Chief Zackrai
pingpong wixard
I was recently reviewing my Competitive team, and I realized I don't have a spinner! I reviewed the possible pokemon, and I still have a choice between three pokemon. (Hitmontop, one of my favorites, was sadly eliminated because I have Breloom) This pokemon will be replacing Clefable, as she was one of the few replaceable ones, I think.
I deem possible:
N: Adamant W/Expert Belt Ability: Battle Armor
Aqua Tail
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock/Stone Edge
Night Slash
N:Quiet W/unknown Ability: White Smoke
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock/ Stone Edge
(this will probably end up shiny) I am only lowering speed on this one because I couldn't decide between lowering Sp. Attack and Attack, plus I didn't want to lower either Defence stat
N: Adamant W/Expert Belt Ability: Battle Armor
Aqua Tail
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock/ Stone Edge
Iron Tail/Superpower
Please, help. I am bad with decisions.
Also! I have changed a few things since we made our decisions, so I mostly want to know if they were smart choices.
First, I changed Dragonite's Draco Meteor to Superpower, and Nidoking knows Megahorn.
Next, a large one. I kind of decided to use Hypno/ Alakazam, but couldn't decide between the two, so I went with Porygon-Z.
It will be modest, with an unkown Held Item, and the Adaptability ability.
It will know:
Shadow Ball
Tri Attack/Signal Beam/Psychic
I can't really decide on the last move, so help there as well! Thanks to all who care to help a crazy person.
I deem possible:
Aqua Tail
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock/Stone Edge
Night Slash
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock/ Stone Edge
(this will probably end up shiny) I am only lowering speed on this one because I couldn't decide between lowering Sp. Attack and Attack, plus I didn't want to lower either Defence stat
Aqua Tail
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock/ Stone Edge
Iron Tail/Superpower
Please, help. I am bad with decisions.
Also! I have changed a few things since we made our decisions, so I mostly want to know if they were smart choices.
First, I changed Dragonite's Draco Meteor to Superpower, and Nidoking knows Megahorn.
Next, a large one. I kind of decided to use Hypno/ Alakazam, but couldn't decide between the two, so I went with Porygon-Z.
It will be modest, with an unkown Held Item, and the Adaptability ability.
It will know:
Shadow Ball
Tri Attack/Signal Beam/Psychic
I can't really decide on the last move, so help there as well! Thanks to all who care to help a crazy person.