The Pinsir draws it's arm back, and it's arm starts to glow. Not sticking around to see what it will do, you run for your life, with the Pinsir in close pursuit. Straight ahead, you see a weird, bright yellow static slash open up three feet away from you, and you involuntarily run into it. The last thing you see is the Pinsir, still running at you, before you rumble into semi-darkness.
Inside the portal, bright, piercing flashes of bright yellow cut through the darkness, and you feel a sensation as if you put your tongue on a 9V battery, but all over your body, (
Disclaimer: dont put your tongue on a 9V battery. Or any battery, for that matter.) and periodic static shocks jolt you every now and then. After what seems like too long, you tumble out. You study your surroundings, and notice that you're in a big open field, with the occasional tree. But what really stands out are the giant electrical pylons, stretching out seemingly infinitely into the field, providing an endless supply of electricity for the species that live here. At that point, you decide that it might be in your best interest to take a nap, when you see a male
, combining Signal Beam, Electro Ball, and Hidden Power to keep the portal you came out of running.
What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining:2
Caught Pokemon:Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female), Surskit (Female)
Obtained Items:Ground Gem, Dusk Stone, Silver Powder
Partner Pokemon:Anorith