• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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In shades of black and grey.
I am Legos.

Though that should have been obvious.

I do not bite, most of the time.

And if you really want to know more, feel free to stop by - wherever "here" is - and say hello.
Hey. Question is, do you like Legos? If so, which one? I recommend the ASB forum, and I'll leave Beta to give the introduction.
Welcome! We hope you enjoy your stay! And shall I direct you to the Roleplaying section?
So many people...

As for legos, yes, I do indeed like them. All of them.
ASB was the main reason I joined the forums, I have had a history of roleplaying in the past, though, so after I get comfortable with the ASB system I will probably make my way over there.
I like your avatar too, Blastoise, is that a Philippine Eagle? (I'm kind of birds of prey geek, sorry)
And thank you for the, um, plushie. I'm sure it will come in handy somehow...
Greetings, from the Dialga 200 years in the future. Yes, I mingle with time once in a while, though it doesn't seem to affect you =O You are resistant to time effects...you seem like the strong, good type. Most people don't get this long welcome from me, since i usually welcome them to this forum which you can never take your eyes off of its awesomeness. I am the forum's unofficial, self-appointed welcomer-to-doom. Feel free to contact me if you need help or are stuck in space. Toodles ;)
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