• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.


Your friendly neighborhood Foxquirrel.
Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

I'm gonna get bricked for that title, I just know I am. Anyway, I'm Meowzie-chan, if I make friends here I may let on to my normal, real-life nickname, but for now, just call me Meowzie. Unless someone already goes by that here, then you can call me dumb. No, seriously, I insult myself all the time.

Anyway, Ii'm seventeen, and I've been into Pokémon since I was in third grade. (note to self, switch this over to FireFox, the spellchecker is a god.) This is my first time on these forums, and I really hope that I can get into it quickly... oh, wait.. senior year is starting soon... bugger. Oh well.

Sorry for the rant, Meowzie.
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Oh, we're all Pokéholics here. :D

But yes, welcome to the CoD, enjoy yourself here~ You seem rather pleasant, which is always good. Do you have a favorite Pokémon?

(...I approve massively of your location.)
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Oh, we're all Pokéholics here. :D

But yes, welcome to the CoD, enjoy yourself here~ You seem rather pleasant, which is always good. Do you have a favorite Pokémon?

(...I approve massively of your location.)

Mmm... It's a threeway tie between Meowth, Growlithe, and Ditto.

Thanks for the approval. I'm going through the old William Hartnell years on Netflix right now. He reminds my dad of the Wizard, from Oz. I have to say I agree with him.

Wizardmon was awesome. Series three killed Digimon.
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.


I'm Flora. If I'm speaking too loudly, it's because one of my ears has a earplug in it, and it's a bit hard to hear, so I end up shouting. Please tell me if this happens. :D
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Welcome to TCoD...

I hope we become good friends in the future, you'll like it here.

-ties Meowzie to a chair with thick rope- You're not going anywhere~ >:D
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Thanks Flora! And as for you, Dewgongeru...

-ties Meowzie to a chair with thick rope- You're not going anywhere~ >:D

Hmm.. Maybe if I start chewing on them... Crud, can't bend my neck far enough.
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Hey, wait a minute! That's not fair...
When I joined, I didn't get tied to a chair!

...Oh wait, it's ZC's job to do the rhyming.
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

A Poke-holic? You are not alone! Welcome! Hope everybody likes you. ^^
*ties Flora to a chair* Happy now?
I just realized Castform never did the welcome song for me. I'm depressed. :sad:
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Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Hey! welcome to Tcod, Im Superscyther and I like Fighting games. This place was my home before it was shut down for some odd reason (Hacked I think.)

Anyway, Have fun.
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Okay.... that's very... nice. *backing away slowly*
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Welcome! I'm Ketsu! Remember my name, you'll be shouting it later. Anyway, the cod is in the store room on your left and the tea is on your right. Enjoy~
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Sort of figured Meowth from the name (there was a Meowth named Meowzie sometime in the first season, wasn't there...? Ah, good times. x3) and Growlithe is pretty cool.

We're off to see the Doctor~
... I couldn't resist. I'd like to watch more of the old series, but they're never on TV here.

Wizardmon was awesome. :D I haven't seen much of the show since the end of the second series, though.
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Hi, I'm Charizard Morph! Moving avatars distract me!
I hope you enjoy it here, and aren't easily dist...! SOMETHING SHINY!! *runs off*
Re: Hi, My name is Meowzie, and I'm a Pokéholic.

Oh. Hi.

Errm... I'm Bakuphoon, but I prefer if you call me Bakun. I'ma Typhlosion living in the corner of the RPG board. I spend most of my time there, just RPing :3 I ossicionally (sp?) come out, however, to the Sprites and Pixel Showcase to critism and the intro board.

I love spriting, scratching the most, since it's fun and probably the most challenging sprite art known. So, meh. That's me.

EDIT: I'm not english or anything, so I might spell or write something wrong, if so, please correct me :]

Welcome to tCoD! Here, have some tea. *Hands tea over to Meowzie* *sips own tea* Ahh...
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