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Game Queue Redux


Despite everything, it's still you.
In the interest of separating years-old postings from more modern ones, I have decided to make a new game queue.

Posting here is a good way to ensure multiple GM's aren't fighting over the same timeslot.

Thank you for your time.
Now, I have a wide variety of ideas for games, ranging from ordinary setups, to power role hell, to obnoxiously circuitous sets of rules and mechanics, to the genuinely horrible experiences for all involved including the GM.

But I just ran a game, MF's running one, and I hear rumblings of other people wanting to try their hands at GM'ing, so they can wait for now. Rest assured, these ideas will keep. I encourage anyone who's ever had interest in GM'ing to give it a shot.
Hello!! I'm new here, I hope it's ok for me to post here, let me know if I should delete if not! I'm from the mafia community on Flight Rising and someone mentioned that you all play mafia games here; I'm interested in playing a game with you all if that's ok! Looks like there aren't any games in signups right now, but just wanted to let you know that I'm interested.
Hello!! I'm new here, I hope it's ok for me to post here, let me know if I should delete if not! I'm from the mafia community on Flight Rising and someone mentioned that you all play mafia games here; I'm interested in playing a game with you all if that's ok! Looks like there aren't any games in signups right now, but just wanted to let you know that I'm interested.
YEAHH manifesting a game starting

edit: i would be potentially able to run one but i don't think that helps the issue of finding players lol. idk. lmk
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Hello!! I'm new here, I hope it's ok for me to post here, let me know if I should delete if not! I'm from the mafia community on Flight Rising and someone mentioned that you all play mafia games here; I'm interested in playing a game with you all if that's ok! Looks like there aren't any games in signups right now, but just wanted to let you know that I'm interested.
YEAHH manifesting a game starting

edit: i would be potentially able to run one but i don't think that helps the issue of finding players lol. idk. lmk
Well if you do run one I'll be happy to join :D
I'd be interested in joining a game, if someone's up for running one!
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