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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

hmmm. i'm not really opposed to the idea of lynching inactives for any reason, i just think that we're getting a bit down to the wire to be lynching inactives just because they're inactive. if you think there's good odds they're scum for one reason or another, i guess they're just as good a vote as any?
I mean
the fact that there was a kill shows that there is at least one mafia that's not them
I can state for the record that if the mafia completely failed to submit a night action I would randomize it, rather than have the game just pointlessly go on with no nightkills.
I could buy Mr. Ultracool as a randomized death pretty easily. The ONLY benefit I could see to killing him specifically is that he was a confirmed townie, and there were definitely better targets for that (Like Panini, whose role should probably stay unknown for the rest of the game).

i'm not really sure i feel an emmy lynch tbh. i just don't... really see her being scum, i guess? i don't think i understand why people suspect her. i don't really have a better suggestion though.
I mean
at this point we've narrowed it down to a mafia between her and me

Also, I'm sorry. I know it's depressing and I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, but I kinda can't avoid bringing it up.

Because I trusted Herbe 😣

Just because Seshas is trustworthy doesn't mean they're right.
Oh god that post really screwed up. I tried to hit preview, sorry. The first non-quote in that post is actually a quote from Seshas, I seem to have cut that part off at some point while I was trying to organize all the stuff I clipped. My words start at "I could buy"
Listen, even if i were mafia i would kill you Seshas. Because not only would you vote to lynch me, you also seem to be leading people. I'm not mafia, hence why Mr Ultracool died.
Listen, even if i were mafia i would kill you Seshas. Because not only would you vote to lynch me, you also seem to be leading people. I'm not mafia, hence why Mr Ultracool died.
It would be funny if noone noticed that everyone was basically confirmed except for you/me/flora
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