• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hello everybody!


New member
Well first off, I'm 20 years old and I love Pokemon (obviously). I'm also into platformer games mostly from the 64 bit era. (Anything Rare on the N64, Sonic pre-2005, PS1 Spyro, Crash, etc.) I spend about 90 percent of my time on the Internet.

My biggest reason for finally joining here is because I did not just stumble upon this site last month. I've been lurking this place on and off since, um, 2003-2004. I didn't join earlier because I am incredibly shy and I have social anxiety. >.>

So yeah, this is my first forum so I'm very new to all of this. I hope to make some new friends here.
Whoa, hi! I'm Luxcario/Rarity, the resident Luxray & Lucario fan and youngest member.

This place is really nice, if you need any help just ask a mod or something.

You're not the only one with social anxiety. *points at self*

We serve a fish and a drink of your choice to all new members!

So, in a nutshell, hi! Have a good stay at teacod (TCoD, The Cave of Dragonflies)!!!
Hi! I'm Richie Cordelia, the resident soup addict and Future Trunks fan girl.
Have a foam sword. You sound cool. :3
Wow, nine years old? Back in my day, most nine-year-olds didn't know about the internet :p Who am I kidding, I've been on the internet since I was ten. Cod? I love fish! And I'll take tea or water, that's pretty much all I drink.

*takes sword* A gift! I feel special now. c:
Hello, I'm Nanab, your Assassin/Samurai/Pirate/English Lord-hybrid this evening. How may I serve you? Perhaps some swords? *pulls out 8 swords from nowhere* Btw, I'm digging your profile pic :D I'm quite new myself, and as you'll notice, most of us are a bit... odd. But anyway, welcome and enjoy your stay!
*there is an awkward silence for a long, looong time.*


Welcome to this coffeesalmon place, but yeah, hi. I'm new too, and the only welcoming gift I got was an ostrich egg :C

Maybe some cheese too
Oh man are you a Banjo-Kazooie fan? That and Tooie are pretty much the best games ever imo.

(Also, hi!)

Hello there! Yes, they're my favorites on the N64. I just can't get into Nuts & Bolts though.

Also, I love how random and weird this place is. :D
Hello, I am Dialga, the resident Time Manipulator and will always help in reversing time if you posted something by accident or just felt like eating something besides Corn Flakes for breakfast. If you need anything, feel free to call me at (toll-free) 1-800-DIALGA.

Welcome aboard the forum train. Chugga chugga choo choo!
I'm Flareth. You seem like you'll fit in just fine here. If you need help, you can PM me if you need it.
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