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Frontier Town Frontier Town Outskirts

He looked to Jade, narrowing his eyes. "You, at the very least owe the Chieftain a visit although she would have expected better from someone Brisa would trust."
Jade flinched slightly, but steeled herself. Yeah, she should have done better. And maybe Brisa had only trusted her because they'd both had no choice. But she wasn't about to let that trust go to waste.

"Look, Felin's got one thing right--before anything else happens, we'll talk to the chief. We want to stop the demons too, so we'd be putting ourselves on the line."
"Got cottonee in your brain?" Pyrrin asked with a growl. He shook his head. "I already answered your questions; I told you how we mean to handle the demons. Don't try to get me confused. Your insistence on protecting the rail, and your naïve platitudes about 'finding compromise' without offering my clan any guarantees tell me more than enough about where you stand in this conflict."
As Pyrrin's hackles went up again, the figure of another 'mon approached from further up the rail line, loping easily towards the group. A luxio, wearing only a leather pouch tucked behind his adolescent mane and an ear piercing from which hung a curved fang from some fearsome carnivore. He nodded his head to the Houndoom and then tilted it as he took a look at the Wayfarers.

"I didn't care to wait at our rendezvous, lucky for you! Are you having trouble with these outsiders, Pyrrin?" he asked, in a tone of banter rather than hostility. "If there's to be a fight, it's a good sky for it."

His facial expressions were subtle, neutral, but there were no hackles on this one, at least. Those Wayfarers familiar with feline body language might notice curious ears, interested tail-tip, steady pawsteps that suggested total confidence.

"I am called Halcón, warrior of the Escarpa Clan," he said, with a slight purr. "I ask a moment to speak with my partner."

The Luxio came alongside Pyrrin long enough for the Houndoom to growl a brief summary in his ear, which pricked with intrigue. Then he turned to the Wayfarers again, and gave a very slight bow of his head. His eyes glinted.

"Before we speak further... tell me how I should call you, and if you are of Frontier Town, or of elsewhere?"
Dave opened his mouth to respond to Pyrrin, but before he could, this Luxio arrived. He watched him warily as he spoke to Pyrrin. Okay, not the chieftain, but still, someone else. Someone who sounded at least a bit less high-strung.

“Yeah, hi,” he said. “I’m Dave, we’re a group of people summoned here from other worlds to supposedly save it from a crisis, currently residing in Frontier Town after getting the former mayor jailed for corruption. Right now we want to stop whoever’s abducting people and turning them into murderous beasts up in Blaguarro. It sounds like you want that too, and we can help you.”
Halcón nodded appreciatively, the faintly smug smile on his face indicating it was Voclain's jailing specifically that pleased him.

"Speaking only for my part, I would welcome you to fight alongside us against the demons," he replied, with a slight, rolling shrug of his shoulder. "I have all faith that the clan can overcome these 'Shadows' on our own, but there is no sense or honour in declining allies. If allies are what you be..."

The Luxio appeared to assess the Wayfarer party with a cynical eye.

"So, you are humans, and in great number. The clan has heard rumours rhyming with this, but still... I thought it a joke, or a trick. I tell you truthfully, when I saw you here I thought we would certainly fight – I thought you would be of the Commonwealth, and make to interfere with our duty – but you say you have made Ignatius a captive, and offer help, and this Meowth has spoken with Brisa Escarpa. I am willing to bring you to speak with Sierra, and I would first listen to what you have to say!"

There was a flash of seriousness in Halcón's dispassionate gaze.

"Only, do not ask us to disobey our leader for a trivial reason, or make me look foolish for taking you to the Chieftain. Whatever you have been told by the townsfolk, the Escarpa are no feral 'mon. Our concerns and actions are no lesser than any other people's."
Felin's paw tensed at the opportunity to explain that not all of them had been humans, but now did not feel like the best time for an 'uhm actually' so she let it slide.

"Of course not. Only a fool would hear about your clan and not see that you move with honor as your virtues," Felin said, flashing a friendly smile as she waved a paw. "I'm Felin Boots. It's a pleasure to meet you, Halcón of the Escarpa."

With that introduction out of the way, and a name whose pronunciation she managed not to butcher, Felin decided to get to the point. "Do not mistake us for being on the side of the commonwealth. We're not pawns to anyone. All I personally want is prevent unnecessary bloodshed."

She pointed at her chest as she made a declaration, "If the commonwealth is impeding on your culture, or worse, erasing it, that's something I want to prevent."
The second Pyrrin started on Jade was the moment Wes finally got his hackles up. “The hell is your problem?” he snapped. “Leave the kid alone, for gods’ sakes. She’s trying to help your Brisa, moron! We all are!”

Well, maybe not all of them—Wes wasn’t sure how much everybody else even knew about Brisa. But he, for one, was very interested to hear what their chief would have to say about Jade’s information.

He bristled further when another feline, some comrade or other of Pyrrin’s, joined the fray. Great. Another condescending prick to contend with. But, to Wes’s surprise, he was thankfully a fair bit more reasonable than his partner. Wes forced himself to relax with a huff. “Yes, thank you,” he sighed. Then he gave a polite nod to Halcón. “Name’s Wes. And actually, on the contrary; I’ve heard we could learn a lot from you and your people, if you’re willing to teach us. And what they said.” He jerked his head to Felin and Dave. “We’re not your enemy. Far from it. It sounds like we have the same goal in mind in regards to these Shadows.”
Halcón seemed, if anything, amused by Felin's flattery. At least he wasn't offended. He turned to Wes, and took a couple slow pads forward.

"It's not every day that an outsider wants to learn from us," he said, thoughtfully. "Fairly met, Rockruff Wes! Hm... I believe you speak honestly. Then I shall speak honestly to you in kind, as well-intentioned newcomers to Sojaveña."

The Luxio eyed the other party members evenly. He clearly didn't know what to make of them yet, but was doubtless weighing up his expectations about outsiders with each new thing he learned.

"I don't know what you've been told about us. Maybe you'll listen if I tell you myself. Many do not! I admit I know too little about you. But it is uncommon for outsiders in groups to approach Escarpa warriors with good intentions in mind, I tell you truthfully."

The cat's eyes flitted to one side as he considered what to say, how much to say. He held back for now.

"What do you want, exactly, you humans of other worlds? I must know what you ask of us. Only to be allowed to fight our enemy together? To be taught... how we fight? I saw my partner quarrel with you, and though he is a quarrelsome dog, I know him to be loyal. Do you have quarrel with my clan?"
Dave bristled a little at the suggestion that the matter of the sabotage was 'trivial', but whatever. They could cross that bridge when they came to it, with the actual chieftain.

"Yeah, I come from a world with a history not too dissimilar to this one, only a few hundred years in the future. Let's just say the history books don't look kindly on ruthless expansionism or stealing land from native populations or the dismissal of natives as savage animals. The shit they write about you sounds exactly like my world's unbearable racist slop. Not buying a word of it."

He glanced back at the Houndoom before looking at Halcón again.

"What we want is to find out why exactly we were summoned here, try to solve whatever that 'crisis' is, and solve other problems along the way if we can, like that travesty of a mayor. We heard from someone that your... 'patron saint', the Wandering Light, has the power to counter the Shadow Pokémon, so if we want to solve that, we thought that might be a lead. We'd also like to talk to your chieftain. About Brisa Escarpa and what happened to her, and about this whole railway sabotage bit. And yeah, I'd like to hear what you have to say on what's going on with the Commonwealth and the railway and the Escarpa, because I don't trust what the library books have to say about it farther than I can throw it."
Wes nodded as Dave spoke, then addressed Halcón directly. “I can’t speak for everybody here, but I can assure you I don’t have a quarrel with your people. In fact, I’ve been looking for this Brisa, as well.” He tossed Jade a look, indicating he would definitely ask her more questions later. “Like my companion said, we’ve heard mentions of something called Radiance, which can supposedly be used to fight these Shadows, and we want to learn more about it. Help you in defeating these Shadows, finding out who is responsible for them, and putting a stop to them, too.”
"What do you want, exactly, you humans of other worlds? I must know what you ask of us. Only to be allowed to fight our enemy together? To be taught... how we fight? I saw my partner quarrel with you, and though he is a quarrelsome dog, I know him to be loyal. Do you have quarrel with my clan?"

Kimiko spared a quick glance between Pyrrin and the newcomer to the scene. Was he Pyrrin's... superior or something? She hoped he wasn't getting in trouble for something they did. She almost felt bad for the houndoom; if some of her companions hadn't been so abrasive, they might have actually gotten somewhere, but Pyrrin had seemed put off the whole lot of them by this point. Seemed some of them could use a lesson or two in reading a room, and Kimiko was starting to regret not giving them one... oh well.

"We're sorry for any trouble or offense we've caused," she said, addressing both of the Escarpa, and once again lightly bowing towards the luxio. "My name's Kimiko. As my friends here have already summed up, there are, frankly, a great many things we wish to learn from you. We've heard tales of your strength and hoped we might come to some kind of agreement in exchange for your aid. Pyrrin here was kind enough to offer to bring us to your chieftain, with our hopes being we'd get an audience, and we're... honored - and eager - to have that chance. We simply wish to learn from you, and perhaps aid each other in the fight against these shadows; we have no intention of pushing our ways on you or anything like that. Honest."

She shot a quick look towards Jade, still holding the earring, then extended a vine as if to point to her. "And I do want to help you in recovering Brisa, if at all possible," she added, again not committing the rest of the Wayfarers to her own goals; training and learning the power to combat the shadows was one they all had in common, but anything beyond that was her choice. "She's in some kind of trouble, and sent our friend here to seek you out for help."
"None whatsoever beyond the typical townie affair," Pyrrin muttered in response to Halcón's initial question. He narrowed his eyes at the group but it seemed that the luxio's presence took away most of the houndoom's bite. "This one in particular thinks he has all the solutions to our plights, and means to insult us until we do things his way" he added, gesturing towards Dave, "and the others are happy to let him speak this way without voicing any contention. Clearly, they don't think him out of line."

He continued, "I'm not about to bring someone like him to speak with her. We've heard enough condescending demands to put Commonwealth interests before our own." Pyrrin's exasperated tone made it increasingly clear that this was not the first time the Escarpa received such a suggestion.

He glanced at Jade and the earring. "All but her, she has connection to Brisa although I question the company she keeps. And this one," he sighed and acknowledged Kimiko with a brief nod. "Only appears naïve. She may be worth sending to the Chieftain yet. The sprigatito too, I guess. The rest demand we compromise and talk, leave the townie rail-tracks alone, not make enemies with our enemies— I have heard nothing worth offering the chieftain but news of her daughter. And... their willingness to fight, if they have any strength." It seemed that he was genuinely considering Kimiko's offer for a battle but doubted the strength behind the claim.
Halcón listened with calm interest, looking languid in a feline way as he settled down on his hindquarters to hold court with the strange group of strangers. He seemed to register Kimiko's apologies with a flicker of his ears, but who could say what he thought of them? The Wayfarers had yet to learn what clanners considered good manners, after all.

Eventually, he stretched – with a muffled chirp – and spoke again.

"No quarrel with us... I believe you don't want quarrel with my clan. But if it comes to it, and my clan makes war with the Commonwealth, would you stay neutral, let alone side with the Escarpa against them? I will be 'blunt', as some say. 'Peace' with the east has been sickly at best my entire life, and may soon die. We mean to break the rail lines around Blaguarro to prevent any more movement of demons out of that place before we enter it to do battle. This will likely provoke the Commonwealth – we know this. Everything we do provokes the Commonwealth. It always has."

He shook his head, his emotional state hard to read. Was it possible this was just Escarpa stoicism, that he was holding his feelings in check until he knew more? Even so, there was a kind of bitter cynicism in his voice, and a lack of hesitation – like he'd said similar things many times already, in similar conversations.

He turned and met Wes' eyes with feline interest.

"I have more than enough reasons to be doubtful about you, 'other-world warriors'. You talk of the chief's daughter, and of Radiance, and this could mean that you are great allies in the making... or it could mean that you are spies, laying traps. Words are only words, history is made of acts and deeds. Still... it might be worth bringing you to meet with Sierra all the same. Only, listen first to what I would tell you about our history."

He glanced at Dave, acknowledging that the Poochyena had already assented to as much.

It seemed that if the rest of the Wayfarers seemed willing to listen, Luxio Halcón would have plenty to say.
And this one," he sighed and acknowledged Kimiko with a brief nod. "Only appears naïve. She may be worth sending to the Chieftain yet.
And... their willingness to fight, if they have any strength." It seemed that he was genuinely considering Kimiko's offer for a battle but doubted the strength behind the claim
Only, listen first to what I would tell you about our history."

Kimiko felt that stupid blush crop up again at being singled out. At least this time she could take some satisfaction that the attention was on her for something she'd done right.

She made a small show of removing herself from the tracks, returning to her former spot at Odette's side (because she still appeared a bit out of sorts around the houndoom for some reason), but did not make eye contact. They'd talk eventually, but right now they had to stay focused.

To Pyrrin, she said, "We've battled to prove our strength and our convictions on several occasions since arriving here. I have no issues proving them again, to you or anyone else in your clan. Hell, if I'm lucky, you'll have a thing or two you can teach me." She let the trace of a grin creep onto her face.

Then, to Halcón; "Information on the Commonwealth and their version of history isn't terribly difficult to come by. Whether it's true or not depends on who wrote it. And you've probably heard quite a lot about us, too. No doubt there's both truth and rumor there. I, for one, would be pleased to hear more about you."
Pyrrin’s retaliation set Odette’s teeth on edge, and she was ready to bow out. It was obvious that this guy was in no mood to listen to them, and trying to convince him they were all on the same playing field was only egging him on. Sooner or later he’d probably get angry enough to just go off on them and good fucking gods she didn’t want to deal with that.

Wes snapping back caused a bead of cold sweat to run down her back, and she stiffened. Nope. No. Fuck this. Fuck all of this.

The arrival of Halcon, at first, did little to calm her internal strife. He could be backup for all the fucking knew, but…he seemed amicable enough. And as Pyrrin very evidently settled back, so did she. Kimiko also coming back to her side, oddly enough, also left her feeling like she could breathe easier.

Okay. Okay. Someone they could reason with, maybe.

“I—“ she started before clearing her throat. “Sorry. I’m Odette,” she greeted. She adjusted her glasses to ensure they wouldn’t fog up again.

“We weren’t trying to undermine what the Escarpa may have gone through. Truth be told, I’m so invested in this shadow fuckery and why we were brought here at all that I’m not entirely aware of your clan’s side of things, so…I’ll acknowledge that much. My group here probably said it better but I’ll tack on that I personally apologize if I came off as crass or uninformed.” Because I’m only freaking the fuck out right now. “But, if you’re willing to speak with us, you have my undivided attention. I really just want to get to the bottom of this in the best possible way, so by all means.”
It took everything in Wes not to roll his eyes at Pyrrin, but he managed it. He appreciated Halcón’s more measured response, and listened intently as he spoke. When the feline was done, Wes firmly met his eyes and replied in an even tone. “Can’t say right now one way or another what I’d do, if—or maybe when—shit hits the fan. I don’t know much of anything about the history you’ve got with the townsfolk, but I’d like to learn the story so I can know who to throw my lot in with. As it stands, most of the people in the town have been good to us—but I’ve personally interacted with their sorry slop of a mayor, and I can’t imagine he made a great neighbor.”

He sat back on his haunches and assumed a somewhat relaxed, yet attentive position, indicating to Halcón that he was ready to listen. “Tell us your side of things. I’d like to hear it.”
Again with this idea that somehow blowing up the rail was going to stop the Shadow Pokémon getting out. Was he going insane? Was there some carefully hidden premise here that they weren't explaining? Was the desert around Blaguarro actually made of scorpions that would eat the Shadows alive except for the exact bit the railway went through?

Whatever. Save it for the fucking chieftain, if they didn't decide to ban him from Escarpa lands forever on Pyrrin's word that he was some kind of Commonwealth shill.

He sat back and tried to make himself comfortable on the dusty ground, nodding to Halcón.
Felin tapped her boot on the ground in a slow rhythm. She was attentive to the others as they gave their views on the matter. She was more than willing to hear Halcon out, but she did have one thing on her mind.

"Solving the problems with the demons in Blaguarro will only be a start. The shadows don't stay in one place, but spread and fester like an unseen plague," Felin drew a sharp breath. She held onto the hilt of her sword in what almost seemed like a coping mechanism. "That same evil is eating my home alive from within. It must've been what we've been brought here to stop."
Apparently satisfied, Halcón slowly blinked, and then gave his ear a momentary wash. Did that mean something? It certainly wasn't threatening, and if anything he must be confident and composed...

When he spoke, the Luxio did so in a clear, well-projected voice, his words flowing steadily with hardly a stumble or hedge. It was as if he was telling a story to an audience – there could be no interruption.

"Listen well," he began. "The Escarpa are warriors. Not conquerors, but protectors. My clan has protected Sojaveña from the day it was founded – from raiders, would-be-invaders, natural disasters, berserk ferals, and unstable rifts. We have raised more than one Wandering Light, and sheltered the current Light in living memory. We have learned the proper stewardship of this environment, and explored its rifts. We keep the knowledge of its peoples, its creatures, its growing things, its weather, its magic. We belong to the Soja'. We are part of it.

"When 'mon came from the east to settle here, some two-hundred years ago, the Escarpa at the time did not turn them away, saying that these settlers would be common folk under our protection the same way as the dependent villages in my clan's territory. For many years, this was well and good. It is the way of settled 'mon to build towns, raise crops, tend herds, and make trade with outsiders. It is the way of my clan to walk the land, hunt its wildlife, remember its fruitful places, descend into its rifts, and visit settled 'mon for rest, amusement, and barter. This is just the same as how different species survive in different ways – from the carrion bird, to the grazing herd.

"In the lifetime of my mother's mother, Empoleon Oriane entered the town of Desert Knot, and bargained for it. She renamed it Frontier Town, and said that she would build a city there, and bring the Commonwealth to Sojavena, and tame the wild places. Mayor Oriane made war with the Escarpa over the use of land and rifts in this part of the world, the reasons for conflict endless and unarguable. Even hunting thieves and bandits was considered a crime at best, or an act of war at worst. There were no victors, and little compromise. The conflict inflamed the rifts of Soja, which townsfolk call 'mystery dungeons', and they spread and grew, thinning the walls of the world and weakening the clansfolk who depended on the rifts for resources. The Escarpa withdrew, to keep watch on Frontier Town and wait for a better season for conflict. They would bide their time.

"In later years, a young warrior of the Escarpa moved against the rifts, and a human from the stars became her partner, and they ended the crisis together, becoming strong beyond description. This warrior was Luxray Sierra, and her mate was Delphox Jesse, the Stranger. Together, they could have defeated any enemy, but instead they chose peace. They became so strong that no war could be made without their consent. Even so, the peace they kept was a kind of fever – in this time of peace no provocation or injustice was ever cruel enough to punish. In my own lifetime, I have seen Escarpa warriors hanged for 'trespass' – this is the crime of walking on land without permission – and still there was peace, and we were told that we need only mind where we travelled. And so the fever rose and rose, never killing off the sickness in the land.

"At last, there came a 'mon in Frontier Town who it pleased to build industrial machines to pull oil from the earth in Escarpa territory, and lay pipes to transport it to the Commonwealth, where oil is burned to power their vehicles. He knew that this could not stand, but he sent labourers all the same. This 'mon never completed his work. I tell you, the 'fever' killed him."

Here, Halcón paused, making eye contact with several Wayfarers, allowing the meaning of his words to filter through. He wasn't saying the oil baron died of natural illness.

"...In the past several years, we have heard Mayor Ignatius and the 'mon of Frontier Town call our chieftain 'murderer', tell all visitors of our 'savagery', and cry in their drinking houses about the time to come when the Army will remove us from the earth. Not every town 'mon says these things, but they very rarely object. It is not even new; only the force with which it is said is new. The Escarpa have watched and waited and talked and sacrificed and held their tongues for a generation. The clan once stepped in to right wrongs as a matter of course; now they let all manner of things pass without response, to appease the Commonwealth. All manner of things—"

The Luxio's eyes narrowed, and he glanced northeast, towards Blaguarro.

"—but not these Demons, these Shadows of innocent 'mon. The Escarpa move to encircle the town of black water, and allow no escape, on foot or by air or by water. Our trackers surpass all others. We cannot hunt down and pursue locomotives bearing Shadows or their makers, so we shall simply unmake the rail line itself. If this stems the coming flood of Commonwealth industry, settlers, and military troops, so much the better. It is our duty to do these things, when no-one else can or will."

He turned back to the Wayfarers, blinked slowly, took a breath. His normal speaking voice returned, rougher and faintly sassy in tone.

"You're not part of the Commonwealth. Alright. You want to fight the demons of Blaguarro alongside us. Sounds good to my ears! But after that, what then? Moving Escarpa warriors to a war footing, even against the demons, will provoke the Commonwealth. We move all the same, as we must. You may say that these matters can be resolved by talking all that it pleases you, but I need you to see that it is... difficult to trust in words, from where we stand."

He wasn't admonishing the Wayfarers. Only explaining – but with a kind of deep, aching fatigue barely perceptible underneath his playful, cocky mannerisms. This was a young 'mon who'd spent his whole life hearing stories of Escarpa warriors doing great and heroic things, and excuses for why they couldn't do the same now, even as more and more wrongs went unpunished.
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Okay. Okay, okay. They meant without the rail they could track down any escaped stragglers. Why didn’t they just fucking say so instead of being obtuse about it.

Dave’s frown had deepened as the story went on. Halcón had strongly suggested one of the Escarpa really had murdered that industrialist. His stomach clenched, bile in his mouth. Big fucking hell-situation of oppression and retaliation and avoidable violence because people had to choose to be pricks. The all-powerful Jesse Stranger, apparently, had chosen active appeasement even when people were literally being hanged for existing in the wrong place. What the fuck? He should’ve had the power to change something if anyone did.

He exhaled through his nose. “Well, if people are going to have a problem with you wanting to stop the murder and abduction of innocents because it’s you, fuck them,” he said.
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