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Grocery Store!

They didn't have any, here's a blank film strip instead.

I would like du jus d'orange from the grocery store.
The water....... that's all i could understand, so here's a glass of vodca on the rocks.

Could someone get me a bottle of champagne from the grocery store?
They were out of champagne, here's some everclear instead.

I would like some french fries from the grocery store.
They had very few flavors. Here's some concrete flavored gum.

I would like a tissue from the grocery store.
Sorry they dont sell tissue.
I bought you some fertilizer instead.

Can I buy a booster box of Ex: FireRed and LeafGreen?
Sorry, but those are no longer stocked. Here's some playing cards instead.

I would like a bunch of superballs from the grocery store.
Sorry, they couldn't catch one, here's an ice tray instead.

I would like some grape juice from the grocery store.
Sorry, but there weren't many, here's a box but it's missing the primary colors and black.

I would like a model plane from the grocery store.
They were out, here's some stale bread instead.

I would like baking soda and vinegar from the grocery store.
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