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Grocery Store!

Sorry, the sellotape got eaten by a big sellotape eating thing. Here's the remains of some masking tape that suffered a similar fate.

I want Canada from the grocery store, if anyone's going?
Sorry, but Korea blew up Canada, here's Mexico instead.

I would like a Dialga from the grocery store.
Sorry, he caused a massive time-space rip in the storeroom and disappeared into the seventeenth century. Here's William Shakespeare.

I'd like a pirate memory game, suitable for ages 4 to 8.
Sorry, but they only had that available for ages 18-22, here you go.

I want a pocket-watch from the grocery store.
Sorry, but all the pocket watches are being melted to make a statue of me, but here's a dog biscuit.

Can someone get me the best coffee ever at the grocery store?
Sorry, all of the coffe has been confiscated because of an alien attack, so here's a fried chicken instead.

Can someine get me a balloon at the grocery store?
Sorry, but the only balloons they have have holes in them, here you go.

I would like a blender from the grocery store.
Sorry, some crazy guy ate them all. I think they called him... Mike something? *ahem* Anyway, I got you a hat instead.

Can somebody get me Charizard Morph's shoe from the grocery store?
I wish i could, but it's been taken for lab testing. I bought you a bottle of water. Not just any water...VOLCANIC WATER. xD

Can someone get me rope at the grocery store?
A crazy guy with knives for hands came and sliced them all up, so i got you a box of spegetti instead.

Can someone get me a pair of headphones from the grocery store?
All of the headphones are broken, here's a 1-eared headphone instead.

I would like a slowpoke tail from the grocery store.
Some guy wearing black, ran in, sang a demented song that will forever be stuck in my brain, stole them all, and jumped over three counters on his way out the door. So here's that guys hat instead.

Could someone get me a potted plant from the grocery store?
I decided to the grocery store was burned down, so i got you a stolen car instead.

Could someone get me bail money from the grocery store?
Sorry, but it wasn't specified in the package, here's a penny instead.

I would like a van from the grocery store.
They were out of candy boxes, here's a box of worms instead.

I would like a spotlight from the grocery store.
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