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Hi all


Ladies and gentlemen. Prepare to hold your colour.
Hey, am Surly, 19 from England. I'm truely useless with these introduction threads, I never really know what to say... Urm, I'm going to University (Liverpool) next week - kinda excited, kinda nervous, cos it means I'm leaving home as well. Very weird! I'm gonna be studying Psychology. I like SCUBA Diving, singing, drawing, reading and socialising, amongst other things... My current favorite band is Pendulum.

So... Yeah =D See you around!
Hiya! :3

Oh, I know; introduction threads are the most intimidating things ever. I haets them D:

Eee, I'm going to uni next week, too~ I'll be shipped off to Canterbury early on Satruday(I think >.>) and I'm in the early stages of packing, which is immense fun (read: hell). I considered doing psychology but didn't think I'd get the grades, so I'm doing sociology instead. Which should be fun, even though I didn't do it for A-level.

Where do you go SCUBA diving? That's awesome. Actually, I approve of all of your hobbies. You should make an art thread. :3
Ooh-hoo, Psychology huh? Sounds awesome.

I'm ultraviolet, welcome to TCoD. And I approve of that art thread. :3
Yeah, another Brit! Whoo!

Psychology, huh? Isn't that how people think and stuff? Do correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, It seems interesting.

Anyway I'm Kai. You'll mainy see me around the artwork forum and it's sub-forums.
Ooh, thanks for the replies =D I would love to make an art thread, but have no way of getting anything onto the computer D'= However, I'll probably post any stuff I do on the computer, which is mainly pixel work, as I only have MS Paint =P Hopefully I'll get a scanner at some point.

Dannichu, I know how you feel, I'm procrastinating like mad, yet I know that I'm going to be panicking soon, I don't know what clothes to take, and then I keep remembering things I've forgotton, then forgetting them again... Sociology sounds cool, I was considering doing that for the extra modules we have to do, but I think I'm going to pick philosophy, I really enjoyed that in college.

I dive wherever there's water =P The last place I dived was in Turkey, which was amazing... I plan on doing some UK Diving (Cold T_T) sometime, but unfortunately I've just got over an ear infection so I've got a while to wait. You approve? Awesome =D I love your sig by the way... Hop... Hop... Hop... 'Tis hypnotic!!

Yeah, Kai, that's pretty much it =) But theres different bits like criminals and stuff, and the business side, such as producing adverts that make people want stuff... Very diverse subject, which I think is good, cos I'm not really sure what I want to do with it yet! I'm leaning towards criminal though. =)

Thanks to all for the welcomes =D xx
Ooh, thanks for the replies =D I would love to make an art thread, but have no way of getting anything onto the computer D'= However, I'll probably post any stuff I do on the computer, which is mainly pixel work, as I only have MS Paint =P Hopefully I'll get a scanner at some point.

Dannichu, I know how you feel, I'm procrastinating like mad, yet I know that I'm going to be panicking soon, I don't know what clothes to take, and then I keep remembering things I've forgotton, then forgetting them again... Sociology sounds cool, I was considering doing that for the extra modules we have to do, but I think I'm going to pick philosophy, I really enjoyed that in college.

I dive wherever there's water =P The last place I dived was in Turkey, which was amazing... I plan on doing some UK Diving (Cold T_T) sometime, but unfortunately I've just got over an ear infection so I've got a while to wait. You approve? Awesome =D I love your sig by the way... Hop... Hop... Hop... 'Tis hypnotic!!

I feel your pain; my scanner died recently, so I've been using my trusty (albeit slightly crappy) digital camera to upload things. I'm just hoping the university or at least the public library will have a scanner I can borrow.

Well, I've filled up my hold-all and have discovered a bazillion things I haven't packed yet - hairdryer, raincoat, space for shoes... I just found out that I can leave stuff in my room over the winter break, though, which is the best news I've had all week - I really wasn't looking forward to dragging it all home on the train.

I'm mostly doing sociological (is that even a word?) modules for my first year (well, I want to do them, but the site's not letting me, which I'm getting a bit worried about), but criminology and human anthropology look awesome, so I'm doing bits from them, too.
Philosophy is so much fun. I did Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at A-level and it was my favourite subject - I'd have done it at uni if it could've gotten me a semi-decent job at the end.

Hee, I went snorkelling in Turkey years ago. They had quite a few jellyfish there if I remember. I've only ever dived in the UK and it's bloody freezing but still good fun :3

Thank you ^^

And, uh, sorry for rambling like this. It's just great to find someone else about to go to uni (most of my friends have already gone to the London ones) so yu understand (mostly - I don't understand me half the time) what I'm talking about~
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