• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

"Hallo, I am Lindsey Lohan!"-Jeff Dunham

The Terrorizing Terrorist

But you can call me 3T, if you want.

What, do you expect me to tell you anything else?
Fine. I'm really a 11 year old Grammar Nazi who thinks Jeff Dunham is the funniest guy on television. I'm a boy who's fake name that I use everywhere is Tim Peak. I'm a kid who hacks games and plays Pokemon.

Who am I? Why Lindsey Lohan, of course! 8D
Another 10 year old...

oh well, i'll look at this guy with a fresh look, welcome. I'm S.K, I joined like a month ago, if you ever need me PM me or look to me for advice.

Also my brother Darkarmour is quite friendly.
o_O Ummm... Hi. I suppose you're supposed to be Achmed the Dead Terrorist? Anyways, welcome.
Hi. I am Jordan Felicio of Waco, Texas USA Planet Earth, System 001, Milky Way, Universe 001. I was born 13 years ago at a barbecue by George Bush's cousin, Janie Felicio.
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