- Pronoun
- he/him
depends how many badges people give out and how many are funneled directly to him8 have to die for that meower of RNP to kick in,
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
depends how many badges people give out and how many are funneled directly to him8 have to die for that meower of RNP to kick in,
Of course; I'm making assumeowptions based on meowself giving out a single Earthbadge upon deathdepends how many badges people give out and how many are funneled directly to him8 have to die for that meower of RNP to kick in,
i wonder how the number of badges given out was determined, since i give out a different number than both you and Tofumeowself giving out a single Earthbadge upon death
Also, if all Mafia have an incentive to target RNP, I could identify themeow all at once.Ahahaha, I just realized... If RNP is telling the truth about his role, and I use my Attract power on RNP, none of the mafia would be able to target RNP and he would find out who all the mafia are.
Because that meowns that a lot of the assumptions about the setup I had where wrongNot sure why that was "Wow" reaction worthy
what assumptionsBecause that meowns that a lot of the assumptions about the setup I had where wrongNot sure why that was "Wow" reaction worthy![]()
Did you think everyone gives out a different number of badges? There are 18 players; if that was the case someone would be handing out 18 badgesBecause that meowns that a lot of the assumptions about the setup I had where wrongNot sure why that was "Wow" reaction worthy![]()
Like meow many Mafia members there were, or how useful/expensive some Badge Powers arewhat assumptionsBecause that meowns that a lot of the assumptions about the setup I had where wrongNot sure why that was "Wow" reaction worthy![]()
i'll remark that from the phrasing/kind of templatedness? of our pm, i think the badge *distribution behavior is a bit varied
off of numbers alone (and not considering o*tgroup) i'd guess at 5 wolvesLike meow many Mafia members there were, or how useful/expensive some Badge Powers are
why are we censoring o*tgroup nowoff of numbers alone (and not considering o*tgroup) i'd guess at 5 wolvesLike meow many Mafia members there were, or how useful/expensive some Badge Powers are
it's a cursed termwhy are we censoring o*tgroup now