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Gijinka-a new begining

Awar had gone off as soon as he could. He finally felt the taste of freedom. He was happy for the first time after so many years.

Angelica had went off searching for some calm place. All she wanted now was to be alone for some time.
Seth walked with Midnight. He suddenly felt a slight tingle and sighed.
"Big sis is mad at me," I sighed.
Midnight still used her her cut leg to walk, but not that very hard. "Who's your sister and why would she be mad?" Midnight asked Seth, looking forward wondering which one was her.
"She's the Jolteon woman and she's mad because she can't find me... She's a bit over protective," I explained.
"Well I'm sure we'll run into her again."Midnight nodded to herself. "Since we're trying to escape, if we make it outside she'll be there." Midnight winced slightly, her cut stung more from walking on it.
"I'm pretty sure she and Kain got away. The Electric Three are the best group there can be," I said confidently.
"You okay though?"
Jolt trod far behind the group, staring at the floor as he followed, This is pointless he sighed nothing waiting for me outside but a different death, a lonely death.
"Never heard of you guys." Midnight replied, looking at him. "Not really, my leg burns badly." The leg of her pants started to get wet and slightly red.
Jolt watched them chat and wanted to cry and stopped, "Why should I leave?" he said low, "It won't change anything."
Seth stopped and looked behind him.
"Here, take her. I'm going to try and give us some cover," he said to Jolt.
Seth stepped away and started back the way they came.
"You two better get going," he said, cheeks and ears sparking.
Midnight held onto Jolt tightly, almost hugging him since she was only using one leg to stand. "Thank you for helping." she said to Jolt.
"Alright," Seth looked ahead for the ones he heard down the hall.

Kain swore and turned around.
"What?" Amy asked.
"Seth is trying to cover the escape of others," Kain told her.
"Damn idiot!" Amy growled. The two immediately ran back.
Flame and Melony had reached the exit and held off the guards to give the others time to escape.

Jolt looked at Midnight, "Is it ok to help?"
Midnight carefully sat down on the ground so he could wrap up her leg better. She rolled up her pant leg to her knee, a cut ran from her knee to around her ankle. It was bleeding a bit, since the walking opened it up slightly. "Ya."
Amy and Kain ran past Midnight and Jolt to Seth.
"Idiot brother!" Amy called him. Seth looked at them.
"We'll help you so those two can get away," Kain said, starting to fly off the ground.
Jolt took that as 'yes'and knelt down and pulled out some peroxide, "This will sting a little," he said and dabbed in onto a cotton swab and wiped it down the cut to clean in up and dried it off. He then began to wrap up the cut in the guaze
"Ow ow ow."Midnight winced as he leg burned even more. She held still even though it hurt terribly. "Done now?" she asked when he wrapped it.
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