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Good Times


i write erotic novels. for children.
Ameroq and I saw a move yesterday evening, a movie called Alvin and the Chipmunks. It kept us laughing the whole time, more because it was cute than anything else. Then we went to the mall and bought me a calander, since they were half off, and argued loudly whether or not Robert Patterson had an accent (and we were only arguing this because I was using my false English one.)

After that, we went to dinner at Applebee's, which had absurbly high-priced food, and I basicly forced her to buy one of their special deals. (And Ame, if you don't like mottezerela sticks, you shouldn't order them :-<) For all it was cost, it was a good meal, and with just some over-dinner conversation, we are co-writing a fanfiction.

On the ride back to her house, we played with my iPod, and we learned a few new Japanese phrases. That was fun. And school starts again today, so yay, more fun! (except for the fact that we have nothing more than lunch together :P)

And it's six AM, and I'm as any other time. You see I went to sleep at seven, and woke up at about five thirty. Wakingup naturally is always a good feeling, although, I probably should go turn off my alarm before it shocks me.
Of course he has an accent! Everyone does. Unless they're Christian Bale, but he's not even human man.

Still, sounds like you had fun c:
Oh, well then sorry.

Usually when us Americans refer to someone having an accent, mean an English one, unless otherwise specified. :P
She... doesn't like Applebees' mozzarella sticks? But... Eh. *Shrugs* Mozzarella sticks, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and a new calendar. Sounds like a good evening. :>
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