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Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [N3]

Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

So, are you claiming inspector?

I... don't have much to say except for the fact that I'm not mafia. My pokemon is dusclops, and I can either prevent myself from getting lynched (with pressure) or poison someone with curse. I chose not to use either action; well, to be honest it was more like "vig-killing when there's been no discussion is stupid so no" and then I forgot about the whole thing. *Shrug* Obviously you're either fake!claiming or insane; whatever it is I could prove my role to you tomorrow.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Mai because X reason

Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

In light of Squirrel's claim, I'm going to go with Mai as well. And if they check out as Mafia/prove to be unlynchable tonight, I say Chief Zackrai next, as their last post seems a might suspicious.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

What? me choosing not to lynch because there's not really enough solid information to lynch? At least, not for me. I can't work on hunches and speculations. I can work on trends, but not theories. So far all anyone has said is "Well it would make sense if Mai was Mafia because of x reason, and the only person whose reason was something I could work with is Squirrel's point, that usually someone who jumps into the day with randylynch is mafia, but I don't see enough support on that for me to lynch.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

I just read the thread, and judging by what I just read, I'm Abstaining.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

What? me choosing not to lynch because there's not really enough solid information to lynch? At least, not for me. I can't work on hunches and speculations. I can work on trends, but not theories. So far all anyone has said is "Well it would make sense if Mai was Mafia because of x reason, and the only person whose reason was something I could work with is Squirrel's point, that usually someone who jumps into the day with randylynch is mafia, but I don't see enough support on that for me to lynch.

... My pokemon is dusclops, and I can either prevent myself from getting lynched (with pressure) or poison someone with curse. ...

Mai's admitted to being a poisoner. Admittedly, I haven't been doing Mafia for long, but I've never seen an innocent poisoner. Furthermore, if she's lying about "not doing anything" (which I think is likely, why would you not protect yourself from being lynched if you weren't going to use your other action?) the twin death today makes sense, as anyone she targeted night 0 would have died last night.

It may be that she can't be lynched today, or that she took the chance and poisoned someone. But between her "claim" of being a poisoner, and Squirrel putting their own head on the block if she flips innocent, I think there's reason enough to lynch Mai.

Now, if Mai flips innocent, then this was a mistake, and all who voted for her (including myself) can come under suspicion tomorrow, and that will be productive. If she flips Mafia, then all who abstained after the call to vote Mai (Chief Zackrai, Mystic) will be on said same chopping block. If Mai cannot be lynched, it means she was lying, and choices will have to be made tomorrow on what to do about that (as if she's sensible, she'll keep preventing lynches rather than take the chance and poison someone). I'm hoping the bit she said about forgetting her action was true, meaning that this will actually work.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Well that's just it, though. I think she may be lying about having two powers. I have one power. And iirc, someone else claimed two powers as well, which wouldn't make sense for everyone else to have two powers while I have one.

So while that doesn't help my case in not voting for Mai, perhaps this will. Let's say Mai is lying about the curse thing altogether, and her only power is to block herself from being lynched. Well then, we're wasting today, don't you think? She can't be lynched, so let's all vote for her, right? That makes sense.

If she has the poisoning power, well then she's probably mafia and I'm pretty stupid. But, I'd like to see how today rides out before admitting anything.

On a separate note, MF, how do you feel about Role PM quoting?
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Well that's just it, though. I think she may be lying about having two powers. I have one power. And iirc, someone else claimed two powers as well, which wouldn't make sense for everyone else to have two powers while I have one.

So while that doesn't help my case in not voting for Mai, perhaps this will. Let's say Mai is lying about the curse thing altogether, and her only power is to block herself from being lynched. Well then, we're wasting today, don't you think? She can't be lynched, so let's all vote for her, right? That makes sense.

If she has the poisoning power, well then she's probably mafia and I'm pretty stupid. But, I'd like to see how today rides out before admitting anything.

On a separate note, MF, how do you feel about Role PM quoting?

Are you sure you only have one? Because I also have a choice of two things to do a night (one a move, one an ability). And so far, it sounds like everyone has.

Thing is, why would Mai lie and say she had a poisoner power? It's a kind of terrible lie, since it puts suspicion directly on her. If she's lying about the no-lynch power, why wouldn't she say she had it activated, and convince us not to lynch her as a useless thing?

I agree that, on Squirrel's word alone, it's kind of hard to lynch Mai. But between that and her attempted defense, I think there's enough holes in the thing to be safe lynching her. (Unless she's trying to get lynched because she used her power, in which case, good job Mai, you got us to waste a lynch.)
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

On a separate note, MF, how do you feel about Role PM quoting?
Permissible, if only because my role PMs are quite standarized so forging a quote wouldn't be difficult.

Also, as I just noticed, 48 hours are up, so, I'll be closing this day next post.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Are you sure you only have one? Because I also have a choice of two things to do a night (one a move, one an ability). And so far, it sounds like everyone has.

Quite certain.

Thing is, why would Mai lie and say she had a poisoner power? It's a kind of terrible lie, since it puts suspicion directly on her. If she's lying about the no-lynch power, why wouldn't she say she had it activated, and convince us not to lynch her as a useless thing?

That's the point though; it would be a brilliant ploy to have two powers, one that would want to make people want to lynch you, and then another that would make people want to do that opposite. And besides, lynch protection and poisoning seem like a weird combo, no? Especially for a mafia. If she had the lynch protection activated, the only way to kill her would be by night kill, and by innocent standards that means vigilante. But what do we do if the vigilante is dead? Now we can't kill Mai by lynch or night kill, and the mafia wins no matter what. That's why I don't think Mai is mafia. I think she's lying through her teeth, but I don't think she's mafia. (that is, assuming she has both the powers she says she does, which is completely preposterous, but.)

I agree that, on Squirrel's word alone, it's kind of hard to lynch Mai. But between that and her attempted defense, I think there's enough holes in the thing to be safe lynching her. (Unless she's trying to get lynched because she used her power, in which case, good job Mai, you got us to waste a lynch.)

And this is precisely why I don't want to lynch her. If she's telling the truth about both powers, there would be absolutely no point in lynching her, she's immune to it! If she's lying about at least one of them (my guess would be lynch proof) well then we might have a problem still, but what we can do is see if we have a vigilante still and have them kill Mai. But tonight I suggest the inspector (granted they're still alive) uses their power on Mai. If she flips innocent, good for us. If she doesn't, the Vig can off her the following night. Sounds good, yes?

tl;dr, I grant you Mai is probably lying in some form. About what, I don't know. But I can guarantee you lynching her right no is not the best thing out there for us.

Also: Inspector go for Mai, if good-> do nothing, if mafia-> vig kill.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D2]

Much to the other leaders' surprise, Sabrina eagerly accused Phoebe of being one of the corrupt. She didn't have much to say in her defense, either. There was much debate on whether the accusation was to be trusted and carried out accordingly, or plain reckless.

No consensus was truly reached, but it seemed that the majority chose not to take action.

No one was lynched.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [N2]

After the fierce debate that had taken place during daytime, the gym leaders already expected that at least one of the involved would turn up dead.

Of course, to what extent Blue was involved was a debatable issue, but he was the first to be noticed as missing and, indeed, he was lying around lifeless in his hotel room, hole through the chest.

Noticing a window open wider than usual, the leaders theorized that the killer might have used it to escape. Tracking the general area, however, only turned up another dead body -- that of Sabrina, with a snapped spine.

The mysterious killings garnered plenty of debate. Some held that Sabrina had killed Blue, whereas others believed that one was killed after witnessing the other's murder. There were even several other possibilities being discussed minorly. Regardless, it was clear that there was much work to be done.

Blue (RK-10) is dead. He was not mafia.

Sabrina (Squirrel) is dead. She was not mafia.

Five non-mafia players are dead. Thus, abstinence from lynching is no longer permitted.
Last edited:
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D3]

Current Players and their Gym Leader/Elite Four Roles:
Flower Doll - Janine
Mystic - Whitney
Mai - Phoebe
RespectTheBlade - Grimsley
Zapi - Morty
Chief Zackrai - Will
ole_schooler - Giovanni
Grass King - Cilan
OrngSumb - Brycen

Soooo ... any ideas anyone? Since we can't abstain, anyone willing to nominate someone?
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D3]

Current Players and their Gym Leader/Elite Four Roles:
  • Flower Doll - Janine
  • Mystic - Whitney
  • Mai - Phoebe
  • RespectTheBlade - Grimsley
  • Zapi - Morty
  • Chief Zackrai - Will
  • ole_schooler - Giovanni
  • Grass King - Cilan
  • OrngSumb - Brycen

9 Players ... How many mafia do we think is about?

Soooo ... any ideas anyone? Since we can't abstain, anyone willing to nominate someone?
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D3]

We started with 15 players; I would guess there are 3-4 Mafia.

Every night, there has been someone killed by blunt force. I'm inclined to vote for Mystic, as Whitney has Miltank, which I would associate with snapped spines and the like. The elemental damage has changed each kill, too, implicating someone with access to a variety of moves (such as normal types).
Re: Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia [D3]

Amidst the confusion, at some point, Giovanni decided that Whitney must have been the killer and took matter into his own hands. Or rather, his Nidoking's.

As it would turn out, it was actually true that Whitney had been up to shady business. But why would Giovanni be helping out, of all people?

Whitney (Mystic) is dead. She was mafia.

48 hours for night actions.
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