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Gijinka-a new begining

Seth and Amy sparked as they stared down the hall. Kain flew above them and readied himself for the fight.
"Kain, Seth, you two better not die in this," Amy said.
"Don't plan to," Seth replied. As one group they charged down the hall to their pursuers.
Midnight grabbed him hand and held onto him tightly when she got up. "Thank you very much." She continued to keep her foot off the ground. "It still hurts though."
The sound of fighting came from behind them as the three electric types each used Thunder together.
Midnight nodded. "Ya it helps a bit." She walked on one leg while holding onto Jolt for support. "I guess that guy got me good."
Jolt looked back, "Forgive me," he said to Midnight and picked her up on his back as he began running down the hall

(basically piggy back ride)
Midnight wrapped her arms around his head and held on tightly. "It's fine, it's faster this way anyways." she smiled to him.
He blushed as he bolted toward the door, keeping low to make sure she never hit her head, he spotted Melony, Flame, and Ace ahead.

"Come on!" Ace called.
Midnight wrapped her arms tighter. "Do we have to?" She asked him, she never flown before , but she was kinda scared.
Jolt nodded as he caught up with Flame, Melony, and Ace, "Ok, let's go!" they said as they exited into the Wilderness beyond.

(OK GTG, please only post if you need to catch the others up, bye and thanks)
Midnight held on and closed her eyes as branches came toward her from tree. She didn't want to get hit in the eyes by the trees.
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