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Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

I have vague suspicions about them as well

also I think it's safe to assume that M&F at least made some tweaks to roles to make them fit the flavor, if not creating some roles from scratch just to fill flavor niches
@.bruh: i’m currently on mobile so i can’t give a real/detailed answer atm. as soon as i get back on desktop i promise i’ll elaborate on my tofuthoughts

i want to mention beforehand that i also find the fittingness of her role a bit 🤔, but i'm willing to allow myself to believe that mf happened to rand her a role she could delightfully fit into the trainer’s persona
dw queen
i don't think the tofu thoughts are that urgent tbh, i really want to talk to you more about seshas and herbe though whenever you're around
i have some herbethoughts alright and will gladly elaborate on them as soon as i get back on desktop, but i’ll be damned if zori isn’t being bussed here
i'm... hydreigon your "breadcrumbs"... half of them just say Town. capital letters don't spell anything nor do the words fit together
usually you lay them down d1 in such a way that isn't incredibly obvious and then use them later for strategic effect
woah woah why is mimikyu the scum tier

they work hard for recognition
Forgot to reply but lmao maybe. I used it bc it has a cute-ish appearance but hides something darker inside which I figure mafia can try to do as well

secretive how?
Well, it could just be herbe being herbe but I was thinking of the way he refused to elaborate on his sus on koko and how he left thread after placing a vote without expanding on thoughts. But again, could just be a herbe thing or due to his role
okay so hydreigon is claiming town and possibly roleblocker
i think i'm going to go on herbe, i'll move it onto something more impactful if it looks like this vote will be useless considering it's like 1.5hr to EoD lol (+ will be elaborating in a second)
so ... first of all, i don't really claim to have that great of an understanding of herbe's meta because i think he's a bit, like, idiosyncratic in every game. i'm also not really committed to burying him and i kinda just want some dialogue about him because i've found his behavior really weird all game and it doesn't seem like anyone's touched on it at all

his first several posts are pretty much in either town/scumrange for him, they're just him vibing. that's chill. i was a little 🤨 at this vote:
In any case, I am keeping my vote here for the meantime to... how should I put it... "apply pressure".

VoteOn. Apply directly to the Ultracool.
VoteOn. Apply directly to the Ultracool.
VoteOn. Apply directly to the Ultracool.
but was like, shrug, it's a joke vote. aside from this i think there's been a weird pattern of doubling votes and never really being able to elaborate on the rationale, though, in a way that's inconsistent with his ooctvt game (where he was distracted/sometimes similarly erratic but still able to give thoughts) and his cats game where pretty much the same was true, though he was overall just less present inthread.

in 329 he votes seshas, citing being convinced by rari's post (which, fair enough, esp if the above vote was just for lulz). i ask him if he has any general thoughts, to which he only says:
i don't particularly trust vm at the moment
but then after exactly one vmpost (where vm also votes seshas, but gives reasons why we should look at ultracool toMorrow) he says
vm has successfully regained my trust
i could see a zori/mr. Cool w/w
for ... some reason that i guess will hopefully be clear whenever he's able to clarify, but under this assumption, it really doesn't make sense to me that his vmopinion got swayed here when he apparently didn't really feel all that badly about ultracool to begin with (but guesses at w/w, agrees with vm wondering if ultracool is intentionally pocketing us, etc).

then doubles mawile's pressure vote on hydreigon (seemingly without realizing what mawile was actually intending to accomplish?) and then this exchange kind of jarred me as well:
if zori/ultracool are w/w we've been waiting for a third wagon to arise and i think this is it
eh, fine. unvote
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