• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Flying with Charizard and Tails
Hi, I'm Jkittycat-Charizardlover, but I prefer Jkitty. I'm a teenager who loves Charizard *sends charizard at all the people making sarcastic remarks* and enjoys reading. And Tails. Wow, that was off topic. Anyway, HI!!!!!

I'm Superbird, resident bird-lover. Enjoy your time here, and can I get you a beverage and a pastry?

Also, watch out for the carnivorous welcome mats. they WILL bite you.
Well, it's good to see other people that like dragon pokemon. I'm Blade, a person who likes dragon and blade-related pokemon, and this
*points to empty part of cave*
is invisi-chomp, my new member-eating invisivible shiny Garchomp. He and your Charizard should get along just fine.

Anyways, welcome to the cave, and enjoy your stay and this complimentary post-it note!

(post-it note says: check out the anime-style battling thread.)
Welcome to the Cave! Unfortunately we are still out of fresh cod so we can't offer you any. Watch out for the welcome mats; apparently they bite?
Charizard, eh? I think I might like you...

...Welcome to TCoD, where we drink tea and eat cod! Apparently, the cod has been poisoned, so here, take a Yoshi's Cookie with that tea.

Hello, Miss Hyper. I hope you have a good time here. Seeing as the cod is poisoned, I have a variety of muffins for for the new comers. The flavors are: Chocolate, Banana, and Blueberry. Which would you prefer?
If you want cod, I have my resources. Basically, I'm the only person around here that can offer you non-poisoned cod.

Anyways, welcome! Charizard is awesome! And so is Tails, but I'm more of a fan of Knuckles, and other members of the Echidna Clan. ((Remember? There are more out there. In SC2:tDB, for DS! LOL))

Anyways... Enjoy your stay. And by the way... I took a welcome mat, genetically altered it, or whatever crap, and I'm planning on importing a vegetarian Welcome Mat. One downside- it freaks out whenever there's anything sweet by it. So you have to throw wnything sugary away before you enter or leave the cave in the bins I set outside and inside the cave, unfortunately. I got mauled by those fucked-up welcome mats.

Explains all the bites and scars on me.

-This is byfar the longest post I ever did on an intro thread-

EDIT: The new mats will be in by the next intro thread I post in.

If anybody wants to dispose of the old mats...
*Uses FlameThrower*

Dammit, these things can't even be burned.

*Picks up mat, almost getting mauled, and throws into bin, when the bin suddenly blows up with the mat in it*

Dammit! That costed me 26.95$!!

At lest one of the mats are gone... Right?

*Another mat suddenly appears in it's place*

Erm... I'll find a way to fix that.
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Yay, just what we need, another hyper-active thirteen-year-old girl to take my spot.

Did I just say that? Uh, I mean, WELCOME

Anyways, welcome to the Cod, check out the Wi-Fi League. I'm always looking for new challengers!
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