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glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy


beep beep coming through
glitchedgamer said:
2 vs 2 Single
Style: Set
DQ: One Week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO, Direct Healing
Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

glitchedgamer's active squad: [Medusa] Dunsparce (F) <Serene Grace> - [Barracuda] Clamperl (M) @Deepseatooth - [Oracle] Natu (M) <Synchronize>

Metallica Fanboy's active squad: [Dexterous] Aerodactyl (M) <Pressure> - [Megatherium] Slakoth (M) - [Warfare] Carvanha (M)

As a minor correction, glitchedgamer, Oracle will need 3 exp to evolve, not 1.

Metallica Fanboy sends out
glitchedgamer sends out and attacks
Metallica Fanboy attacks
Thanks for taking the match, Kratos.

Well, to begin with, I'll send Megatherium out.
Sorry, it was a typo. I fixed it.

Anyway, back to the battle. Slakoth, huh? Let's see...Barracuda, you're up! That thing is slow, so let's take this time to boost up a bit. Steel your defense first so we can hopefully drag this out long enough to tire the sloth out. Next, time to boost you're offense. Summon some rain and hit 'em with a Surf. That should shake him up a bit.

Iron Defense ~ Rain Dance ~ Surf
First and foremost, Megatherium, foe is slightly faster than you, so, we won't have a chance to hit before it uses Iron Defense. So, instead, we should cripple it from the beggining by using Toxic.

When your foe uses Rain Dance, just enjoy the rain.

Lastly, let's make good use of the rain.

Toxic ~ Activate Truant ~ Thunder
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round One

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Peeking curiously out of his shell
Barracuda's Commands: Iron Defense ~ Rain Dance ~ Surf

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Bored and sleepy
Megatherium's Commands: Toxic ~ Truant ~ Thunder

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round One: Begin

The plateau on Route 29 sits some distance away from the shade of the trees, a fact that Megatherium the Slakoth does not especially appreciate. He likes shade. He likes trees. He really likes shady trees. Shady trees are nice places to sleep the day away, cool and comfortable and off of the ground so that most pesky Pokémon can't bother him. There will be no sleeping now, however, and the Clamperl sitting on the grass some distance away looks poised and ready to be a real nuisance to him. Barracuda flexes his shell hinge experimentally, making sure that he's prepared to snap it shut should anything nasty come his way--or should he decide to give the lazy brown rug creature over there a hearty bite. But first things first. Right now he'd better focus on shoring up his defenses.

Barracuda's blue shell begins to shimmer in the sunlight, a wash of silvery energy covering both of the two halves and adding an extra layer of stiffness and toughness to its surface. The Clamperl smirks knowingly at the Slakoth sprawled on the grass across from him, certain that he is ready for any assault that might come his way. Long claws? So what? They won't so much as scuff his reinforced shell.

Rather than worry about any scratching or other unnecessarily strenuous physical exertion, however, Megatherium simply drags himself forward across the grass. As he approaches, Barracuda can hear faint gurgling, gagging noises coming from the sloth's throat. Something unidentifiable but clearly an unpleasant shade of purple dribbles out of Megatherium's mouth, and he tilts his head back when he is but a few feet away from from his target. The next thing Barracuda knows his opponent has vomited all over the front of his shell. None of the initial splatter hits his delicate innards, but quite a bit quickly slides off of the shell's slick surface and drips onto him before he can shut himself in. He squeaks and squirms in discomfort as the acidic toxins seep into his pink flesh, soaking into his bloodstream.

Muttering darkly to himself the Clamperl turns his gaze skyward, watching the clouds crawling lazily across the sky. His muttering changes from simple cursing to a steady chant of varying pitch and tone, and he clicks the edges of his shell halves together rhythmically--he winces a bit as he does so, each click jiggling his stinging innards just a little. The clouds overhead begin to billow out and darken, all of them soon a deep, foreboding gray and quite heavy with rain. Within seconds the first drop falls out of the sky and splashes into the nearby pond. It is quickly followed by another, and then three more, and before long a steady downpour is falling over the battlefield. The rain rinses the toxic goop off of Barracuda's shell and soothes his skin a little, although it is too late to cleanse away the poison that has already settled in. Megatherium yawns and scratches his left side half-heartedly, but otherwise does not move or even so much as acknowledge the rain. He'll deal with it when he feels like it. If he even feels like it needs dealing with at all.

Barracuda is quite pleased to see that Megatherium hasn't seen fit to puke all over him again, and so he presses on. The little bivalve turns his attention from the skies to the pond behind him, churning the formerly still waters up into a series of roiling waves that sweep back and forth across the surface, growing larger with each pass. The largest wave yet reaches its peak and surges forward, overreaching the pond's banks and crashing down over both Barracuda and a (slightly) startled Megatherium. The rush of water pushes the Slakoth backward, finally depositing him a few yards before the edge of the plateau. Now thoroughly soaked, Megatherium shakes himself futilely and stares sleepily at his opponent. He lifts his head and torso off of the ground, supporting most of his weight on his long arms. His fur seems to stand on end despite all of the wetness, and he raises one arm to point dramatically at Barracuda. Without warning the clouds split open and a massive lightning bolt streaks down from the sky, striking Barracuda dead center and sending thousands upon thousands of volts of electricity coursing through his body. His shell clatters wildly against itself and he screams, the horrible noise almost lost in the roar of thunder that follows a split second later. Megatherium lies back down again, satisfied.

Round One: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 81%
Energy: 83%
Status: Defense +2; Poisoned (very severe: 1% this round, 2% next); fried and feeling ill

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 83%
Energy: 86%
Status: Very, very wet, but pleased with himself

Arena Status: Rain falls steadily over the field and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Rain Dance: 4 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
Last edited:
Hm. That went smoothly, but not as much as I would expect.

At any rate, I'm sure the poisoning won't be around for much longer, so, it's time to change strategy a bit.

Let's begin with Amnesia, which will bog down most of the STAB moves within Barracuda's range. Then, let's give it a status that won't fade easily, and finish with some lazy time.

Amnesia ~ Yawn ~ Activate Truant
Gah, that didn't go too well...I need to plan more carefully next time. Anyway, you did well that round Barracuda, but now it's time to get serious.

That Poison is going to be a pain, so let's get rid of that first.

If the sloth loves status conditions so much, we'll give him one of his own. Confuse Ray away.

Forget about that Amnesia and hit him with a Waterfall. The rain should at least make it sting a little more than usual.

We can do this 'Cuda!

Refresh ~ Confuse Ray ~ Waterfall
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 81%
Energy: 83%
Status: Defense +2; Poisoned (very severe: 1% last round, 2% this); fried and feeling ill
Barracuda's Commands: Refresh ~ Confuse Ray ~ Waterfall

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 83%
Energy: 90%
Status: Very, very wet, but pleased with himself
Megatherium's Commands: Amnesia ~ Yawn ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Two: Begin

Unable to sit still through all of the tingling and nausea he's feeling, Barracuda at last decides to do something about it. His pink, rubbery interior takes on a brilliant sheen to match the one that is still visible on his shell in the right light, glowing white as if with great heat. A surge of energy rushes through him, forcing his body to flush out the poisonous impurities at a supernatural rate. Within seconds every last trace of the toxin has been dissolved, leaving a much healthier, happier Barracuda behind when the glow fades away.

Megatherium remains unconcerned by this erasure of his perfectly good status condition. In fact, he seems to be completely unconcerned by anything and everything--the Slakoth's eyes glaze over and a thin streamer of saliva dribbles from the corner of his mouth. The inclement weather, the wave of water that just drenched him, even something about gathering darkness around his... claws or whatever, it probably wasn't important anyway--thoughts seem to pour out of Megatherium's head like the rain from the sky, deadening his perception of those irritating energy-based attacks.

But Barracuda isn't willing to let his foe just sit there and ignore everything for long. He throws his shell wide open and opens his beady eyes, which begin to flash in a random series of alternating colors. A veritable rainbow of dazzling lights arcs out from the Clamperl's face, sparkling brightly even through the dark, rainy atmosphere. The light show shines right into Megatherium's eyes, and the Slakoth, despite his emptied mind, cannot help but be a bit mesmerized by the flashing and dancing of the colors. The scant few thoughts that remain at the forefront of his mind, basic functions and his trainer's orders, become slurred and muddled; the longer he watches, the more he realizes that he... well, he isn't quite sure what he realizes, to be perfectly frank, or if he even realizes anything at all. He shakes his head vigorously to rid it of the uncomfortable feeling, spraying rainwater everywhere, and then yawns. His lower jaw stretches downward to the point of near-dislocation, and while Barracuda flinches--that looks painful--he can't help but feel a bit like yawning himself. His eyes stop flashing and the lids droop down to their usual almost-closed state. Even the rain splashing down on him does little to alleviate the sudden wave of exhaustion, but he knows he has to fight it for just a little longer...

So Barracuda struggles forward, flicking his bottom shell to lift himself off the ground in an awkward hop. Water energy streams out of his mouth and swirls around his body, rushing downward and adding extra propulsion to his jumps. With a concerted effort Barracuda makes it across the field and cannons into Megatherium, the edge of his shell striking the Slakoth square between the eyes. The focused blow and the force of the rain-boosted water energy snaps Megatherium's neck back, startling him and leaving a thin cut along his snout; Megatherium's scrambled thoughts buzz erratically around his mind, his confusion only aggravated by the pain. Luckily enough there were no commands for him to try and remember this time, and so he just lies there, stunned and waiting for his head to stop aching so much. Barracuda, now teetering on his side a few feet to his opponent's left, clatters to the soggy grass with a thud. His shell shuts with a gentle click and his eyes close properly--even the rush of the waterfall attack is not enough to stave off his tiredness, and the Clamperl falls asleep right there on the ground.

Round Two: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 81%
Energy: 66%
Status: Defense +2; Asleep (moderate); snoozing quietly

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 64%
Energy: 82%
Status: Special Defense +2; Confused (light); Night Slash forgotten; wishes he could be napping like Barracuda right now

Arena Status: Rain falls steadily over the field and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Rain Dance: 3 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-I made a mistake and gave Megatherium the wrong amount of energy back on his truant action last time; it's fixed in this round.
-Amnesia caused Megatherium to forget Night Slash, and the move will be unusable for as long as his special defense boost lasts.
-Amnesia reduced the effectiveness of Confuse Ray, resulting in a lower severity.
-Waterfall scored a critical hit, after which Barracuda fell asleep. The shock of the attack made it harder to relax, so Megatherium's truant action gave him slightly less energy than before.
-glitchedgamer attacks first next round.

I hope you can hear me, 'Cuda. Just Sleep Talk like crazy. If you wake up at anytime, use Waterfall again.

Sleep Talk/Waterfall ~ Sleep Talk/Waterfall ~ Sleep Talk/Waterfall
Psh, Sleep Talk, I knew it.

Given most moves coming out of it will be either special or weak, we have a slight advantage.

Let's get ready for the bout by the time Barracuda is awake. And let's hope the bright lights won't get on the way.

Bulk Up x2 ~ Activate Truant
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 81%
Energy: 66%
Status: Defense +2; Asleep (moderate); snoozing quietly
Barracuda's Commands: Sleep Talk/Waterfall ~ Sleep Talk/Waterfall ~ Sleep Talk/Waterfall

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 64%
Energy: 82%
Status: Special Defense +2; Confused (light); Night Slash forgotten; wishes he could be napping like Barracuda right now
Megatherium's Commands: Bulk Up ~ Bulk Up ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Three: Begin

Eyes still tightly shut in sleep, Barracuda begins to mumble quietly. The driving rain drowns out the noise he makes, but Megatherium is soon all too aware of his opponent's sudden burst of activity--without warning the dozing Clamperl flips onto the edge of his shell and rolls forward, cutting across the wet grass at an unnerving clip. Megatherium, still struggling with his muddled thoughts, cannot react quickly enough to get out of the path of the shellfish barrelling his way, and Barracuda's relatively sharp edges slam right into the side of the Slakoth's head. Megatherium's head snaps back again--if he could think straight, he'd probably complain about the serious whiplash he's sure to have in the morning--and Barracuda clatters to a halt again, still asleep in spite of the rush and the shock of the impact. The dazed sloth Pokémon simply sits there and massages his neck. For the life of him he just cannot remember what he was supposed to do, and any attempts to recall it have been completely dashed by the double-edge from out of nowhere.

Barracuda continues his mumbling unabated, although now that he is closer to Megatherium his sleepy mutterings can be heard a little more clearly. And they are... quite strange. The Clamperl speaks softly, sweetly, as if wooing a beautiful lady Pokémon... now, Megatherium's brain might be a little muddy at the moment, but he's pretty sure he remembers being a guy. The sort of guy who doesn't have much interest in swinging that way, specifically. Unsure of what to think about Barracuda's advances, Megatherium eventually settles for reminding his opponent just how manly he is. The Slakoth pushes himself up off of the ground again and then raises an arm to flex it, working and toning his muscles. A few push-ups, a little more stretching... Megatherium's muscles feel stronger, bulkier, and the little focused workout has done just a bit to clear up his thoughts. He turns to glare at Barracuda out of his hooded eyes, daring him to try making another pass; when he is met with nothing more than gentle snoring, he frowns and looks away again. What was that all about? He scratches his head, the confused buzzing making a brief return to his thoughts.

Thankfully, the third bout of mumbling does not bring any unwanted flirting with it. Instead the muttering Barracuda rocks back onto his side and begins to roll around again. Megatherium braces himself. Now that his head is feeling a bit better he is more alert, more aware that Barracuda could be rolling in for another attack. The Clamperl rolls in circles around his opponent, however, rolling faster and faster without ever moving in close enough to strike. Two more Clamperl, two afterimages of the circling Barracuda, fall away behind him; when he clatters back down to the grass, there are a total of three bivalve Pokémon surrounding the Slajoth. Megatherium settles down somewhat--the addition of the clones might have been worrying under other circumstances, but with the rain still slashing down he can see it passing straight through two of the Barracudas while it simply slides off of the third. It's not so bad... it can be dealt with. Later.

Round Three: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 78%
Energy: 47%
Status: Defense +2; Asleep (mild); still sound asleep

Barracuda's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 55%
Energy: 82%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; bored and sort of sore

Arena Status: Rain falls steadily over the field. It is beginning to slow down.

Rain Dance: 2 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-Barracuda's first Sleep Talk called Double-Edge.
-Megatherium was fully confused on the first action and so did nothing.
-Barracuda's second Sleep Talk called Captivate, which failed.
-His third Sleep Talk called Double Team (two clones). The rain is making it easy to see which Clamperl is real and which are immaterial, however.
-Megatherium's confusion faded at the end of the round.
-Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
With or without a cue regarding which Clamperl is real and which is fake, it's time to hit hard and fast. The rain's still rolling, so, whip it with Thunder. It's sleep is at a mild state anyway.

Should your opponent Protect or mess with the weather, let's get some extra muscle.

As usual, you can have your lazy time by the end of the round.

Thunder/Bulk Up x2 ~ Truant
Damn you Irony...

Looks like the rain is giving us even MORE of a disadvantage now. Ah, well. Shit happens.

Just fire of a Surf again, and then Protect against the second Thunder. It doesn't matter if he Bulks Up; two Thunders in a row is just too dangerous.

I wanna just hammer this Slakoth, so use Surf again after that.

Again, use Sleep Talk if you're not awake yet.

Surf/Sleep Talk ~ Protect/Sleep Talk ~ Surf/Sleep Talk
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 78%
Energy: 47%
Status: Defense +2; Asleep (mild); still sound asleep
Barracuda's Commands: Surf/Sleep Talk ~ Protect/Sleep Talk ~ Surf/Sleep Talk

Barracuda's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 55%
Energy: 82%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; bored and sort of sore
Megatherium's Commands: Thunder/Bulk Up ~ Thunder/Bulk Up ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Four: Begin

Megatherium grimaces when he hears Barracuda mumbling and muttering again, and sure enough the indistinct utterances develop into even more undesired flirting within a few seconds. Now thoroughly upset that his foe continues to insist on confusing him with some foxy lady Clamperl and determined to put a stop to it, the Slakoth turns his face to the heavens. A second wicked lightning bolt strikes the Barracuda in the center, this time hitting the sleeping bivalve's squishy pink flesh directly. The massive shock to the system cuts Barracuda's little nap short; his eyes fly open and he lets out a burbling scream of agony.

Barracuda barely has enough of his wits about him to summon a protective shield; his clones, flickering as they are in the rain, follow suit. His shell chatters erratically as he shelters behind the wall of translucent green energy, and his eyes dart back and forth between his opponent and the sky as if he is expecting another thunder to strike at any second. Megatherium is no fool, however. He knows better than to waste his precious energy attacking something he can't hit. He resumes his push-ups instead, bobbing up and down on the wet grass and working his muscles as quickly as he can.

Workout finished, Megatherium flops back down and returns to taking it easy. He watches with mild interest as Barracuda relaxes and drops the dome-shaped barrier; the Clamperl still seems to be quite nervous and twitchy, but now his gaze is focused intently on Megatherium alone. The water in the pond behind him begins to churn and roil again, and within moments another mighty wave breaks over the already drenched field, obliterating the clones and crashing down on the Slakoth. A veritable deluge of water drums away at Megatherium's body, leaving the Slakoth very sore and thinking that maybe, just maybe, the confused and apparently lovestruck Barracuda from before would be nice to have around again. If he's busy flirting, after all, then he isn't trying to drown you...

Round Four: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 60%
Energy: 32%
Status: Defense +2; wide awake, nervous and jittery

Barracuda's Double Team: 0 clones remaining

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 42%
Energy: 72%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; tired of all the wetness

Arena Status: A light rain falls over the field. It is beginning to slow down.

Rain Dance: 1 round, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-The first Sleep Talk called Attract, which failed.
-Thunder woke Barracuda up.
-Surf destroyed both clones.
-glitchedgamer attacks first next round.
Meh, the clones were useless anyway. And why with all these attractive moves, 'Cuda? Is this some revelation of your sub-concious? O_o

Back to business, though, I notice you're a little tired and decently healthy, and Slakoth is weakened but has a lotta energy left...We are pretty equal. Er, let's give him a Toxic to eat away at his health. Aim for the face so it just doesn't wash away. Then, just keep pounding away with Surf. Hang in there, buddy.

Toxic ~ Surf ~ Surf
Ah-ha, here is a good break. We'll have do bear with a nasty poison, but, at least that'll get our foe to stop attacking.

After he uses Toxic, shoot him a round of applause. Afterwards, let's keep at that one move we've been using nonstop. But, beforehand, so the cheering won't fade, make your lazy time earlier this round.

Encore ~ Activate Truant ~ Thunder
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 60%
Energy: 32%
Status: Defense +2; wide awake, nervous and jittery
Barracuda's Commands: Toxic ~ Surf ~ Surf

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 42%
Energy: 72%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; tired of all the wetness
Megatherium's Commands: Encore ~ Truant ~ Thunder

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Five: Begin

Still shaking and twitching with pain, Barracuda tips himself onto his side and rolls forward tentatively, coming to a stop a few feet from the waterlogged Megatherium. He opens his shell just a sliver--just enough to spray a jet of sticky, acidic goo into the Slakoth's face--and then does the quickest about-face he can manage, hopping and shuffling back the way he came and increasing the gap between himself and his opponent. The slowing rain does little to wash the poison away before it seeps into Megatherium's bloodstream; he growls and scrubs at his wet fur, but the rubbing doesn't help either. His trainer says he'll have to put up with his painful face for a little while, however, and so he sighs, grits his teeth... and begins to applaud.

The sound startles the retreating Barracuda and stops him mid-hop. Is Megatherium... complimenting him? Encouraging him, even? After a point-blank toxic to the face? He slides and wriggles in the sodden grass, turning himself around so that the narrow opening in his shell faces his opponent. Sure enough, the Slakoth is bringing his paws together in a slow, steady clap, an ingratiating smile forced onto his face. Barracuda has never heard of anyone who could honestly say that enjoyed having poisonous vomit splashed all over their faces (he definitely isn't a fan, that's for sure), and so he isn't entirely convinced by Megatherium's apparent accolades. Still... nothing wrong with calling his bluff, right? Serves the idiot right for trying to dupe him.

And so Barracuda opens his shell, a little wider and bolder this time, and spits more gunk right into the Slakoth's forced grin. Megatherium's clapping, already slowed considerably after he knew he had the Clamperl's attention, almost stopped when he got another face full of poison. Now, fur dripping with runny purple sludge, face stinging and tender and urge to kill rising, Megatherium continues to smile and clap despite his better judgment. Just a little more clapping, just take it easy and string him along a little while longer... A confused Barracuda watches on, chewing on his lower lip as he thinks. If Megatherium's really serious... if he really enjoys and appreciates that... well, clearly he has some sort of brain dysfunction, then, but it's something he can certainly exploit.

A fresh coat of poison squirts all over Megatherium's face, just as he'd asked. A smirk starts to creep its way onto the clam's face, but it stops short of a full-on evil grin when he sees Megatherium stop clapping and glare at him, pure menace in his eyes. Before Barracuda can react another fork of lightning streaks down from the parting gray clouds above, flooding his body with electricity all over again and this time disrupting his nerves. Megatherium sneers, taking a moment to relish Barracuda's screams before settling back down and relaxing again, face tilted back to catch the last of the rain.

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 42%
Energy: 14%
Status: Defense +2; Paralyzed (severe); frightened and exhausted

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 41%
Energy: 65%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 1% this round, 2% next); satisfied

Arena Status: A light rain falls over the field. It has almost petered out.

Rain Dance: 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-Encore ended at the end of the third action.
-Thunder paralyzed Barracuda.
-Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
If our opponent doesn't chill this round, they're unlikely to survive. Let's take advantage of this. Full-on attack time.

Use the last bit of rain that is there to throw one more Thunder. As usual, if you're met with Protect, switch to Bulk Up.

After this, it'll be time to use the card I've been holding back. Giga Impact. Again, if your opponent Protects this, switch to Bulk Up. Same if he uses Iron Defense.

Thunder/Bulk Up ~ Giga Impact/Bulk Up ~ Activate Truant
*mutters obscene profanities under breath*

Ok, Rambo time. Protect against Thunder, then chill for the rest of the round. If my battling knowledge is correct, Slakoth can't use Giga Impact because it's not fully evolved...in the games. Of course, my ASB knowledge sucks so I could be dead wrong.

Protect ~ Chill ~ Chill
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