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Griefshire - OOC Thread

Re: Griefshire Sign Up & OOC Thread

Character Name: Morgan
Species: Starmie
Gender: Neutral. She doesn't care what pronoun others call him by.


but in all srsness more like

Personality: Laid-back, goes with the flow. Thinks about what they're going to say and do. Isn't quick to give their opinion.

Other: Um. Dislikes... fire?
Re: Griefshire Sign Up & OOC Thread

Character Name: Fangore
Species: Charizard
Gender: Male

Fangore, like all charizard, is a small orange dragon who’s nowhere near the twice the size of an average man as he should be. His long neck supports a head with sharp, narrow black eyes, long jaws armed with razor-sharp fangs and a red tongue, and skin-covered horns protruding from the back. Wings protrude from his shoulder, but they look much too small to support his body in the air. The bluish skin on his wings is the only part of him that isn’t highly scarred, even though his powerful wing muscles show how often they have been in use. He has thin arms ending in sharp claws, a heavy and powerful-looking body, and short but strong legs. His tail, as long as the rest of his body, is muscular and especially dangerous with the flame burning at the tip. Said flame burns low though still hot normally, but when he calls on his fire abilities, the flames flare up according to how much power he wishes to use. When he is heavily weakened and desperate, he automatically taps into a hidden inner power that makes his tail glow white-hot.

As stated before, his body save his wings are riddled with scars. The main part of his large body has the most and largest scars, including several parallel slashes, a giant X across his abdomen, and what looks like several stab wounds, especially on his lower back. His legs and tail have taken some nasty slashes, and even his weak-looking arms sport a few cuts of their own. Few scars remain on his neck, and except for a single deep scratch on his forehead, Fangore’s face appears untouched. Other than his size, which is above average, this pattern of scars is the main thing that separates him from the other charizard.

Fangore tends to ignore others completely unless there’s something in it for him. He appears cool or even cold to others, rarely showing them emotion and not appearing to care about anything, except perhaps a good fight. He hardly cares about what others think or what they’re doing, as long as it doesn’t get in his way, in which case he may just ignore them and possibly hurt them in the process. He cares little about any unnecessary damage he might do to something, but once he’s got a goal, nothing will stop him from reaching it.
Re: Griefshire Sign Up & OOC Thread

I appreciate the detail, Kusari. =D Accepted, of course. Welcome to Griefshire~

And with that, the sign up process is closed.
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