• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

*gulp*Well, here goes...


757th Ruler of the Universe, and yet still an Egg.
Ummm...hello, people.:sweatdrop:

I'm Shiny_skydragon, and I am new here! (This is Captain Obvious, speaking.)

And since I wanted to get rid of that annoying header at the top, I decided to post. I have been visiting the Cave of Dragonflies for a while, but have never had the guts to actually post at the forums. Or chat. Or anything. But, here I am!

I like dragon Pokémon, as you can tell from my name and avatar, but Fire-types are a very close second. Whee, fire!

So, even though I don't get online that often, I hope I can be accepted as a new, posting member at the COD!:grin:
Why I Like Dragons

Hmm...let me see...

1. They look cool. Well, at least I think so...
2. They are powerful. Many of them have stats to rival the legendaries! (Dragonite, Salamence, etc.)
3. They breathe fire. Enough said.
4. They are hard to find. Okay, that can get annoying at times, but it does make it rewarding when you do find them.
5. Many of them start off as very weak. Once again, this can be annoying, but still, it is awesome to see what they can become. (Prime example: Magikarp and Gyarados. Okay, so Gyarados isn't a Dragon type, but it looks like one! I have one that I caught as a Level 3 Magikarp and now it's Level 100. Amazing.)

Quite a long answer to a quick question, isn't it? Sorry.
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