Three works!
Also, don't you guys wonder how Dewpider breathes?
I mean, it's head is covered in water, and I don't see any gills on it...
Lighting up at the sight of the Dewpider, you lob a ball at it, and it goes in! Then, you realize that A: you have no more balls, and B: that ball you just threw is in the middle of this body of water. Luckily, both of your problems are solved, as good ol' PokeVend makes a spectacular emergence from the water, with your Dewpiders ball in tow. It comes over, you put in $6, and it spits out 3 more Safari Balls. It then metaphorically bids you adieu, and leaves. With your new Dew Spider and Safari Balls, you feel invigorated and ready to catch more 'mons, when all of a sudden, a male
leaps from the water into your kayak, attempting to hijack your vessel.
What do you do?
Safari Balls remaining: 3
Caught Pokemon: Frogadier (Male), Marshtomp (Female), Jellicent (Female), Golett (Genderless), Shuppet (Female), Phantump (Male), Kricketune (Female), Yanma (Female), Surskit (Female), Joltik (Male), Plusle (Female), Chinchou (Female), Mudkip (Male), Clamperl (Female), Dewpider (Male)
Obtained Items: Shiny Goggles, Ground Gem, Dusk Stone, Silver Powder, Electric Gem, Water Gem
Partner Pokemon: Armaldo
You don't have a boom box unless you make one
All you have item-wise is the Shiny Goggles
Locking eyes with the Sandygast, you two have an intense staring contest. For 5 seconds. Then you tap a ball to its head, and the winner of the contest is clear. Then, you decide to hunt for your missing (meme) unicycle by attempting to jump down the pit, assuming it was a portal to hell. However, only one of those 2 nouns were correct: it was a portal, but not to hell... No, instead, it would appear you were about to be GROUNDed...
Falling through the portal, you begin to see neutral colors flash before your eyes. Brown, tan, beige, taupe... It's pretty boring. Your clothes also feel really gritty for some reason. Anyway, you fall for a solid minute, before you see a light below your feet. You fall through it... Right on top of your (meme) unicycle, breaking the spokes and popping the tire. You look around, and see... Nothing. It's just an open expanse of dirt, with the occasional tree or pool... And there's an elevator. Yep. Anyway, you look around for a bit, before realizing that someone's watching you. You turn around, and there lies a female
Rhyhorn![, looking pretty upset that you broke her new playtoy, the (meme) unicycle.
What do you do? [B]Do you go aboveground or below?[/b]
[B]Safari Balls remaining:[/B] 6
[B]Caught Pokemon:[/B] Houndour (Female), Fennekin (Male), Gastly (Female), Sandygast (Female)
[B]Obtained Items:[/B] [I]Shiny Goggles,[/I] Broken (Meme) Unicycle
[B]Partner Pokemon:[/B] Chimchar](, looking pretty upset that you broke her new playtoy, the (meme) unicycle.
What do you do? [B]Do you go aboveground or below?[/b]
[B]Safari Balls remaining:[/B] 6
[B]Caught Pokemon:[/B] Houndour (Female), Fennekin (Male), Gastly (Female), Sandygast (Female)
[B]Obtained Items:[/B] [I]Shiny Goggles,[/I] Broken (Meme) Unicycle
[B]Partner Pokemon:[/B] Chimchar.png)