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Greek Mythology Mafia [Cult Win!]


Action Order:
Redirector selects target
Night 0 selections are made
Roleblocker roleblocks
Circe inspects
Mason recruits
Cultist converts
Healer heals
Hermes inspects
Seer sees
vig kills
mafia kills
avenger kills
Info roles get info

Star69 - Redirector
Mystic - Love proof
Hawke - Cultist
LS99 - Mafia Roleblocker
DarkAura - Mason
Mawile - Persephone
RK-9 - vigil
Stormecho - invincible
Flower Doll - role inspector of dead
Mai - don
Metallica Fanboy - avenger
Windragon - healer
donotlookatdiagram - 'matchmaker'
Wargle - Narcissus
Chief Zachrai - Ariadne
I like Squirtles - godfather
Mewtini - inspector
Glace - seer

Night 0:
Star69 redirects donotlookatdiagram
donotlookatdiagram selects Mai and Glace (redirected) Flower Doll and Mystic (Mystic is love-proof) Windragon and Mewtini
Metallica Fanboy selects Windragon to avenge
LS99 roleblocks Metallica Fanboy (can't be roleblocked)
Mewtini inspects Glace (innocent)
Hawke converts Windragon
Windragon heals Metallica Fanboy

Day 1:
no one dead
no one lynched

Night 1:
Star69 redirects Mawile
LS99 roleblocks Mewtini
Mewtini inspects Hawke (blocked)
DarkAura recruits Mai
Hawke converts LS99
Windragon heals Hawke
-Flower Doll and Mystic were added to tonight's ariadne hits b/c they weren't on time for night 0 due to redirect.

Day 2:
DarkAura dead
Glace lynched

Night 2:
Star69 redirects Flower Doll
LS99 blocks Metallica Fanboy
Hawke converts Mai
Windragon heals Hawke
Mai kills Chief Zackrai (sends self)

Day 3:
Chief Zachrai dead
Flower Doll lynched

Night 3:
Star69 redirects Mawile
LS99 roleblocks Mawile
Hawke converts Metallica Fanboy
Windragon heals Hawke

Day 4:
no deaths
Mawile gets to leave underworld
donotlookatdiagram lynched

Night 4:
LS99 roleblocks Mystic (fails due to loveproof*)
Windragon heals Hawke

*while this has no effect on night actions, if LS99 is sent to kill Mystic, the kill will fail and Mystic will get a piece of info in the form of lyrics of the siren's song

Day 5:
no-one dead
no-one lynched

Night 5:
Star69 redirects Mystic/ StarWings
LS99 blocks Mystic again
Phantom converts Stormecho (fails)
Windragon heals Phantom
LS99 takes initiative and kills Mystic (fails - loveproof. Mystic hears Siren's Song**)

**"Once he hears to his heart's content, sails on, a wiser man
Come here, this way, for mantic truths, I've many on my hands
The trident, turtle and the tide, the washing of the sand
And surely if they heard my song, there would be reprimand!"

Day 6:
no-one dead
no-one lynched

Night 6:
LS99 blocks StarWings
Windragon heals Phantom
LS99 attempts to kill StarWings again**

**"I'm here, oh dear, it's just for you; there's knowledge to be had
Hark, dear! please won't you hear my woo? My secrets flow like mad!
When silence falls and all is stone, what Doctor alters fate?
So slay the beast and free the drones before it's far too late!" StarWings had better pay attention to this.

Day 7:
no-one died
Wargle is voted on
I kill Mystic instead to get the game rolling

Night 7:
Windragon heals Phantom
Phantom converts Mawile - fails because Mawile is in underworld

Day 8:
RNG hits Mewtini
Metallica Fanboy's powers activated
Windyragon and Mewtini die
RK-9 lynched

Night 8:
Phantom converts I liek Squirtles
LS99 kills Wargle
Mr. Fancy Pants kills Mawile

Day 9:
Wargle and Mawile dead
Cult wins!
**"I'm here, oh dear, it's just for you; there's knowledge to be had
Hark, dear! please won't you hear my woo? My secrets flow like mad!
When silence falls and all is stone, what Doctor alters fate?
So slay the beast and free the drones before it's far too late!" StarWings had better pay attention to this.

Um, YEAH. Hey anyone who know's me know's I love Doctor Who! I would have so lynched me there.

Haha, I think it has to do with Windydragon keeping me alive though. :3
Good game everyone! Really fun game.

You guys were the best cultafia EVERS.
Not to mention DarkAura getting totally unlucky. I was looking forward to seeing the mason vs cult setup play out...
It was me converting the mafia so quickly that did it, plus me, you know, not being able to be killed at night more %90 percent of the game.
If there's any flavor text anyone wants me to explain, I can.

"Once he hears to his heart's content, sails on, a wiser man
Come here, this way, for mantic truths, I've many on my hands
The trident, turtle and the tide, the washing of the sand
And surely if they heard my song, there would be reprimand!"

This one is about I liek Squirtles being Posiedon.
Ok, Light, what was with the greek, and I'm pretty sure that reference to the 'Doctor' was me.

If it is I'm not sure whether to be happy that people identify me through Doctor Who, or terrified, or blissfully both.
Also, since I seem to be swiftly becoming the new Kratos Aurion, I guess I might rejoice that I finished this game alive.

Ok, Light, what was with the greek, and I'm pretty sure that reference to the 'Doctor' was me.

If it is I'm not sure whether to be happy that people identify me through Doctor Who, or terrified, or blissfully both.

"πρόοδος", according to google translate, is "progress". You guys had randylynched Wargle, so in an effort to give the game a little kick, I took the liberty of killing Mystic instead so I could have an excuse to give those siren's songs to Mawile as info in the underworld (who still didn't use them :/ ).

And yes, the Doctor was you. This was another Doctor Who reference:

Vicious demons scream and yell
For they are not alone
The weeping angel at the well
Beware the snake of stone

This is the one that was about Windyragon healing you. If Medusa makes eye contact with someone they turn to stone, so if she's going to be looking at her own reflection, she has to cover her face, weeping-angel style.
ThE CuLt oF BiTcHtItS AnD MoThErFuCkInG MiRaClEs iS WhAt wE WeRe

This was the best game (even though it ran a bit long)

Didn't I hear something about a game being started when this one ended?
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