• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Greetings dragonly cave :)


I love cilan <3
I am BLABO. I don't know if anybody here is from serebii forums, but I came from there. I didn't like the people there and decided to come here instead. I am a gay 13 year male, and I'm pretty friendly if your nice to me ^_^ If your mean though... I'll be mean back! >:D
I like to sprite..! :) Is there a W[weekly]S[prite]C[ontest] here?
Welcome, BLABO! Glad you've left Serebii, it has interherpes.

I also come bearing good news! You have found what is probably the gayest pokémon forum on the internet! Oh, and there used to be a weekly spriting contest, but it went under. You could start one, I guess! I'm sure a lot of people would participate, we've got a relatively strong art community here.
hahaha I thought it was funny when you said that this is the gayest forum on the internet. There is a club section, is there an lgbt club? sppf has one, and it's like the only reason I'm not completely leaving that place. Me start a wsc? I don't think that's such a good idea... I mean I'm still kind of new to spriting, especially when it comes to scratching, I don't know how to scratch at all actually and I would like some help with that.
Just wondering, how do I know if somebody is a mod? (in sppf their userbar would say that they're a mod, but I haven't seen any mods here yet)
Welcome BLABO to TCoD. I am Time. If I may. Besides the QUILTBAG Club, you might want to check out A(anime) S(style) B(battling) and the Safari Zone. Anyways, welcome and feel free to PM or VM me with any questions.
thank you for being nice time ^_^
I saw that you just recently joined also. I think it's funny when n00bs try to help n00bs, it's like the blind leading the blind. Not that you're a complete noob, just saying I think it's funny XD
Welcome! It's nice to see memebers from other forums on here. Personally, I think this is a much better forum than Serebii.

Anyway, I'm Blade. Take Timeline's advice, Anime-style Battling is immensely fun. Enjoy your stay!
*cough* Anyway, I think you made a good choice in coming here. Best forum ever.
I'm Mystic/Blaze of Oz. Try going to the Mafia section. :D
Enjoy your (hopefully long) stay!^_^

As Blastoise already mentioned, TCoD is a very gay open-minded forum, where you can actually discuss serious matters and / or problems you're encountering in your personal life. There's always a dedicated team of cheer-uppers ready to help you, so don't hesitate to post!

If you're looking for some Pokémonic occupations, be sure to drop by the ASB section of the forums, where a bunch of rules to read awaits you. But once it's done, ASB is very enjoyable and I'm 80% sure you'll like it too.

So yeah, have a nice time here on the TCoD forums, (not the same as the irc) and if you have questions or commentary or tips or compliments or whatever, feel free to post a visitor or private message, answer is nearly guaranteed.
Everyone's a big ball of happy here, and when they're not, we force them to be. Through good cheer and compansionship and whatnot. But yeah, everyone's cool here, including me, I guess. Hi, I'm the Omskivar, welcome to TCoD and all that.


I don't know if you remember me, I haven't entered the sprite contests in a while, but I'm Alder on SPPF. I definitely remember you and really liked your work. Welcome to TCoD! Also the ASB League is a lot easier to figure out here, and it's definitely worth checking out!
As Blastoise already mentioned, TCoD is a very gay open-minded forum, where you can actually discuss serious matters and / or problems you're encountering in your personal life. There's always a dedicated team of cheer-uppers ready to help you, so don't hesitate to post!

haha i remember that I had a rant here that I wanted a friend to see so I emailed it to him and he read it and we talked a bit and the next day he came up to me and was like "So, uh, why are you posting your problems on a Pokémon forum?" and I was just caught off-guard, I ended up thinking "... TCoD is a Pokémon forum, isn't it. I mean, so much of my real-life problems are spilled there, and there are so many people I'm able to talk to about things who can offer decent advice, that I kind of forget that 'Pokémon forum' carries connotations of 'young, immature kids' even though all of my friends play Pokémon themselves." I ended up trying to justify my CC posts by saying "It's a very mature place... and I just feel comfortable talking about my problems and getting them off my chest... if that makes sense?" xD
Just wondering, how do I know if somebody is a mod? (in sppf their userbar would say that they're a mod, but I haven't seen any mods here yet)

we have shiny mod badges after our usernames. Administrators also have italicised usernames!

welcome to the forums!
haha i remember that I had a rant here that I wanted a friend to see so I emailed it to him and he read it and we talked a bit and the next day he came up to me and was like "So, uh, why are you posting your problems on a Pokémon forum?" and I was just caught off-guard, I ended up thinking "... TCoD is a Pokémon forum, isn't it. I mean, so much of my real-life problems are spilled there, and there are so many people I'm able to talk to about things who can offer decent advice, that I kind of forget that 'Pokémon forum' carries connotations of 'young, immature kids' even though all of my friends play Pokémon themselves." I ended up trying to justify my CC posts by saying "It's a very mature place... and I just feel comfortable talking about my problems and getting them off my chest... if that makes sense?" xD
haha I know what you mean. At sppf I posted about my daily struggles all the time in the LGBT club, that's what all the members of that do/did. There seem to be less younger children here though :)

we have shiny mod badges after our usernames. Administrators also have italicised usernames!

welcome to the forums!
thank you! ^_^

edit: uhm.. I'm looking at the anime style battling section, and was reading the rules.. I can't seem to find the thread where I buy pokemon to start my team, and the link in the rules/faq doesn't seem to work. Can somebody please help me?
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edit: uhm.. I'm looking at the anime style battling section, and was reading the rules.. I can't seem to find the thread where I buy pokemon to start my team, and the link in the rules/faq doesn't seem to work. Can somebody please help me?

does this link help you? clicking there should set up your ASB account, from which you can buy pokemon and so on. (have you read this thread?)
yes I have read the intro thread already. Thank you for helping me! :D

edit: so I bought the pokemon.. is there a way to edit them? like the colors or something? I'm pretty sure there is. Also when I tried making one of my pokemon's names поцелуй it made the last two letters &# does anybody know why? :/
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It's an experimental hack, so the name thing is probably a glitch. You'd have to ask Negrek.

If you start a profile here at the Profile Archive, you can keep unique sprites and other made-up stuff there. We'll eventually be able to put them into the official profiles, but until then they go there.
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