't see why either of them would lie but one of them has to be??
It's really down to if you believe Mawile or Stryke at this point; I'm more positive about Mawile atm but not to a huge degree.
anyone know vote count? tell me what to do pls

i’m in favor of leaving mawile alone so it’s between stryke/odie for me
if Stryke is not the nanobot doctor then the real nanobot doctor will be able to counterclaim

idk if that's something we want to wait for/rely on

I just feel weird

is it terrible that my first thought is "what if roleblock" instead of "lynch stryke"
Yeah uh

I don't really see why either would lie (Stryke is in no danger!) and the wagons didn't really feel like exactly one wolf earlier, unless Stryke's partners were inactive, but lol wagon reads
Stryke could have been blocked I guess? Mawile's results tampered with?
If he was blocked, then I think it would show up as no movement? If my results were tampered with, I don't thiink I would have a way of knowing. Since I got in lovers with Herbe, I was definitely able to go and motion detect, so I don't think I was blocked?
Am I remembering that right?

I don't see why Stryke would claim a role that is definitely in the game and could counterclaim him though

Stryke could have been blocked I guess? Mawile's results tampered with?
You're overthinking this. Stryke sees a wagon forming against him, thinks "what's the easiest way I can dispel this"? In the heat of the moment, forgets he's contradicting someone we previously thought on balance was probably town.

...really hope I'm not wrong about this tbh. ;\
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