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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
although i think to be fair this isn't the first game where people just go "mawile has posted a lot and yet i'm no thoughts head empty about him"tbh i don't really have a whole lot of Thoughts other than being at least somewhat confused by both zori and ultracool
you know if i had any foresight i would do the Thing, like where i leave breadcrumbs as a rolesoft for future me to rely on and be able to point to if i need it (like everyone else seems to do)although i think to be fair this isn't the first game where people just go "mawile has posted a lot and yet i'm no thoughts head empty about him"tbh i don't really have a whole lot of Thoughts other than being at least somewhat confused by both zori and ultracool
gotta think of a way to phrase it so that it's not painstakingly obvious tho, cause if i outright said any Specific Words then that could be like way too obviousbreadcrumbs
Wait a meowment, what kind of ThingThe Thing is the gladiator-y thing that showed up in a couple (a few?) of past MFias, right?The Thing
this is an example of the gladiator-y thingWait a meowment, what kind of ThingThe Thing is the gladiator-y thing that showed up in a couple (a few?) of past MFias, right?The Thingare you talking about? Meowbe it's just because I haven't been in a MFia yet, but it sounds like someowthing that would either be a cool thing for meownaligned players or something that'd meowjorly help the Mafia...
Should we maybe try to prevent Itfrom happening?
I'm not feeling super compelled by a lynch on either Zori or Mr. Ultracool at the moment, but I'm not feeling super compelled to lynch at all--with no deaths the first night, we essentially have another "free night" for inforoles with a decreased information disparity between Town and Mafia. In this scenario I think the downside of mislynching is higher than usual, since the worst case with no lynch is simply "another N0 but Town gets a second swing at all inforoles," compared to the worst case with a mislynch being "another N0 but Town gets a second swing at all inforoles, excluding the one we jettisoned." If absolutely forced to choose, I feel worse about Zori than Mr. Ultracool at the moment.
Hmm, so if I understand this right, you'd first use your ability in the night, targeting a person, and then MF would send you a PM saying what the ability you obtained was? Or are you not informed of what ability you get and just automatically use it at the next opportunity? Do you get to pick the target for your copied ability, or is it random, or perhaps aimed at the same player as the ability was originally aimed at?Anyway, I'll claim because I don't have a problem with people knowing, and it sounds like I wouldn't be a prime target atm:
I think mine like a one-shot ability duplicator: with my photography skills, I can choose a person to copy their action. Then, the next night or day phase (it said night or day? Are there day actions?), I will use that action. It could be useful if I know for sure who I am copying, but could also just fail if people fake roleclaim, so I'm a bit hesitant about it (especially now early game). Like I said, it's only a one-shot as well.
Just for reference in case people missed my other post: when I die, I can give two badges to someone of my choosing.
If you're told the ability you got, even before you use it, this still seems quite powerful for its ability to confirm a claim... and obviously if you copied something useful, it could be quite powerful to get a second instance of it for a night.
other than this and perhaps mawile, I think my and Ysabel's reads line up fairly wellDoes anyone have a concrete townread on blu, my read is mostly just vibes
It's only one use and doesn't cost me any badges. Neither of my abilities cost badges, and my Vivillon's "move" is to give my two bug badges after I die, so it isn't really an ability. A few people mentioned that abilities all have a badge cost, but mine doesn't. However... It seems pretty fragile and is only one-use, so I guess making it free kind of makes sense to me.