• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hi :D

As I already said on your profile, welcome! We hope you enjoy your stay here! And I like your name. I want a Cockatoo soooo badly, but my mom thinks it's cruel to cage birds. :(
Hello, and welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies. To your left is Anime-Style Battling, and to your right is Mafia.
Would you like some tea and cod?
Enjoy your stay.
Hi there! I love cockatoos and lovebirds so much, but we already have a pet. Anyhow, welcome to TCoD and stay away from the carnivorous welcome mats. Note that I hate the tea and cod meme, the welcome mat thing, and all memes, but they're kind of fun!


Greetings! I am Superbird, this forum's resident bird-lover, and I have to say cockatoos are adorably! But not so much as their smaller relatives, Cockatiels. I have a cockatiel. =3

...Caging birds? I think it's cruel if the bird has been captured or something, but if a cage life is all it knows and it has a good life I have nothing against it.
I'm a bird lover too! Cockatoo777, welcome to The Cave Of Dragonflies forums! And my opinion on caged birds is that those species have grown used to being in cages, so it's okay for them.
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