• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hello :)


If only we had a Paradise..
Hey guys I'm Paradise, but you can just call me Bella if you'd like. I prefer Bella anyways. I just recently got into Pokemon so so far I love it! My favorite Pokemon is Zorua and Roserade. :P Anyway glad to be here so feel free to ask me anything if you have any questions :D
Aww, wow, I don't think I've ever talked to a person who's new to pokémon! THIS ROCKS! WELCOME TO A WORLD OF ADVEEEEENTURE~!

and also silly memes about tea and fish that were outdated five years ago but are still alright i guess

ANYWAY, hi, I'm Blastoise! Welcome and all that stuff, I hope you plan on sticking around and being generally awesome like that.

HEY HEY HEY what's your least favorite pokémon so far, huh?
Yeah, with Blastoise here. I haven't really talked with a newcomer to the series. Not that that's a bad thing, though. It's actually pretty neat!

So what games have you played? And what interests do you have beyond Pokémon?

Oh and Happy Birthday to you, too!~
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I only played Pokemon Black as of right now. But a long time ago I played Pokemon Yellow. Thanks for the happy birthday by the way :D
Hi, I'm Frostagin, the resident Frost dragon/Hetafreak. Have some jelly donuts (read:ongiri) I borrowed (read:took) them from Japan.
Hello! I have talked to a new Poképerson before, but that was when I was, too, before I became Ireland's leading expert on the subject. Because we have like three people in the country who know about Pikachu, I'm sure.

Regardess, happy birthday and have fun joining a super-fantastical (spellcheck says fantastical is a real word!) community. HAVE FUN DAMN IT OR WE WILL DESTROY YOU.
Welcome to the Cave. I am CJBlazer, your local Ruler of Houndooms. Have fun and obey the rules. My pet Amber hates meanies and trolls. Have fun!!
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