• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
I'm Futachimaru, the samurai otter. I like cookies and ponies and Myspace.com well no. Not in reality. Anyway, my favorite food is waffles and my favorite anime is Lucky Star.
See ya later.
Welcome! I'm Mini Moonwalker, the mini dance move that has nothing to do with walking on the move. Lovely username you have there! Welcome to the TCoD Fourms! I too, enjoy cookies. Very much. With warm milk. In reality. :3 I haven't watched Lucky Star but I hear it's very good. :D Anways, once again, welcome to the TCoD Fourms, and here's yout tea and cod. *hands you tea and cod*

RespectTheBlade or Cheatmaster should be here soon with your Foam Sword.
"Hi" is such a generic title~
I like it.

I am Manic Fame/Manic/Markku. Call me by whichever you prefer~
Have fun at TCoD~

(that was pretty generic too but oh well)
Hello,hello hello.

And how are you this fine evening?

I'm Blade, Fall Out Boy fanatic, dragon and blade-related pokemon lover, and starter of various introductory thread memes. (they should pop up any second now.)

Welcome. Have a random number.

Tonight's random number is.....

Hello. I'm River, The local Bannersmith. I have a single warning for you...

Watch out for the King Magikarp. He eats people from the Northern Hemisphere.

Anyway, I wish you good health and fun on these forums of people with obsessions with seafood and chinese beverages.
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Hi. I'm Superbird, the resident bird-lover on this forum. I can provide you pastries and beverages if you like?

Anyway, hello. Here is your complimentary foam sword, and it's perfect for fending off all those welcome mats we have lying around. Speaking of which, the welcome mats are carnivorous. Don not step on them or you will lose your leg. Well, happy posting to you!
Anyway, hello. Here is your complimentary foam sword, and it's perfect for fending off all those welcome mats we have lying around. Speaking of which, the welcome mats are carnivorous. Don not step on them or you will lose your leg. Well, happy posting to you!
You forgot to mention the vegetarian mats that go hyper from sugar and the newly discovered omnivorous mats.
Okay, as a special treat, I'll now show you exactly what Vegetarian Welcome Mats are capable of...

*pours bag of sugar on Enkoe and releases Vegetarian Welcome Mats*

Have fun!
Hi. I'm Superbird, the resident bird-lover on this forum. I can provide you pastries and beverages if you like?

Anyway, hello. Here is your complimentary foam sword, and it's perfect for fending off all those welcome mats we have lying around. Speaking of which, the welcome mats are carnivorous. Don not step on them or you will lose your leg. Well, happy posting to you!

Ah look, there's one now.

and I think I should be the one to give a sword to this person. Here's a samurai sword made of a seashell.

Try to avoid

Carnivourous welcome mats, they eat you
Vegitarian welcome mats, they eat sugar
InvisiChomp the invisible Garchomp, who stalks you
Cursed floorboards, who make you fall over
King Magikarp, who eats northerners
and Blaziken, Sceptile and Empoleon duking it out, if you get caught in the crossfire...well, let's just say medical insurance won't cover it.

You can deal with all these problems using any of the following weapons. *pulls lever and a wall slides away revealing several weapons*
The foam sword, shotgun, flamethrower and pet Houndoom, or the radio to call in the HitmonArmy (Every fighting type there is) or the Lati-Cops
*pours bag of sugar on Enkoe and releases Vegetarian Welcome Mats*


At least the mats didn't eat me (they got the sugar. Every last grain), but now I'm covered in scars and scrapes and wounds and cuts. MEDIC! *cough*
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