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how about badge-charged vigilantei don't even think we should be considering "which PRs are fine to expose" on d1 ಠ_ಠ
what are you asking specifically? what i think of you having claimed? or is this just rhetoricalhow about badge-charged vigilante
I think this is my cue to bow out of the threadwhat are you asking specifically? what i think of you having claimed? or is this just rhetorical
er ... i'm sorry if i came off weird/aggressive or something, that wasn't my intention :'DI think this is my cue to bow out of the thread
i'm now idly wondering if there's repeats (or near-repeats) of some roles from previous games, since there's a handful of roles that have popped up more than oncei'm currently having fun reading role PMs for the past MFia games
Sounds like a pretty incriminating role. Well, my night action gives me precisely zero info, normally, so I can check that one toNight ^not even just inforoles
some motherfucker gives me a fruit? mf tells them i'm mafia. someone roleblocks me? mf tells them i'm mafia. i get killed? mf tells them i'm mafia
give me badges and good things will happenwrt this i think my role doesn’t have the best badgepowergive me badges and good things will happen
i mean, it’s good but. it can also be a waste. i recommend you to deposit your badges somewhere elsehmm my badge power is like medium usefulness? definitely don't prioritize me to give badges to, but maybe drop one on me if you've already allocated everything you want to allocate and you have one leftovermy badge power is literally worthless i think mf has it in for me
I distinctly remember Seshas/Zori mentioning in at least one past game, maybe two, that when they're a wolf they powerwolf hardI expected about this much when I said it tbhi might be jumping the gun here, but i don’t think your line of reasoning is townsided
idk whether to read this as powerwolfing but it's definitely something to keep in mind
Yeah, what's your rolename? XDwhat are you asking specifically? what i think of you having claimed? or is this just rhetoricalhow about badge-charged vigilante
tbqh mine can very fittingly be described like this, but. i’d rather have y’all choose somebody with a badgepower that doesn’t require that much foresight.Mine can be pretty useful, but it's incredibly situational![]()
mm. i kind of think that if rnp’s telling the truth then it doesn’t really make sense for actual mafia to have a role like that (obligatory “lol role-alignment spec,” i’ll be waiting to see more from him either way). idk. it goes even beyond the “lol what if they’re just claiming miller to cover their ass” tropeSounds like a pretty incriminating role.not even just inforoles
some motherfucker gives me a fruit? mf tells them i'm mafia. someone roleblocks me? mf tells them i'm mafia. i get killed? mf tells them i'm mafia
huh?Yeah, what's your rolename? XD