The finchiest of widgets
- Pronoun
- he
Deciding that you don't want to get dragged into all of this, you ask Wailmer to bring you back to shore. He does, with much haste... but maybe thats because he's scared of that other dude and the Gyarados. Anyway, you get off your Wailmer friend upon arrival, bid him adieu, and head for the trolley, when you see that rowdy young upstart trainer coming along with you. You just sigh and walk to the trolley, as he attempts to catch up, hoping that he'll get off at a different stop.
The clowns have not cleared the trolley.
It is extremely crowded.
Stepping off into familiar territory, you look behind you... and there stands that same guy from before. You start to wonder what his name is, when suddenly you hear a buzzing above your head, and you see the other guy looking above your head. You follow suit, and there you see an Illumise
, on the lookout for some potential mates (presumably).
What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 2
Caught Pokemon: Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female), Surskit (Female), Joltik (Male), Plusle (Female), Chinchou (Female), Mudkip (Male), Clamperl (Female), Dewpider (Male), Brionne (Male)
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles, Ground Gem, Dusk Stone, Silver Powder, Electric Gem, Water Gem
Partner Pokemon: Armaldo
Just out of curiosity, why dimma-do you want to keep bugging him?
Your eyes light up as you see the majesty-ness of the Gyarados, and you're throwing a Safari Ball before you know it. It goes in, you grab it, life is good... until you see that other guy heading back to shore. Wanting to bug him more, you grab Chimchar and tell him to blast some fire to propel yourself to the trolley. The other guy begrudgingly holds the trolley up for you once you get on land again, and you're off!
The clowns have not cleared the trolley.
It is extremely crowded.
Once you get off, you see all sorts of fruits, vegetables, and other edible crops spread out through a gigantic field, with trees and other foliage spread throughout. Upon closer inspection of these crops though, they've all been nibbled on and eaten, and would be generally unpleasant to eat. The air is also quite humid and muggy, and theres a constant far off buzzing coming from somewhere... it sounds like it changes locations every 5 minutes. You take in the surroundings, when the buzzing gets uncannily loud... like its right next to you. You look above the other guys head, and there lies an Illumise
, searching for something, or someone.
What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 4
Caught Pokemon: Houndour (Female), Fennekin (Male), Gastly (Female), Sandygast (Female), Gyarados (Male)
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles
Partner Pokemon: Chimchar
Deciding that you don't want to get dragged into all of this, you ask Wailmer to bring you back to shore. He does, with much haste... but maybe thats because he's scared of that other dude and the Gyarados. Anyway, you get off your Wailmer friend upon arrival, bid him adieu, and head for the trolley, when you see that rowdy young upstart trainer coming along with you. You just sigh and walk to the trolley, as he attempts to catch up, hoping that he'll get off at a different stop.
The clowns have not cleared the trolley.
It is extremely crowded.
Stepping off into familiar territory, you look behind you... and there stands that same guy from before. You start to wonder what his name is, when suddenly you hear a buzzing above your head, and you see the other guy looking above your head. You follow suit, and there you see an Illumise

What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 2
Caught Pokemon: Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female), Surskit (Female), Joltik (Male), Plusle (Female), Chinchou (Female), Mudkip (Male), Clamperl (Female), Dewpider (Male), Brionne (Male)
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles, Ground Gem, Dusk Stone, Silver Powder, Electric Gem, Water Gem
Partner Pokemon: Armaldo
Just out of curiosity, why dimma-do you want to keep bugging him?
Your eyes light up as you see the majesty-ness of the Gyarados, and you're throwing a Safari Ball before you know it. It goes in, you grab it, life is good... until you see that other guy heading back to shore. Wanting to bug him more, you grab Chimchar and tell him to blast some fire to propel yourself to the trolley. The other guy begrudgingly holds the trolley up for you once you get on land again, and you're off!
The clowns have not cleared the trolley.
It is extremely crowded.
Once you get off, you see all sorts of fruits, vegetables, and other edible crops spread out through a gigantic field, with trees and other foliage spread throughout. Upon closer inspection of these crops though, they've all been nibbled on and eaten, and would be generally unpleasant to eat. The air is also quite humid and muggy, and theres a constant far off buzzing coming from somewhere... it sounds like it changes locations every 5 minutes. You take in the surroundings, when the buzzing gets uncannily loud... like its right next to you. You look above the other guys head, and there lies an Illumise

What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 4
Caught Pokemon: Houndour (Female), Fennekin (Male), Gastly (Female), Sandygast (Female), Gyarados (Male)
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles
Partner Pokemon: Chimchar