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Friend Safari 2.0

(I guess I have been here awhile, but I haven't really been looking for anything in particular)


May I proceed to the Bug Area?
Glaring at the Misdreavus, you decide to head back to the trolley, when a mysterious pale brown flash streaks across the plain. You decide to follow it, and you both dash into the forest. You keep running, trying to keep up with it, but just as you're about to nab it, it makes a sharp left. Skidding in its direction, you turn to find a camouflage green portal... but no pale brown pokemon. Realizing that this portal will take you to where you want to go, you hop in eagerly. But just before the portal closes with you in it, you see the pale brown flash streak in front of your line of vision, before you're hurled through space.

Inside the portal, bright flashes of green periodically interrupt what would otherwise be an eerie black void, and although you know it's not there, you can feel something crawling on your back. Suddenly, you're hurled out of the portal, in front of the trolley of the Bug area. In front of your eyes are all sorts of fruits, vegetables, and other edible crops spread out through a gigantic field, with periodic trees and other foliage spread further apart. Upon closer inspection of these crops though, they've all been nibbled on and eaten, and would be generally unpleasant to eat. You shake the disorientation of the portal off, and look around, when you hear an odd melody being played from within the field; you go closer, and there, sitting among the plants, is a female KricketuneKricketune, singing and playing a song on its arms.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:5
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone
Partner Pokemon:Anorith

(If you didn't want to leave the Ghost area, you didn't have to: it was just a question)
(I was wondering what your plan was for that scenario, and I had had enough of the ghost area)

Told you I had a contingency plan.

Entranced by the odd yet beautiful tune, you instinctively hold out a Safari Ball before realizing what you're doing. The Kricketune gets a smug smile on its face and taps the button before you can comprehend what happened. Deciding to roll with it, you come across a nice orange hanging from a branch, untouched by the bugs. Feeling hungry, you reach out for it, only to find a male SpewpaSpewpa on the other side, chowing down.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:4
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone
Partner Pokemon:Anorith
Setting down the orange in disgust, you continue on throughout the large, bug-ridden field, when a light catches your eye. You look towards the mysterious light, and there, hovering in the sky, is a VolbeatVolbeat, doing what all Firefly Pokemon normally do.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:4
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone
Partner Pokemon:Anorith

(Guess whos rolling uncommons across the board again...)
Leaving the Volbeat to its task of attracting a mate, you continue on through the endless field. You've been walking then for roughly 3 minutes, when something large and multiple-legged lands directly on your head. Freaking out, you wave your hands on top of your head frantically whilst screaming, and the thing flies off your head. You look up, and there flies a female YanmaYanma, looking just as startled as you.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:4
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone
Partner Pokemon:Anorith

(Consecutive uncommon rolls: 4)
Fan of Yanmas?

Looking up, you begin to feel ecstatic. You lob the Safari Ball with all your might at the Yanma, and in it goes. Fist-pumping, you continue on, a little happier than before, when your Anorith spots a blue... thing, forked at the end, moving through the field, which you recognize as the head... appendage of a male KarrablastKarrablast.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:3
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone
Partner Pokemon:Anorith
Yeah, I like Bug/Flying types in general, but specifically Yanma.


PS: I owe you $8, right?
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No, I don't think so; what makes you say that?

Ignoring the Karrablast, you continue to weave your way through the grass, when suddenly, as if by fate, a female ShelmetShelmet comes up to fight the Karrablast!

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:3
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone
Partner Pokemon:Anorith
I'll pass.

I was wondering what my total was if I were to leave now. I not leaving right now, but I would like to now how much I'll pay.
Oh... ok. Well, yes, assuming you didn't catch anymore pokemon, your total would be $8.

Passing by both the Karrablast and the Shelmet, you march on. It's been about one minute since then, when something purple stops a couple of inches in front of you. You barely avoid tripping over it, as it looks up at you, revealing itself to be a male VenonatVenonat, looking innocently up at you.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:3
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone
Partner Pokemon:Anorith
I really need to start posting here more often.

Patting the Venonat on the head, you start along again, when you come across a pond And on that pond is none other than a female SurskitSurskit, skating blissfully along the pond. On its needle, you can see something glittering. Upon a further examination, you notice that it's Silver PowderSilverPowder that the Surskit covered it's horn(?) with.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:3
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone
Partner Pokemon:Anorith
Sorry about leaving this, I forgot I didn't reply.

Catch, please. (and take the item as well)
No prob!

Whipping out a safari ball, you take time to aim before throwing it at the Surskit, catching it instantly. The Silver Powder, having no horn to rest on, falls to the ground, before you catch it in a conveniently placed plastic bag. You trek on, looking for more pokemon, when out of nowhere, some spores come flying at you from nowhere. You duck just in time as the spores source reveals itself: it's a female ParasParas, looking a bit peeved.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:2
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female), Surskit (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone, Silver Powder
Partner Pokemon:Anorith
@ Paras: Trying to knock people out or paralyze them with spores is unbecoming of a young pokemon. I'll leave you to go and learn some manners!
The Paras, already mad at you, gets even more angry when you start lecturing it on manners. It was a mature Paras, capable of making its own decisions! And one of those decisions was to continue to try to hit you with attacks. Narrowly dodging a Sleep Powder, you notice a bowl of PokeChow that you had presumably stepped on, and you realize what happened. Yelling back an apology, you run off, as so not to get hit, when you run into another pokemon. Looking up, you realize it's a female PinsirPinsir, looking positively enraged. Or maybe that was how it looked before, but who can say for certain.

What do you do?

Safari Balls remaining:2
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female), Surskit (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone, Silver Powder
Partner Pokemon:Anorith

(I won't be on at all next week, so unless I can get another safari post cranked out in the next two days, the Friend Safari will be on a temporary hiatus until about 9 days from now.)
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