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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

tbqh once i realized that mist was losing interest early on i pretty much just decided to play town and then once they became a lynch candidate i was like. oh right. this is my role huh. lol
i imagine that's why they claimed a PR. they hoped to get targeted and then lynched once town was like "wtf. no kills happened"
i do find it interesting that "protect ur best friend from getting killed/losing <3" was a prevalent theme in this role set
i think its cute
i would be entirely surprised if there weren't cases where inspection operates differently from flip in this game
idk enough about mafia to speak to this but this feels weird? fsr my gut is just like BUS DRIVER but
idk enough about mafia to speak to this but this feels weird? fsr my gut is just like BUS DRIVER but

i dunno where we would fit a bus driver in this game tbh? like, let's look at the alive playerlist and see whose roles we know (cause everyone who's died so far, we've had a p solid grasp on their role, yeah?)

flora: functionally null
kyeugh: i forget tbh but its not bus driver
ottercopter: mi i think after the switcheroos (which has been hard to keep up with but i think i got it down)
panini: no clue
seshas: another MI
mewt: priest bby (who has also lost and is sticking around anyway :> )
mr. ultracool: no clue
indigoemmy: third mi
serimachi: also functionally null i think unless their lurker game is On Point
and herbe: lil widow boy who's sticking around for the fun of it

only ppl i would spec bus driving would be panini or seshas but even then i don't really see it, no other evidence (yeah i know that wasnt like a super serious Thought you had, just wanted to share ^^ )
idk enough about mafia to speak to this but this feels weird? fsr my gut is just like BUS DRIVER but

i dunno where we would fit a bus driver in this game tbh? like, let's look at the alive playerlist and see whose roles we know (cause everyone who's died so far, we've had a p solid grasp on their role, yeah?)

flora: functionally null
kyeugh: i forget tbh but its not bus driver
ottercopter: mi i think after the switcheroos (which has been hard to keep up with but i think i got it down)
panini: no clue
seshas: another MI
mewt: priest bby (who has also lost and is sticking around anyway :> )
mr. ultracool: no clue
indigoemmy: third mi
serimachi: also functionally null i think unless their lurker game is On Point
and herbe: lil widow boy who's sticking around for the fun of it

only ppl i would spec bus driving would be panini or seshas but even then i don't really see it, no other evidence (yeah i know that wasnt like a super serious Thought you had, just wanted to share ^^ )
yeah exactly. reiterating for everyone else that i don't truly think there's a bus driver or anything, the flip just makes me uncomfy and honestly given that play is slow right now i'm just very 👀about any weird things that show up. also i thiiiink (?) ultracool is an MI right now (he swapped into it; his info says that there's a mafia doctor) but unsure, things may have changed. either way he's probably green

yes omg they really got your angles right
same to u <3
also i thiiiink (?) ultracool is an MI right now (he swapped into it; his info says that there's a mafia doctor
that might have been the switch that i thought ottercopter ended up with, i got mixed up

well, two third parties walk into a town, who do they think is a good lynch for the day?
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