Aaaaaaaaand we're back in business! (Sorry for double posting, btw) All the new Pokemon have been added into the zone, and a couple of old Pokemon were shuffled around a bit for balance, so check the first post to see where your favorite new 'mon lies on the rarity chart! (Also for reference for the deep/shallow water gimmick in the water area: Popplio+Dewpider families=shallow water, Wimpod family+Bruxish+Pyukumuku+Wishiwashi=deep water) Any potential grievances with the chart can be taken up with me. Anyway, here are your guys's actual Friend Safari adventures:
Passing by the Poliwag, you begin to hunt for more Pokemon when a man in warden like clothes looks down at you in the water. You surface, and the man says "We're about to remodel the Friend Safari; I'll have to ask you to wait in the lobby until we're finished." Complying with his demands, you get out of the water with your Anorith, take off your wetsuit and put it back in the shed, and headed towards the trolley. As you took a last glimpse at the Water area, you wonder what sort of remodeling will occur.
You wait in the lobby for what seems like months, getting increasingly bored. At one point, an eager trainer with a Chimchar perched on his shoulder comes into the lobby and sits next to you. "Hey," he says "You here to catch some Pokemon too?" "I was, but it looks like they're remodeling" you reply. "Cool. Whats it-". The trainer didn't get to finish his sentence, as at that moment, the receptionists phone rang. When she hang up, she announced "I've just gotten word that the remodeling is finished! The Friend Safari is reopened!" "Nice! I got here just in time! Good luck with your hunt!" he says. "You too" you reply, stepping on the trolley to head back to the Water area.
Picking up where you left off, you jump back into the water eagerly, in the process scaring off a male
, which is now currently hiding behind a rock.
What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 2
Caught Pokemon: Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female), Surskit (Female), Joltik (Male), Plusle (Female), Chinchou (Female), Mudkip (Male), Clamperl (Female)
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles, Ground Gem, Dusk Stone, Silver Powder, Electric Gem, Water Gem
Partner Pokemon: Anorith
Stepping off the Lumiose-Kiloude TMV, you and your Chimchar race up towards the Friend Safari building, eager to try the new Safari Zone craze. You burst open the door, and see a receptionist and a bored-looking trainer and his Anorith. You sit down next to him, and attempt to strike up a conversation. "Hey," you say. "You here to catch some Pokemon too?" "I was, but it looks like they're remodeling" he says in a half-bored, half-annoyed voice. "Cool. Whats it-" Just that moment, a phone rings, cutting you off, and the receptionist answers it. Once she finishes her conversation, she hang up and says "I've just gotten word that the remodeling is finished! The Friend Safari is reopened!". Feeling great that you were at the right place at the right time, you say to the other trainer "Nice! I got here just in time! Good luck with your hunt!". "You too." he replies, stepping onto a trolley and disappearing into the zone. Meanwhile, you head to the receptionist to claim your 10 Safari Balls, and head off onto the trolley. "Have a great time!" she says. "Thanks, have a great day!" you say in reply, as you hit the flame icon on the touch screen in the trolley. For you're headed off to the Fire area...
Stepping off the trolley, a wave of heat hits you: it must be 90 degrees in here, if not more! Upon further inspection, you notice that theres black sand everywhere, and scraggly, leafless trees and desert plants dot the almost barren landscape. Almost barren, for theres a large volcano in the middle of it about 500 feet away. Because of course there is. Deciding to head to he volcano, you barely take a couple steps when something leap out at you, and you jumpback into surprise. Getting a good look at your attacker, you see that its a female
, growling at you and attempting to look menacing.
What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 10
Caught Pokemon: N/A
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles
Partner Pokemon: Chimchar
long post is long