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Frontier Town Founder's Square

"Fairer numbers? Oh, come off it with that bullshit... Fine, you want a fight so bad? We'll have a goddamn fight."
"You don't have to fight if you don't want. He's just showing off, not like with the mayor. We'll be fine."

Kotetsu raised a brow at Corey's aggression, then raised it further at Leaf's implicit mention of having fought the mayor.

"Listen, Ralts," he said, with a slightly bemused tone. "A friendly match ought to be friendly, but at least you have some fighting spirit! Know this: I have no quarrel with you, but if there's something you need to get out of your system, I will gladly battle you."

He crossed his arms and took a wider stance.

"Pokémon battle each other to grow stronger, to know each other better, and to better know themselves," he declared. "Why not have fun with it? Perhaps we'll learn something from each other, eh?"

Something had changed in Kotetsu's voice at the prospect of battle, and his fellow samurai moved to take up positions at his side. Ibuki looked relaxed and cheerful, pulling on his poncho over his head. Kyoko looked less tense the moment Kotetsu started earnestly talking up the virtues of sparring, as if this was what she'd wanted to see from him in place of his bitter sarcasm.

"It's been a long time since I got to spar properly. You may be able to tell that we're very weak on our own. A proper duel is not on the table. If you want to spar with us, it will have to be against a group of us for it to... even out."
"If you wanted a spar you should've asked! I'm around most of the time."

Kotetsu extended a gauntlet to Myhnt and Felin. "I like these two! Treecko here talks like my old sensei, and the cat sounds like a proper battleheart! Very well. All of you, against the three of us, then!"

Kyoko unsheathed a long, jagged shell-blade, and held it with its point facing the earth. "Standard casual sparring rules! Battle until knockout, last team standing wins! Yield if you are hurt, and call your knockout attacks or else forfeit!"

Hearing this, a few of the passers-by began to loiter around the edges of the plaza to spectate the match.

The Bisharp thumped his armour plating as if mimicking a heartbeat, and cast his arm out again.

"Have at you, then! Show us what you're made of!"

Samurai Trio wants to battle!
[ ] O
bjective: Impress the Tsainanese warriors!
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The battle had begun, and that meant one thing... 'Calm your rage... you fight with your mind, don't go losing it...' Corey thought to himself, doing his best to keep his focus as he approached his opponents. He knew his current arsenal wasn't the best for this trio, but he at least had a couple options. He started things out by launching an intense spectrum of light energy in the direction of the Samurott and Golisopod, making sure to teleport away as soon as the attack had finished. From this distance he conjured a dark orb of pure shadow and flung it at the Golisopod. All this certainly took a fair bit of his strength, but he wanted to help the team get as impactful of a first strike as possible.

Corey (60 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to NE Square
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Dazzling Gleam @ Kyoko and Ibuki (-20 STM, +3 TMP)
- Teleport SW (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Shadow Ball @ [Ibuki] (-18 STM, effect, -10 TMP, +3 TMP)
Net change: -58 STM, +3 TMP
Net totals: 2 STM (17 after regen), 8 TMP
Trace on Ibuki
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Kyoko unsheathed a long, jagged shell-blade, and held it with its point facing the earth. "Standard casual sparring rules! Battle until knockout, last team standing wins! Yield if you are hurt, and call your knockout attacks or else forfeit!"

Hearing this, a few of the passers-by began to loiter around the edges of the plaza to spectate the match.
The familiar trappings of a friendly (enough) sparring match seemed to wash Prim's fury away—all she could feel now was the frenetic pulse of adrenaline. Like the blowing of a battlehorn, the steel-on-steel thumping of Kotetsu's fist against his chest spurred her to action. Sorely as she wanted to stuff her fist into the bisharp's smug face, Prim knew as any grown person did that the sweetest course must be saved for last. Jaw clenched and leaves flapping behind her, she darted for Kyoko instead—the upright one, the diffident one.

"You and me," she panted, "soldier on soldier."

Prim (52 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to NE Square (-2 TMP)
- Sunny Day (-30 STM, +2 TMP)
- Charm @ Kyoko (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Walk to NW Square
Net change: -48 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 4 STM (17 after regen), 7 TMP
"Won't pretend I haven't been waiting for a real battle," Leaf said, voice level but pawing at the stone. None of this necessary but less-exciting training, no desperate scrambling to put away a dangerous, conceited asshole. (Just putting a conceited guy on his ass.) This was what pokémon were about. "Dunno about Luctemar pokémon, but I'm more than happy to show you how I fight."

She gave them a quick once-over, willing herself to think and strategize through the buzzing and excitement building in her head. Bisharp were dark and steel, Ibuki was clearly a bug-type, samurott were water but Kyoko looked kinda off from the ones she'd seen on TV so maybe not only that? Not fantastic matchups for the psychic kind of poynta overall, or for most of their team... hardly impossible to work around, though. Just start by preventing them from ganging up on anyone.

Pale-green barriers flickered to life around Leaf, in time with the flashing of her horn. Then she charged, snarling at the two retainers before cutting between them to swing at Kotetsu. She drove her back hooves toward his side, one-two, and aimed to use the momentum to continue her dash around the fountain. She stopped and turned, watching for their next move with her horn lowered, and grinned at them. C'mon, then. Whatcha gonna do next?

Leaf (62 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to NE Square
- Protect (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Growl @ Kyoko & Ibuki (-14 STM, +2 TMP)
- Double Kick @ Kotetsu (-9 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- **Spotter T0:** Intel @ Kotetsu's ability
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to SE Square (-2 TMP)
Net change: -41 STM, +4 TMP
Net totals: 21 STM (36 after regen), 9 TMP
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"Right then..." Felin got to her feet and cracked her neck. She eyed the warriors with a challenging grin. "Fear me, if you dare."

Felin (60 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Dash to NE (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Ibuki (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Ibuki (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- Copycat (Double Kick) @Kotetsu (-19 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Walk to NW
* Protean: Fighting
Net change: -34 STM, +9 TMP
Net totals: 26 STM (41 after regen), 14 TMP
Mhynt sighed and placed her bucket near the fountain for later.

"All right," she said, wiping off the last water droplets from her scales. She curled her toes and stretched. "Let's begin."

She disappeared with mini-Teleports in place of walking, appearing behind the Bisharp.

"Simple sparring, yes?"

With Fighting energy, she aimed a chop into the square of his back.

Mhynt (62 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to NE
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Cacnea Spike @ Koetsu)
- Toxic @ Ibuki (-20 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- Brick Break @ Koetsu (-17 STM, +2 TMP)
- Intel: Ibuki (Moves)
Net change: -37 STM, +9 TMP
Net totals: 25 STM (40 after regen), 14 TMP
Turn 1 – Player Phase

Corey's Dazzling Gleam dealt 19 dmg to Kyoko and 13 dmg to Ibuki!
His Shadow Ball dealt 11 dmg to Ibuki! Res -1!
Corey traced Ibuki's Emergency Exit!

Prim turned the weather sunny in NE Square!
Her Charm reduced Kyoko's Atk by 2!

Leaf's Growl reduced Kyoko & Ibuki's Atk by 1!
Her Double Kick dealt 12 dmg, then 12 dmg to Kotetsu! It's ultra-effective!
Her Spotter Feat revealed Kotetsu's Ability: Defiant!

Felin's Quick Attacks dealt 7, 7 dmg to Ibuki!
Her Double Kick dealt 14, 14 dmg to Kotetsu! It's UE!
Felin's Protean! She became the Fighting type!

Mhynt's Spike dealt 4 dmg to Kotetsu!
Her Toxic badly poisoned Ibuki!
Her Brick Break dealt 13 dmg! It's UE!
Her Spotter Feat revealed Ibuki's moves:

First Impression
Sucker Punch
Bulk Up
Mud Shot

The party's auras flared, and that increasingly-familair feeling of being battle-ready filled them once again. The voice was with them, and without needing to communicate, all five heroic spirits knew the plan.

Kotetsu took the brunt of the attack with a grunt – he looked like he'd genuinely had to brace himself against the flurry of blows. Then his mouth fell into a wide, delighted grin.

"Most excellent!" he declared. "Very fine form! Allow me to demonstrate my own—!"
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Turn 2 – Enemy Phase

Kotetsu punched one gauntlet into his other palm, and cracked his knuckles.

"You two! Head left – I'll take the right!"

He strode towards Prim, and his armour gleamed with Steel energy as he walked. Then he lunged for her with strikes from his blades, each attack a sweeping, accurate arc—!

Kotetsu walked to NW Square.
Kotetsu Focused...
Kotetsu used Iron Defense! Def +2!
Kotetsu's Metal Claw dealt 16 dmg to Prim! Atk +1!

Then the samurai struck a stance facing Felin and declared,

"Strong Technique! Crossroads Killing!"

The next arc of his blade seemed to thrum through the air with sheer power, hitting through Felin's guard in an instant.

Kotetsu's Strong Style Night Slash dealt a CRITICAL 26 dmg to Felin! It's NVE...

"What!?" he shouted. "You changed your type? Oh, how ingenious! I won't make that mistake again, feline warrior!"

Ibuki languidly shook off the rest of the water from his public bath, and did a brief stretch. Something popped, and he sighed happily.

Then he moved.

Ibuki Focused...
Ibuki walked to SE Square.
Ibuki's First Impression! Leaf was Protected from 25 dmg!
Ibuki dashed to SW Square.
Ibuki's First Impression dealt 15 dmg to Corey!
Ibuki used Bulk Up! Atk & Def +1!

After the arthropod's sudden, startling lunges, he beckoned to Corey with a 'come at me' gesture and a bright, beaming expression.

"Strong Technique! Surprise Attack!"

Ibuki is preparing a Strong Style Surprise Attack! His strike will crit!

Kyoko seemed to lose herself in a flowing dance, as if she were in a dojo practicing a drill for her blade form. Then her eyes snapped open, she levelled her shell-sword at the still-unharmed Ponyta, and declared,

"Agile Technique! Secret Sword, Thousand Waves!"

The Samurott launched herself at Leaf and struck at her with what may as well have been a thousand cutting motions, shell splinters littering the ground around them, the protective shield around the pony faltering and letting through a storm of sword blows.

Kyoko Focused...
Kyoko used Swords Dance! Atk +2!
Kyoko's Agile Style Ceaseless Edge! Leaf was Protected from 18 dmg!
Kyoko's Ceaseless Edge dealt 35 dmg to Leaf! It's super-effective!
Spikes were scattered around the zone!
Kyoko's Shell Bell healed her for 4 HP!

She took up a defensive posture and set her jaw in a serious expression.

"Do your best!" she exhorted.

Turn 2
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Ibuki's attack glanced off of Leaf's protect shield, and she'd thought it would hold up against Kyoko's, but the flurry of follow-up strikes was so quick she barely had a chance to blink before everything exploded into stars. The energy lacing each hit stung the way it had when Sonora had clocked her before; definitely dark-type, then. Damn. Oh, well.

In the back of her mind she wanted to square off against the samurott, but her odds were no better in that particular showdown than against either of the others, at the end of the day. No, better to use the strength she had to set her allies up. "Aw, but you were so nice before," she called to Kyoko, wincing but still managing a smile. "Tell you what, I'll ignore that and let you off with a warning this time. Someone a little less polite still needs to learn his manners. I'm sure you understand."

Then she sprang forward, clearing as many of the spikes as she could before running at Kotetsu again, shouting a quick "Good luck with your surprise, I bet it'll be great!" as she hurried past Ibuki. "Think fast, buddy," she said as she lashed out at the bisharp, before shooting the sprigatito a look. You, too, partner!

Leaf (36 STM, 9 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to SW Square
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to NW Square (-2 TMP)
- Protect (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Double Kick @ Kotetsu (-9 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- **Spotter T0:** Intel @ Kotetsu's defenses
Net change: -27 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 9 STM (24 after regen), 11 TMP

* Corey
* Prim
* Mhynt
* Leaf
* Felin
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The Golisopod's beckoning to strike nearly provoked Corey to do just that. He could see his defeat coming up fast, and Ibuki calling out his move like that just seemed to make it obvious that he likewise believed this would be a finishing blow. The frustration that so often seemed to come out ever since his transformation was threatening to take hold again and have him use a blast of whatever psychic energy he had left in some act of vengeful defiance, but Corey could hear something else in his mind...

'Wait! Calm yourself! Think!' In the heat of battle, it seemed his sense rationality had nonetheless remained somewhere in his head, and it was at obvious odds with his emotional imbalance.

'It's a surprise attack... he's waiting for you to strike first. If you do that, you guarantee his retaliation.'

'But what if he attacks anyways? What if this move isn't how it is back home? Am I just supposed to stand here and take it?'

'You have a choice... either you feebly attack and ensure your defeat right here and now... or you take that risk, with the chance to keep helping your team.'

All this likely ran through his mind in little more than an instant, yet to Corey it felt like he'd been arguing with himself for at least a couple minutes... but either way, he had to make a move... and as such, he took a deep breath... and flung himself to the nearest open area he could find to recuperate.

Corey (17 STM, 8 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to NW Square
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to NE Square (-2 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +3 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (47 after regen), 11 TMP
Prim shook her head as she skidded across the dirt, clutching at her side. God fucking damn it. Even when she went out of her way to avoid Kotetsu, the bastard still found a way to get his blades in her. Figures. She hadn't exactly been subtle about her opinion of the bisharp before, and he must have been using that knowledge now to goad her into an unfavorable matchup. Well, he'd have to try that trick on someone younger and dumber than her. She wasn't as green as she looked. He'd see that soon.

The odd calm of a warrior's focus fell over her. With a roll of her shoulders she ducked out of the fray and caught her breath. The warm embrace of the sun seemed to restore her strength by the moment. Kotetsu would know her strength soon, yes, but the seed must be planted before harvesting. Nurtured, watered.

See? Look at that horticultural analogy. This grass-type thing was as easy as two peas in a pod. Okay, we'll workshop that one.

Prim (17 STM, 7 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to NE
- **Bonus Action:** Call @ Mhynt
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +5 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (43 after regen), 12 TMP
What in the world was that? Mhynt murmured. The aura of their moves changed just then. What are they doing...?
Mhynt took a moment to analyze that more closely. And during that analysis, she spotted a sudden, favorable angle against the blustering Bisharp. She nodded at Prim, noticing an opening during the shuffle.

This time, she'd try to make it count.

Mhynt (40 STM, 14 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Receive Call (+3 TMP)
- Walk to NW
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Cacnea Spike @ Kotetsu)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- CRITICAL Brick Break @ Kotetsu (-17 STM, Sure Hit, -20 TMP, +2 TMP)
- Spotter: Kotetsu Gear
Net change: -17 STM, -10 TMP
Net totals: 23 STM (38 after regen), 4 TMP
Then the samurai struck a stance facing Felin and declared,

"Strong Technique! Crossroads Killing!"

The next arc of his blade seemed to thrum through the air with sheer power, hitting through Felin's guard in an instant.

Instantly, Felin braced herself for the oncoming strike. She crossed her arms over her front, gritting her teeth as her bones reverberated with pain as she took the full brunt of the blow.

The strike's momentum launched her back a few paces. Much like any cat would, she landed squarely on her feet.

"The fuck was that?" Felin asked, grinning through the echoes of pain in her arms. "Sure packed a wollop."

"What!?" he shouted. "You changed your type? Oh, how ingenious! I won't make that mistake again, feline warrior!"

"A cat's got to have a few tricks, you know?" she answered with a laugh.

Sand crept between the gaps in her claws as Felin readied herself. In a moment she charged for him again, borrowing from Leaf's maneuver and stamping her boots against Kotetsu's abdomen. A pair of dusty boot prints were left behind as she scurried off to build distance between them.

"There you have it. That's one of the reasons why I'm called Felin Boots!"

Felin (41 STM, 17 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- CRITICAL Copycat (Double Kick) @ Kotetsu (-19 STM, -20 TMP, +3 TMP)
- Walk to NE
Net change: -19 STM, -12 TMP
Net totals: 22 STM (37 after regen), 5 TMP
Turn 2 – Player Phase

Corey took a breather! His Ability reset!
Prim took a breather!
Mhynt's Spike dealt 4 dmg to Kotetsu!
Her Brick Break dealt a CRITICAL 17 dmg! It's ultra-effective!
Mhynt's Spotter Feat revealed Kotetsu's gear! Metal Coat!
Leaf's Double Kick dealt 12, then 12 dmg to Kotetsu! It's ultra-effective!
Leaf's Spotter Feat revealed Kotetsu's defenses! Def 76, Res 52!
Felin's Double Kick dealt a CRITICAL 17, then 14 dmg to Kotetsu! It's ultra-effective!
Ibuki took 12 dmg from Toxic...

Kotetsu staggered under a half-dozen perfect strikes, and raised his arm to fend off the blows with little success.

"Ha, such aggression!" he exclaimed, sounding fiercely joyous. "I should have my guard up, then!"

From around each side of the fountain, his allies stormed across to rejoin the battle.

Turn 2 – Enemy Phase

Of all the offworlder warriors fighting in the town square, one stood out above all the rest as an attention-demanding, eye-catching feline of derring-do and boldness in battle.

This was to be to her disadvantage.

Kyoko walked to NE Square.
Kyoko used Swords Dance! Atk +2!
Kyoko's Ceaseless Edge dealt 20 dmg to Corey!
Spikes were scattered around the zone!
Kyoko's Slash dealt a CRITICAL 24 dmg to Felin!
Kyoko's Shell Bell healed her for 4 hp!

Kyoko approached in a steady march, swinging her blade about herself. When she struck, it was deliberate and effective. Felin wouldn't last much longer.

"Help your ally, soldier!" she commanded Prim. "You said you'd fight me – do not disappoint me!"

Kyoko Called out to Prim! +3 Tmp!

Around the other side of the fountain, Ibuki scrambled from target to target at a speed that felt somehow wrong for a 'mon of his size. He careened first into Leaf's protective shield, then into Felin's side, felling the feline definitively.

Ibuki walked to NW Square.
Ibuki's First Impression! Leaf was Protected from 31 dmg!
Ibuki dashed to NE Square.
Ibuki's First Impression dealt 16 dmg to Felin!
Ibuki took 12 dmg from Toxic...

"Not bad!" he remarked, briefly bowing to his defeated opponent. "You fight bravely!"

Then he drew his claws back, ready to leap.

"Agile Technique! Surprise Attack!"

"Go on, strike me, little fae!" boomed the jolly Golisopod. "My guard is down – won't you attack?"

It was a good-natured goading – but something about the giant samurai's emotional state told Corey this was a test of restraint.

Ibuki Called out to Corey! +3 Tmp!
Ibuki is preparing an Agile Sucker Punch!
Ibuki is preparing another Sucker Punch!

"Strong Technique! Metal Claw!"

Kotetsu's Strong Metal Claw dealt 23 dmg to Leaf! Atk +1!

Kotetsu laughed boisterously as Leaf weathered the attack. "You're made of sterner stuff than I expected, young lady! Exert yourself – I want to see the limits of your determination!"

He took up a defensive pose, low to the ground, and levelled his gaze at Mhynt. His armour shimmered with Steel energy.

"Come, then! Are you not a seasoned fighter? Tell me, are you bold enough to finish me, or will you falter? I'll punish any hesitation!"

He was daring the offworlders to knock him out. If they didn't... he was sure to make them regret it.

Kotetsu used Iron Defense! Def +2!
Kotetsu Called out to Mhynt and Leaf! +3 Tmp each!
Kotetsu is preparing an attack...
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Well so much for taking cover... The chaos of battle just seemed to follow Corey no matter what corner of the arena he fled to, and the Samurott's strike hurt something fierce... Worse yet, Felin had been knocked down for the count. Now came a clear reality... without any additional help, there wasn't much of a snowball's chance in hell that the five of them could feasibly take down this trio all at once in a straight sparring match... but that didn't mean they couldn't at least bring down the leader...

With this goal now firmly in mind, Corey paid little to Ibuki's continued attempts to taunt him into an attack his way. He knew the golisopod's aim, and he wasn't gonna take that bait. Instead, he shifted to where Kotetsu was, and launched a shadow ball his way... Surely not the strongest hit against a part-dark type, but that was merely the first act of this two-part performance. As the darkness of the shadowball went to make contact, it was subsequently followed by another intense light-burst of pure fae energy... and the ralts doing his best attempt at a theatrical shout.

"Dazzling Gleam!"

He wasn't going to forget about that little tidbit regarding calling one's knockout attacks... Even if his wasn't the finishing blow, if it played a part in the collective onslaught, he figured it meant he'd have to likewise make the call.

With no other targets to engulf, the vicious light-burst flashed towards the bisharp in its entirety.

Corey (47 STM, 14 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to NW Square
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Shadow Ball @ Kotetsu (-18 STM, +3 TMP)
- CRITICAL Dazzling Gleam @ Kotetsu (-20 STM, -20 TMP, +3 TMP)
Net change: -38 STM, -9 TMP
Net totals: 9 STM (24 after regen), 5 TMP
Ibuki slashed at Leaf again as he sprinted by. The shield held up just like it should've, but damn if the force didn't make her teeth rattle all the same. Just like the slash Kotetsu followed up with, fantastic, great, thanks, ow.

She was still standing, though! Probably not for long, but that had never been super likely in the first place, had it? More important to set the others up for success, go down swinging, and maybe leave a few hoof-shaped dents in Kotetsu's armor while she was at it.

"You're made of sterner stuff than I expected, young lady! Exert yourself – I want to see the limits of your determination!"

"Oh, c'mon," she panted, grinning. "It's no fun if you show all your cards up front—where I come from, we save the best for last! But ooookay, if you're sure you can handle it..."

She winked at him, then whirled around and bucked hard, aiming for Kotetsu's chin and angling to send him spinning into the ralts's blast.

"Awesome Technique! Decisive Double Kick!"

Leaf (24 STM, 14 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Trailblaze @ Kotetsu (-15 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Double Kick @ Kotetsu (-9 STM, Sure Hit, -20 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -24 STM, -11 TMP
Net totals: 0 STM (15 after regen), 3 TMP

* Prim
* Leaf
* Mhynt
* Corey
"If that's your wish," Mhynt said, though she had no idea what the nature of her enemies' advanced attacks were like, or what they were for. They seemed powerful, yet... tiring. She wondered if she could take advantage of that...

But for now, they had to demonstrate their raw strength. Nothing more.

Mhynt (38 STM, 7 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Cacnea Spike @ Kotetsu)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Brick Break @ Kotetsu (-17 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- Acrobatics @ Kotetsu (-13 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -30 STM, +9 TMP
Net totals: 8 STM (23 after regen), 16 TMP
"Tch. Everyone seems to have a lecture on discipline for me lately." Breath caught, she straightened her back and turned to face Kyoko at last. "I am helping my ally. I'm just doing it plant style. Plants nap a lot."

A mote of light sparked to life in front of Prim's chest, just a flicker at first before expanding with an audible whoosh into a gold-white ball of crackling incandescence. A baby sun. Its hot winds rustled her head-leaves.

"It's kind of nice."

Prim (43 STM, 15 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
- Giga Drain @ Kyoko (-17 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Solar Beam @ Kyoko (-25 STM, -20 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -40 STM, -11 TMP
Net totals: 3 STM (16 after regen), 4 TMP
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Of all the offworlder warriors fighting in the town square, one stood out above all the rest as an attention-demanding, eye-catching feline of derring-do and boldness in battle.

This was to be to her disadvantage.

Felin could feel all eyes drawn to her like an arrow striking her on the back of the skull. To them, no target would've been more prudent to knock down than her. She knew what was coming next, so she braced herself to steel through Kotetsu's next onslaught. After all, he had been her sole victim so far.

"Bring it on, swordsman!" Felin shouted defiantly. Little did she realize that the swordsman was not to be her biggest worry at that moment.

Kyoko approached in a steady march, swinging her blade about herself. When she struck, it was deliberate and effective. Felin wouldn't last much longer.

Felin caught the shadow of the swinging blade before it cut through her. What haphazard defenses she had time to put over herself proved for naught. Instinct forced a low hiss through her gritting teeth as she backed off to keep distance. It hurt like a searing flame, but she still smiled in spite of it.

That was unexpected, but she could still trade a blow or two. As long as...

In the corner of her eye a hulking arthropod approached at incredible speed. Felin shot him a glance, but there was little time to leapt or duck or retreat for the mountains. Not that she had any intent to run. She stood her ground, her eyes burning with the kind of warrior's spirit that allowed one to face the worst turn of events without a flinch.

Around the other side of the fountain, Ibuki scrambled from target to target at a speed that felt somehow wrong for a 'mon of his size. He careened first into Leaf's protective shield, then into Felin's side, felling the feline definitively.

Ibuki walked to NW Square.
Ibuki's First Impression! Leaf was Protected from 31 dmg!
Ibuki dashed to NE Square.
Ibuki's First Impression dealt 16 dmg to Felin!
Ibuki took 12 dmg from Toxic...
"Not bad!" he remarked, briefly bowing to his defeated opponent. "You fight bravely!"

Ibuki's blow knocked the wind out of her, sending her rolling across the ground till she landed as a crumpled, battered cat. His remark earned a strained chuckle from her right before she pulled her lips taut to stifle a pained growl.

"Not... half bad... yourself," she wheezed out. "... not half bad."

It'd be a while before she can stand again. She silently cheered on the others to finish the job.
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