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i was thinking about this but didnt know if it was too hot of a takecan I further the confirmation bias and speculate that maybe boq's somewhat vocal distrust of Panini and M&F could've been a factor in his death
ok i like this answer honestlyI'm hoping that that amount of time will give us a chance to learn more stuff or move the discussion forward toward finding a mafia member instead.
That way, if my role does something, it still has a chance to work.
Initial thinking: like, fine, reasonable posting. Claim is pretty towny given the meta here - I don't remember what reaction she had toward VM specifically, I remember it being maybe flat but it was early so I don't think she would be committal either way, I could reread that. I agree with Eifie that she's probably telling the truth about her role, but I don't see her ability, in itself, as extremely alignment-indicative. She voted ILS but I don't remember her progression on him so want to look into that.maybe a controversial q but how do people feel about negrek, specifically @Keldeo
can I further the confirmation bias and speculate that maybe boq's somewhat vocal distrust of Panini and M&F could've been a factor in his death
these are my Thoughts that i have to collect into a postable format sometime soonShe voted ILS but I don't remember her progression on him so want to look into that.
Maybe she didn’t know she could self-vote? Idk, I’m grasping at strawsKinda wanna believe Otter, but the same problem comes up as for if she was an actual jester or something - if she knew or sincerely believed that getting herself lynched would benefit herself, I am not sure why she wouldn't self-vote instead of abstaining.
Tell us when you’re comfortable, but do tell!tbqh i have thoughts but am trying to decide if now is the time to give them, i don't want to derail but i also do think it's related
That way, if my role does something, it still has a chance to work.
even in this case she had many other ways to keep the vote on her; the hammer was SWINGING towards her before she claimed a jesteresque role. i don't really think she's dumb (even if i did mention she seemed a bit frazzled during d1) so i'm choosing to trust atmMaybe she didn’t know she could self-vote?
good I'd be interested in hearing thatthese are my Thoughts that i have to collect into a postable format sometime soon
also keldeo your spoilerspec is kind of terrifying me rn
Maybe she didn’t know she could self-vote? Idk, I’m grasping at straws
Wait. Then if you knew self-voting is a thing, why didn’t you self-vote?I haven't played Mafia in maybe six or eight years, but I DO know self voting is a thing. I've seen Activated Aliens and the like do it.
no mafia reads maybe?Wait. Then if you knew self-voting is a thing, why didn’t you self-vote?