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Have YOU gotten the Lucky Egg?

Have you ever gotten the Lucky Egg?

  • Yes :D

    Votes: 23 57.5%
  • No D:

    Votes: 15 37.5%
  • What's a lucky egg?

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • What's an egg?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I have one, and I don't honestly remember where I got it from. I haven't done the XD sidequest or caught many chansey, so I guess I must have traded for it at some point or something.

Probably the easiest way to get one if you can't do the XD thing is to have a knocked-out butterfree or other compoundeyes pokémon in the front of your party, followed by a frisk banette with thief, and then chain the chansey so they're the only thing you'll be battling.
Yes, actually, from like the only Chansey I have O_o; It's really old, probably from Ruby or LeafGreen or something.. Never use it lol.
Yes, from the XD sidequest. Quite useful. :)

Although people chaining for shiny Chansey can try for one at the same time with a decently-leveled Pokemon using Covet or Thief while chaining using the PokeRadar, I suppose.
I got one after searching the grass south of Solaceon town for one for about an hour or two. I didn't have anyone that had frisk, only a Honchcrow that knew Thief. I used that move on every pokemon I encountered, Chansey or not. I got a lot of Oran berries this way too.
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