Oh gosh oh golly...
Looking over at the happy Remoraid, you bid him adieu and give him best wishes, and are about to continue on, when you hear a loud crash of waves from your right. You look over, and there you see that over-enthusiastic trainer from the lobby, headed straight for you... and not exactly slowing down! Seconds pass, and he eventually crashes in to your Wailmer pal at full speed, causing him to be startled, and nearly rock you guys off his head. Looking over at that ignorant trainer, you have your Armaldo prepare an Ancient Power... but just then, a freaking huge male
appears in the middle of you two, called by your fighting spirit, or something... that IS what Gyarados's do, right? Whatever, now it is here, and it looks just as happy as most Gyarados are. Which is to say, not at all.
What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 2
Caught Pokemon: Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female), Surskit (Female), Joltik (Male), Plusle (Female), Chinchou (Female), Mudkip (Male), Clamperl (Female), Dewpider (Male), Brionne (Male)
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles, Ground Gem, Dusk Stone, Silver Powder, Electric Gem, Water Gem
Partner Pokemon: Armaldo
Catching the illegal-move-using Poliwag, you decide to do what you set out to do in the first place: crash right into the only other guy in the Safari Zone. You have your Chimchar blast your kayak away, straight at the blob that could maybe have Cynder on it. You were right, as it turns out, as you see his face turn from confusion to shock, as you slam into the Wailmer he was riding on for some reason at full speed, startling it. You hear him tell his Armaldo to prepare an Ancient Power, so you tell Chimchar to bitch slap them out of the air if he does, when suddenly, a freaking huge male
appears in the middle of you two, called by your fighting spirit, or something... or maybe it was just ticked off by all the noise. I mean, I'd be unhappy if I was chilling, and then someone rocketed their boat into a whale right by me... but whatever, now it is here, and it looks just as happy as most Gyarados are. Which is to say, not at all.
What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 5
Caught Pokemon: Houndour (Female), Fennekin (Male), Gastly (Female), Sandygast (Female)
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles
Partner Pokemon: Chimchar
And yes, that is the same Gyarados; you are in the same general area, after all; its hard not to miss.
If you both decide to catch it, I will use a RNG and flip to see who gets to keep it.