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Hey guys, stop messin around with Casty, after all, he writes that for most all of the new members, and hes not even asked to! So lets leave him alone, gosh Hitler, you could at least appreaciate the fact he gave you a song, after all, he just got better from a horendous cold.

i had the plague
does that compare
What did you catch it from, Zeph? The English weather?


he opened the box.
So, what exactly do you suggest?
One solution is that I could try my best
To create a nwe song for every newcomer
Although that'll take up a large chunk of my summer...

Rachel will help.

Also, Rachel believes that ZC is quite intelligent.

...Rachel also believes that she should stop talking in third person.

Ash thinks that Rachel should start typing up her fanfiction before she goes mental.

Rachel thinks Ash should shut up. :D
*Sigh* You guys don't get it, all though it may be a small effort, it still has some sort of emotion in it {not gonna say what cause then I'll be called a pussy} that shows he cares that your here... you could at least treat with respect, and not cause he's writing something, but cause hes a human being also.
Lets see some of you write down a song for people to read when they join eh?
Glacedon, I do respect Zeph. as it probably took him awhile to make such a great song, don't take it too personally.
i am still not talking to that bastard
him or his sickeningly huge mustache
aw but i thought you were friends ):
i mean all you did was go into his country he totally overreacted but you know how russians are. Still talking to Goebbels and Himmler or you pissed at G's pussy suicide.
*Sigh* You guys don't get it, all though it may be a small effort, it still has some sort of emotion in it {not gonna say what cause then I'll be called a pussy} that shows he cares that your here... you could at least treat with respect, and not cause he's writing something, but cause hes a human being also.
Lets see some of you write down a song for people to read when they join eh?

Eh, not implying you Belmont, as I can see you do respect him, well, not kiss his toes or anything, but ya know..
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