• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hey Yo!


Help me build my weather machine my evil minions!
Yeah, so hi! I'm Styliboy, as shown by the name. I'm pretty good at grammar and spelling, so you don't need to worry about that. This website looks cool, so I'm looking forward to chatting and other fun things!
Funny, Lucas. You sound British, you know. The thing is, my friends think that for some reason, I am apparently like Arylett, and so they call me Arylettish. It's kinda weird, but whatever. Sorry I didn't clarify that before...
So . . . you are the Arylettish boy I've heard about. Nice to meet you. (Oh, and the tea and cod thing is a big thing here it comes from our site's name abbreviated to tCoD. Pronounce it and you'll see.)
Yes, he is, in fact, the infamous Arylettboy. I watched her second video and Lucas and I were like "That's Styli!" so then we told him to come here, move to Florida, marry HRA, and live happily ever after.
;;Finds it weird how she is sometimes mentioned in threads that she's never posted in;;

So you know of the Great and Grand Arylett, Queen/President of Arylettopia?

Ahahaha! Good, you should.

;;Snackers;; Sorry, can't keep a straight face! Ahaha, it's hilarious that I'm Great and Grand when I am really just some random girl in Florida with no life~ So you are Arylettish Boy, yes? Well I'm Arylettish Girl, otherwise known as Arylett. And umm... what else should I say? Well I'm sort of spazzy, apparently. And a bit crazy. Also hyper, yes. Quite hyper. I go around proclaiming I'm the ruler of a fictional land, for God's sakes. I think most of the forum members think I'm on something. ;;Ends Arylettrambling;;

Well umm... welcome, welcome, welcome I guess~! Yes yes yes. To these Caves in which there are Dragonflies. Except I'm not a Dragonfly, I'm a Queen/President obviously. So enjoy your stay and all that generic stuff that everyone always says when they can't think of what else to say. May it be filled with much Arylettcandies and many delicious chocolates which will make your tongue tingle with much pleasure~

EDIT: Oh Philly... MARRYING him? No no... then that would mean Arylettopia has a KING. WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Woah there, cowboy! Where you getting everything after come here from! No offense, but I'd rather live in NY than Florida any day of the week...except for Tuesday. That's my "I wish I was on a beach" day

Edit: Okay. I feel better now knowing that I get chocolates and Arylettcandies (whatever those are) and a welcome from the Queen of her fictional world.....I think.
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Whoa, I was kidding! No need to go all 'Arylettrage' on me again. That was this first and last time I will EVER cross Arylett. And her... Male Counterpart.
I agree with Arylett Boy about everything before "No offense".


Oh, you just got an example of Arylettspazziness! Good, good. I knew it wouldn't be too long until I spazzed.

Arylettcandies = Candies that are Arylettish, of course. Of course~

...And you think I'm insane. Well it's all right, most people do. I'm... quite a character.

EDIT: The official name, Philly, is Arylettemper. How many times has my name been mentioned in this post?
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Oh, right. Arylettemper. Sorry about that. But really, I'm scared of the Arylettemper. It is furious and dangerous, and I cry at night when under its wrath.
Wow. The wrath of Arylettmeper is quite fascinating. And yes, I pretty much am a superhero. To Philly: I dohave a name, you know. Male counterpart isn't it.
I'm going to call you Arylettboy, because it makes me think of SUPERHEROES.

Oh yeah and trust me, Arylettemper is umm... pretty bad. And you'd better not start calling me Female Counterpart, because ARYLETTEMPER SHALL EXPLODE GRRR.

What powers do you have, Arylettboy?
I shall never call HRA Female Counterpart, because she is the original. Styli is the new one. Not improved though. Arylettemper is horrible! Evil! Scary...

He has the power to be very Arylettish.
To Arylett: Well, I have telekinesis, telepathy, and any other mind power thing you can think of. And I can freakin' teleport!!! And yes, apparentely I can be Arylettish...

To Philly: I am not new! On this forum, maybe, but still!
Well you're newer than me technically, not only on the forums, but to life too. (Meaning that I'm older than you.)

Oh, so you have mind powers? Then tell me... what am I thinking right now, O' Mighty Arylettboy?

...I could tell my Arylettemper scared you. It scares most people and especially since you said I needed a counselor...
I didn't say you need a counselor! And you're thinking of how to better your imaginary kingdom and how to make Arylettcandies more Arylettish! (Sorry if it's wrong, I can't read minds that well from so far away...
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