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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Glace vs. Mai

It says the second one did in the end of round stats--probably should've calculated everything but.
... I can't quite work up the willpower to help you out on this, Ma'at. Get over it; Officer is a jerk and is using you. Can you not notice things. I mean seriously. Vengeance.

Psychic all round; be really thorough in your mental intrusion so you can see his treasonous thoughts more clearly. If you think that's just a terrible terrible thing to do and you can't bring yourself to attack Officer (it reeeaaally isn't), calm mind; also do this if your attack would be unable to hit or be completely ineffective. This should hopefully help clear your mind.

If it looks like you have time and the switch would be effective enough, instead use psychic to fling Officer up in the air if he tries an earthquake. That should prevent it from working I suppose.

Psychic/Calm mind~ Psychic/Calm mind~ Psychic/Calm mind
Oh, right.

Payback on the first action. Remember to wait after she uses Psychic and really just try to hit her very very very hard. Then Mud Bomb and Discharge I guess. If she faints at any time, celebrate.

Payback ~ Mud Bomb x2
”Arena (Silver Cupcakes Platter)” said:
A platter placed on a table in Sugarcube Corner's basement. It cannot be dug into and does not rust. The stage itself is nothing out of the ordinary.

However, each round Pinkie Pie will arrive and feed each Pokemon a cupcake specifically made from a certain pony. Specific afflictions and boosts are received based on what pony the cupcake was made out of. Each cupcake can only be served once, and the effects of them only last for that round. The list of the cupcakes and their effects are listed:

Twilight: Will inflict a STAB psychic attack on the person who eats it.
Applejack: Each pokemon will gain +1 attack and +1 defense because bulkiness.
Rarity: Will heal 5% health and energy with generosity.
Rainbow Dash: Each pokemon will gain +3 speed.
Fluttershy: Attack and special attack lowered -2 with status affects removed.
Celestia: Each pokemon will go God Tier and become their final stage.
Luna: It will become night. All weather will be removed and dark/ghost type moves will gain a STAB boost in addition to STAB.
Lyra: If Bon-Bon was eaten within two rounds then both pokemon will become attracted to each other.
DJ-PON3: Special attack and special defense will be raised by +1 because of coolness.
Bon-Bon: If Lyra was eaten within two rounds then both pokemon will become attracted to each other.
Derpy: Each pokemon becomes confused.
Baked bads: Each pokemon will lose 5% health and 5% energy.
Big Macintosh: Each pokemon will lose -3 speed because he's slow, but they wikl also gain +2 attack because of his bulk.
Trixie: Each pokemon will gain +3 in every stat, but be inflicted with confusion, burn, and paralysis.

If the battle lasts through every possible cupcake, Pinkie Pie will come in every round and inflict 10% damage on every Pokemon until there is a victor.

Round Five, Begin!

Team Glace

[Officer] Stunfisk (Male)
Ability: Limber
Signature Attribute: Unreal Citations
Signature Move: Strike Three
Health: 21%
Condition: “Just what you deserve!”
Status: Atk +2. Spd -3.
Commands: Payback ~ Mud Bomb ~ Mud Bomb

Team Mai

[Nephtys] Ralts (Female)
Ability: Trace Limber
Health: 17%
Energy: 44%
Condition: “Oh, he’s so dreamy…wait no”
Status: Atk +4. Sp.Atk +2. Sp.Def +2. Spd -4. Has two Citations. Attracted to Officer (Moderate; 30% chance of full infatuation on harmful attacks). Badly poisoned (1% this round, 2% next).
Commands: Psychic/Calm Mind ~ Psychic/Calm Mind ~ Psychic/Calm Mind​

By the beginning of the fifth round, Mai is almost yelling at its poor pokemon, telling it repeatedly to snap out of the trance Officer has it set in. And by a stroke of what the trainer considers luck, Nephtys actually manages to convince herself to attack – and almost immediately, at that. The Ralts soon begins to use her psychic powers to rifle through her opponent’s brain, her motives – to find any loving thoughts he has of her – unknown to anyone but she. Unfortunately, after searching for almost a minute she finds absolutely nothing. For shattering her hopes, Nephtys finishes the attack she started after all, giving Officer a mean mental jolt.

The Stunfisk cringes in pain. He can’t take much more, but he knows Nephtys can’t take very much more either. She’s just about as battered as he is; and he has the advantages of both police training and anger on his side. Special police strategy number 9: if your foe manages to hit you first, retaliate with full force if necessary. Officer figures that this situation makes the strategy pretty darn necessary, so he begins to flop as fast as he can over to his opponent. A dark energy gathers inside of him, and when he makes contact with Nephtys he knocks her back harshly. That’s what she gets for hurting him.

Nephtys staggers back from the blow, and puts a hand on the metal plate below her to keep her balance. She’s clearly hanging from a thread, and Officer sees that and grins evilly. He knows just how to finish the job! Slowly, savoring the moment, the Stunfisk begins to gather mud from inside his own body – all Stunfisk have mud inside their bodies from the mud they usually nest in – and crafts an explosive round mass of the wet goop. Finally, he opens his mouth and lets the Mud Bomb fly. It hits Nephtys squarely, knocking away the last of her energy and leaving her small mud-covered figure slumped over on the surface of the cupcake platter.

The Ralts’s body soon turns into a red plasma and disappears into her pokeball. Mai frowns at Officer, beginning to think about its next pokemon choice, but the Stunfisk pays it no mind. Instead, its attention is held by the giant cupcake that plopped down in front of it. Nothing like a good victory cupcake, right? He soon devours the whole thing; it’s tasty, but nothing particularly good happens. Oh well, a regular cupcake is good enough!

Round Five End!

Team Glace

[Officer] Stunfisk (Male)
Ability: Limber
Signature Attribute: Unreal Citations
Signature Move: Strike Three
Health: 8%
Energy: 38%
Condition: Triumphant but tired.
Status: Atk +2. Spd -3.
Performed: Payback ~ Mud Bomb

Team Mai

[Nephtys] Ralts (Female)
Ability: Trace Limber
Health: 0%
Energy: 40%
Condition: Knocked Out!
Status: --
Performed: Psychic​

Arena Notes
~This round, Pinkie Pie served Lyra to Officer. Nothing happened because Bon-Bon hasn’t been eaten recently.

Damage and Energy Calculations
~Psychic: 13% damage, 4% energy
~Payback: 16% damage, 6% energy
~Mud Bomb: 5% damage, 4% energy

General Notes:
~Despite the fact that Officer is actually presently faster than Nephtys, Payback still had doubled power because he was commanded to wait.
~Officer KOed Nephtys on action 2.

Next Round
~Mai sends out
~Glace orders commands
~Mai orders commands
~I ref
Neither, actually. I'm basically using Negrek's scale, but for the rest of this battle I'm just putting the EXP modifier at 0 because I have no idea what it was at the beginning of the battle and what are the odds that they both had at least 4 exp anyway. Doesn't really matter, Nephtys had like no chance.

I'm also using a homemade calculator and crosschecking with Negrek's online calculator, if that sheds any light on it.
(Well, Azuraine has four EXP, but I probably shouldn't use him. Depends on how this goes.)

... Rebecca, come on out. Make some use of yourself, prove that it's just ghost types being unlucky and I can use types other than poison and bug effectively, etc. Yeeeaaah.
An Officer goes down honorably. So spam. :v Chill if she does anything where she can't be hurt/you're attack is blocked or ineffective/anything of that sort.

Earthquake/Chill ~ Earthquake/Chill ~ Earthquake/Chill

This is really rushed since I need to study for an exam tomorrow. :x
You get extremespeed for some odd reason. Use it wisely, and see if you can't knock Officer out before receiving any damage.

On the second action, if extremespeed hit but Officer is still conscious, a quick attack should do to finish him off. However, go with extremespeed if your attack hit.

Extremespeed~ Extremespeed/Quick attack~ Extremespeed/Quick attack

Well, my command string isn't exactly the best either. :/
”Arena (Silver Cupcakes Platter)” said:
A platter placed on a table in Sugarcube Corner's basement. It cannot be dug into and does not rust. The stage itself is nothing out of the ordinary.

However, each round Pinkie Pie will arrive and feed each Pokemon a cupcake specifically made from a certain pony. Specific afflictions and boosts are received based on what pony the cupcake was made out of. Each cupcake can only be served once, and the effects of them only last for that round. The list of the cupcakes and their effects are listed:

Twilight: Will inflict a STAB psychic attack on the person who eats it.
Applejack: Each pokemon will gain +1 attack and +1 defense because bulkiness.
Rarity: Will heal 5% health and energy with generosity.
Rainbow Dash: Each pokemon will gain +3 speed.
Fluttershy: Attack and special attack lowered -2 with status affects removed.
Celestia: Each pokemon will go God Tier and become their final stage.
Luna: It will become night. All weather will be removed and dark/ghost type moves will gain a STAB boost in addition to STAB.
Lyra: If Bon-Bon was eaten within two rounds then both pokemon will become attracted to each other.
DJ-PON3: Special attack and special defense will be raised by +1 because of coolness.
Bon-Bon: If Lyra was eaten within two rounds then both pokemon will become attracted to each other.
Derpy: Each pokemon becomes confused.
Baked bads: Each pokemon will lose 5% health and 5% energy.
Big Macintosh: Each pokemon will lose -3 speed because he's slow, but they wikl also gain +2 attack because of his bulk.
Trixie: Each pokemon will gain +3 in every stat, but be inflicted with confusion, burn, and paralysis.

If the battle lasts through every possible cupcake, Pinkie Pie will come in every round and inflict 10% damage on every Pokemon until there is a victor.

Mai ruffles through their bags, meticulously choosing another pokemon. By the looks of it, Officer guesses he’s going to be against a big one this time. But when Mai releases their second pokemon of the battle, he’s pleasantly surprised to see a puny little Zigzagoon. Rebecca begins to run around, raring and full of energy that Officer doesn’t have, and Superbird signals for the round to begin.

Round Six, Begin!

Team Glace

[Officer] Stunfisk (Male)
Ability: Limber
Signature Attribute: Unreal Citations
Signature Move: Strike Three
Health: 8%
Energy: 38%
Condition: Triumphant but tired.
Status: Atk +2. Spd -3.
Commands: Earthquake/Chill x3

Team Mai

[Rebecca] Zigzagoon (Female)
Ability: Pickup
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Condition: Ready to go.
Status: Normal.
Commands: Extremespeed ~ Extremespeed/Quick Attack x2​

Rebecca gets off to a quick start. Immediately, she pulls out a deep power stored inside of her, one she hasn’t used for a very long time. She begins to run, and the more she runs the more her speed increases. It only takes a moment before she is barely visible, and Officer gasps audibly. He knows what’s going to happen. But he has no way to dodge as Rebecca shoots straight into him, knocking him out immediately.

A shiny blue cupcake plops down in front of the Zigzagoon as she returns to her corner. She lets out a brief cry of happiness, presumably happy that she’s getting rewarded already, and takes a bite of the treat. Almost immediately she grows almost twice as strong; but in addition to her strength she is overrun by several forces, leaving her crippled and scalded, with a headache. A horrible trade-off, if you ask her.

Round Six End!

Team Glace

[Officer] Stunfisk (Male)
Ability: Limber
Signature Attribute: Unreal Citations
Signature Move: Strike Three
Health: 0%
Energy: 38%
Condition: Triumphant but tired.
Status: Atk +2. Spd -3.
Performed: Payback ~ Mud Bomb

Team Mai

[Rebecca] Zigzagoon (Female)
Ability: Pickup
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Condition: Triumphant and strong, yet horribly crippled.
Status: Atk +3. Def +3. Spd +3. SAtk +3. SDef +3. Spd +3. Acc +3. Eva +3.Burned, Paralyzed, Confused (all moderate; 3% damage per round, damage and energy penalty on movement-based attacks, 30% chance to hurt self).
Performed: Extremespeed​

Arena Notes
~This round, Pinkie Pie served Trixie to Rebecca. I assumed that when you said ‘Every Stat’ you meant Accuracy and Evasion as well.

Damage and Energy Calculations
~Extremespeed: 10% damage, 4% energy

General Notes:
~Extremespeed KO’ed Officer.

Next Round
~Glace sends out
~Mai orders commands
~Glace orders commands
~I ref
Oh, look, Rebecca; it's your second encounter with a member of the porygon line. (I don't think it will turn out very differently, sorry to say.) Also, why did I ban direct healing...? Maybe it was one of Glace's suggestions.

Nice job screwing everything up, self. Thunderwave because if I have to deal with hax then I might as well inflict it myself. If, on the first action, System does something where you can't hit them or does something that would make your attack completely ineffective, hone claws.

For the next two actions, facade. Assuming Officer typechanges so the attack is resisted/immune, sets up a reflect, or does something that hinders your physical attacks (but won't affect special attacks); charge beam. If System does something so that you can't hit them or would make both other attacks completely ineffective, hone claws.

Thunderwave/hone claws~ Facade/Charge beam/Hone claws~ Facade/Charge beam/Hone claws
Substitute (10%) ~ Facade x2

2015 Zhorken EDIT: 2 exp and happiness for Officer and Rebecca; 1 for Nephtys; $8 for Glace; $4 for Mai; $2 for Superbird.
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