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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

if yall want me to vote mf just say so so i can be sure i ain't stepping on toes. asking why i didn't vote isn't, uh, very conducive
(happy official 4k posts!)

if yall want me to vote mf just say so so i can be sure i ain't stepping on toes. asking why i didn't vote isn't, uh, very conducive
i mean you can vote whatever you want; the reason there's worry about you not having voted mf is that it looks like wolf defending wolf
After a day of everyone casually, lazily getting ready to lynch M&F, they somehow end up grabbing RedneckPhoenix at the last minute. He refuses to even cast a vote as the noose is looped around his neck.

His last words as night falls are to say maybe the sun's just going to not set quite yet. Unfortunately, that's not how physics works.

As the sun disappears below the horizon, physics snaps his neck. A search of his home reveals a dartboard with Stryke's face drawn on it in marker and an oddly draconic clown costume, but sadly no evidence of connections with the mafia or the preceding murders.

RedneckPhoenix is dead. He was not mafia.

Please send in your night actions. The night will end on April 30th, 0:00 UTC (UNIVERSAL time coordinated, because Iceland is in the top percentage of time zones).

Final vote counts:
RedneckPhoenix (6) (Herbe, Mr. Ultracool, Vipera Magnifica, kokorico, kyeugh, mewtini)
M&F (5) (Keldeo, Ottercopter, Panini, Seshas, rari_teh)
No vote (14) (Mawile, Flora, M&F, JackPK, I liek Squirtles, Stryke, serimachi, Negrek, RedneckPhoenix, IndigoEmmy, Odie_Pie, Eifie, Mist1422, Boquise)

Ottercopter votes M&F (#3655)
mewtini votes M&F (#3656)
Herbe votes M&F (#3657)
rari_teh votes M&F (#3687)
Panini votes M&F (#3695)
Seshas votes M&F (#3701)
kyeugh votes M&F (#3717)
kyeugh votes RedneckPhoenix (#3802)
mewtini votes RedneckPhoenix (#3821)
kokorico votes M&F (#3822)
Vipera Magnifica votes RedneckPhoenix (#3825)
Herbe votes RedneckPhoenix (#3869)
Keldeo votes RedneckPhoenix (#3880)
Mr. Ultracool votes RedneckPhoenix (#3933)
Keldeo votes M&F (#3937)
kokorico votes RedneckPhoenix (#3941)

Herbe votes RedneckPhoenix (#3869)
Keldeo votes M&F (#3937)
Mr. Ultracool votes RedneckPhoenix (#3933)
Ottercopter votes M&F (#3655)
Panini votes M&F (#3695)
Seshas votes M&F (#3701)
Vipera Magnifica votes RedneckPhoenix (#3825)
kokorico votes RedneckPhoenix (#3941)
kyeugh votes RedneckPhoenix (#3802)
mewtini votes RedneckPhoenix (#3821)
rari_teh votes M&F (#3687)
The citizens of Troperville find another dead body in the town square the next morning. This time it's rari_teh. She lies by the fountain, a victorious grin on her glassy-eyed face, her fists raised in triumph - but stone dead. By her side, the words JUST THE BEGINNING have been scrawled in the dirt, in handwriting that matches the journal in her pocket.

They find no signs of anything suspect on her or in her house.

rari_teh is dead. She was not mafia.

You have 72 hours to discuss. The day will end on May 3rd, 0:00 UTC (in the land of the midnight sun where the hot springs flow).

ugh anyway


good morning tbh.
sorry about rnp, i didn't know the votes weren't tied. rip :(
She lies by the fountain, a victorious grin on her glassy-eyed face, her fists raised in triumph - but stone dead. By her side, the words JUST THE BEGINNING have been scrawled in the dirt, in handwriting that matches the journal in her pocket.
what in the hell does this mean???

not to dive tooooo much into flavor spec but since we already have our lynch of the day. What???
well, i’m basically out of people i get bad vibes from to kill. so i’m not sure what we’re going to do after this. but yeah m&f.

rip rari... now that we know you were innocent (unless...?) i just want to say wow you are crazy good for a first time player and your intuition is incredible. i’m glad i got to play with you 😭
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